分类: Mysql/postgreSQL
2008-05-24 21:20:52
">安装完系统后,想看看mysql行不行: [root@obwind root]# mysql ERROR 2002: Can''''t connect to local MySQL server through socket ''''/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock'''' (2) 然后到开始菜单的系统设置里面,打开服务,但是没有mysqld这 听说是因为权限原因,需要mysql的用户组才可以启动serve 1. [root@obwind root]# chmod 640 /etc/my.cnf [root@obwind root]# chmod 644 /etc/my.cnf 这个时候还是提示同样错误 2. [root@obwind root]# mysqladmin --print-defaults mysqladmin would have been started with the following arguments: 然后: [root@obwind root]# mysqladmin --socket=/tmp/mysqld.sock version mysqladmin: connect to server at ''''localhost'''' failed error: ''''Can''''t connect to local MySQL server through socket ''''/tmp/mysqld.sock'''' (2)'''' Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: ''''/tmp/mysqld.sock'''' exists! 看来还是不行... 这个时候进服务里面看,有了mysqld这个选项 [root@obwind cdrom]# mysql Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g. Your MySQL connection id is 3 to server version: 3.23.58 Type ''''help;'''' or ''''h'''' for help. Type ''''c'''' to clear the buffer. mysql> quit Bye 终于OK了,但是不知道具体是哪个步骤正确. |