PUBLIC void mm_exit(rmp, exit_status)
register struct mproc *rmp; /* pointer to the process to be terminated */
int exit_status; /* the process' exit status (for parent) */
/* A process is done. Release most of the process' possessions. If its
* parent is waiting, release the rest, else hang.
register int proc_nr;
int parent_waiting, right_child;
pid_t pidarg, procgrp;
phys_clicks base, size, s; /* base and size used on 68000 only */
proc_nr = (int) (rmp - mproc); /* get process slot number */
/* Remember a session leader's process group. */
procgrp = (rmp->mp_pid == mp->mp_procgrp) ? mp->mp_procgrp : 0;
/* If the exited process has a timer pending, kill it. */
if (rmp->mp_flags & ALARM_ON) set_alarm(proc_nr, (unsigned) 0);
/* Tell the kernel and FS that the process is no longer runnable. */
tell_fs(EXIT, proc_nr, 0, 0); /* file system can free the proc slot */
sys_xit(rmp->mp_parent, proc_nr, &base, &size);/*告诉系统任务此进程不可运行*/
#if (SHADOWING == 1)
free_mem(base, size);/*释放内存*/
#if (SHADOWING == 0)/*如果为共享正文段的情况*/
/* Release the memory occupied by the child. */
if (find_share(rmp, rmp->mp_ino, rmp->mp_dev, rmp->mp_ctime) == NULL) {
/* No other process shares the text segment, so free it. */
free_mem(rmp->mp_seg[T].mem_phys, rmp->mp_seg[T].mem_len);
/* Free the data and stack segments. */
rmp->mp_seg[S].mem_vir + rmp->mp_seg[S].mem_len - rmp->mp_seg[D].mem_vir);
/* The process slot can only be freed if the parent has done a WAIT. */
rmp->mp_exitstatus = (char) exit_status;
pidarg = mproc[rmp->mp_parent].mp_wpid; /* who's being waited for? */
parent_waiting = mproc[rmp->mp_parent].mp_flags & WAITING;
if (pidarg == -1 || pidarg == rmp->mp_pid || -pidarg == rmp->mp_procgrp)
right_child = TRUE; /* child meets one of the 3 tests */
right_child = FALSE; /* child fails all 3 tests */
if (parent_waiting && right_child)/*如果父进程在等待状态,则清空此进程的进程表项*/
cleanup(rmp); /* tell parent and release child slot */
rmp->mp_flags |= HANGING; /* parent not waiting, suspend child */
/* If the process has children, disinherit them. INIT is the new parent.
* 将此进程的子进程变为INIT的子进程,如果此进程的父进程时WAITING状态而子进程是HANGING状态
* 则清空此进程的mproc[]表项。
for (rmp = &mproc[0]; rmp < &mproc[NR_PROCS]; rmp++) {
if (rmp->mp_flags & IN_USE && rmp->mp_parent == proc_nr) {
/* 'rmp' now points to a child to be disinherited. */
rmp->mp_parent = INIT_PROC_NR;
parent_waiting = mproc[INIT_PROC_NR].mp_flags & WAITING;
if (parent_waiting && (rmp->mp_flags & HANGING)) cleanup(rmp);
/* Send a hangup to the process' process group if it was a session leader. */
if (procgrp != 0) check_sig(-procgrp, SIGHUP);
PUBLIC int do_waitpid()
/* A process wants to wait for a child to terminate. If one is already waiting,
* go clean it up and let this WAIT call terminate. Otherwise, really wait.
* Both WAIT and WAITPID are handled by this code.
register struct mproc *rp;
int pidarg, options, children, res2;
/* A process calling WAIT never gets a reply in the usual way via the
* reply() in the main loop (unless WNOHANG is set or no qualifying child
* exists). If a child has already exited, the routine cleanup() sends
* the reply to awaken the caller.
/* Set internal variables, depending on whether this is WAIT or WAITPID. */
pidarg = (mm_call == WAIT ? -1 : pid); /* first param of waitpid */
options = (mm_call == WAIT ? 0 : sig_nr); /* third param of waitpid */
if (pidarg == 0) pidarg = -mp->mp_procgrp; /* pidarg < 0 ==> proc grp */
/* Is there a child waiting to be collected? At this point, pidarg != 0:
* pidarg > 0 means pidarg is pid of a specific process to wait for
* pidarg == -1 means wait for any child
* pidarg < -1 means wait for any child whose process group = -pidarg
children = 0;
for (rp = &mproc[0]; rp < &mproc[NR_PROCS]; rp++) {
if ( (rp->mp_flags & IN_USE) && rp->mp_parent == who) {
/* The value of pidarg determines which children qualify. */
if (pidarg > 0 && pidarg != rp->mp_pid) continue;
if (pidarg < -1 && -pidarg != rp->mp_procgrp) continue;
children++; /* this child is acceptable */
if (rp->mp_flags & HANGING) {/*查看mproc[]表项,看是否有子进程处于HANGING状态*/
/* This child meets the pid test and has exited. */
cleanup(rp); /* this child has already exited */
dont_reply = TRUE;
if ((rp->mp_flags & STOPPED) && rp->mp_sigstatus) {
/* This child meets the pid test and is being traced.*/
res2 = 0177 | (rp->mp_sigstatus << 8);
reply(who, rp->mp_pid, res2, NIL_PTR);
dont_reply = TRUE;
rp->mp_sigstatus = 0;
/* No qualifying child has exited. Wait for one, unless none exists. */
if (children > 0) {/*如果仍有子进程存在,则将进程设为WAITING状态*/
/* At least 1 child meets the pid test exists, but has not exited. */
if (options & WNOHANG) return(0); /* parent does not want to wait */
mp->mp_flags |= WAITING; /* parent wants to wait */
mp->mp_wpid = (pid_t) pidarg; /* save pid for later */
dont_reply = TRUE; /* do not reply now though */
return(OK); /* yes - wait for one to exit */
} else {
/* No child even meets the pid test. Return error immediately. */
return(ECHILD); /* no - parent has no children */
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