## Configuration File for SrvReport
# Receiver of the mail-report(接收srvreport报告的电子邮件地址)
MailReport = webmaster@myschool.org
# filename for saving the html-report(保存HTML报告的文件名)
# may contain %%YYYY, %MM, %DD, which will be replaced with
# the apropriate values
(%YYYY, %MM, %DD分别表示年、月、日。一般由srvreport自动生成)
FileReport = ../web/html/%%YYYY-%%MM-%%DD.html
# path where the images are located(图片文件所保存的路径)
FileReportImgPath = ../../images/
# If you want an up-to-date file, then you should set this to 1
FileReportCreateAlways = 1
ReportWithTime = 1
# This defines the order of the report
order = Traffic CPUUsage WebServer FTPServer
FTPLogs Postfix Warnings LastLogins ChkRootKit