A chemical reaction between bicarbonate of soda
In 1922, the Larchmont Times reported a vote to raise a $10,000 bond to acquire the gasoline-fueled engine, replacing an "antiquated" steam engine. (There was also a call for volunteer firemen to attend more meetings and drills.)"Prior to gasoline internal combustion engines, the trucks were actually boilers on wheels drawn first by men, then by horses," says committee member Jim Sweeney.
Steam boilers were used to increase pressure as water was suctioned from a pond or hydrant. Introduction of the internal combustion fire engine around 1907 eliminated the need for a separate boiler since the engine pressurized the pump. "The chemical tank, which we just purchased, was used for an initial attack at a fire while firefighters were hooking up the supply lines to the pump," explains Sweeney.
A chemical reaction between bicarbonate of soda, water, and sulfuric
comment acid produced pressure in the tank, which sat on top of the engine, behind the driver.