分类: 系统运维
2014-12-23 23:14:19
一 创建Members,就是给端口或wwn创建别名。
sw01:admin> alicreate "sun_host","1,0; 1,3; 1,1; 1,2"
sw01:admin> alicreate "linux_host","1,4; 1,1; 1,2"
1,1表示domain1 中的1号端口.
二 创建Zones 通过zonecreate 命令可以将别名,或端口名添加到zone中.
sw01:admin> zonecreate "zone_sun","sun_host"
sw01:admin> zonecreate "zone_linux","suse_host"
sw01:admin> zoneshow
Defined configuration:
zone: zone_linux
zone: zone_sun
alias: sun_host1
1,0; 1,3; 1,1; 1,2
alias: suse_host1
1,4; 1,1; 1,2
Effective configuration:
no configuration in effect
三 创建Configurations.将创建的zone添加到配置中.
sw01:admin> cfgcreate "cfg_1","zone_sun;zone_linux"
sw01:admin> cfgshow
Defined configuration:
cfg: cfg_1
zone_sun; zone_linux
zone: zone_linux
zone: zone_sun
alias: sun_host
1,0; 1,3; 1,1; 1,2
alias: suse_host
1,4; 1,1; 1,2
Effective configuration:
no configuration in effect
四 选用配置、存储配置
sw01:admin> cfgenable "cfg_1"
You are about to enable a new zoning configuration.
This action will replace the old zoning configuration with the
current configuration selected.
Do you want to enable 'cfg_1' configuration (yes, y, no, n): [no] yes
zone config "cfg_1" is in effect
Updating flash ...
sw01:admin> cfgsave
You are about to save the Defined zoning configuration. This
action will only save the changes on Defined configuration.
Any changes made on the Effective configuration will not
take effect until it is re-enabled.
Do you want to save Defined zoning configuration only? (yes, y, no, n):
[no] yes
Nothing changed: nothing to save, returning ...