Solaris 9 Asian Locale Packages Simplified Chinese Full Locales Locales: EUC (zh_CN.EUC), GBK (zh_CN.GBK), GB18030 (zh_CN.GB18030), and Unicode (zh_CN.UTF-8) SPARC platform The packages in the list below can be found on the Solaris Software 1 of 2 CD in the directory .../Solaris_9/Product/: § SUNW5ttf SUNW5xmft SUNWale SUNWalex SUNWarrf SUNWcdt SUNWcleu SUNWcleux SUNWcttf SUNWcufnt SUNWcxmft SUNWcxplt SUNWeuluf SUNWeulux SUNWeuodf SUNWeurf SUNWeuxwe SUNWgttf SUNWgxfnt SUNWgxplx SUNWhkfnt SUNWhkttf SUNWhttf SUNWhxfnt SUNWi13rf SUNWi15rf SUNWi2rf SUNWi4rf SUNWi5rf SUNWi7rf SUNWi8rf SUNWi9rf SUNWiiimr SUNWiiimu SUNWinleu SUNWinlex SUNWinttf SUNWjxcft SUNWjxmft SUNWkttf SUNWkxmft SUNWtleu SUNWtxfnt SUNWuiu8 SUNWuiu8x SUNWulcf SUNWulcfx SUNWulocf SUNWuxlcf SUNWuxlcx SUNWxi18n SUNWxi18x SUNWxim SUNWximx The packages in the list below can be found on the Solaris Software 2 of 2 CD in the directory .../Solaris_9/Product/: § NSCPcpcom SUNWaled SUNWuium The packages in the list below can be found on the Languages CD in the directory .../components/SimplifiedChinese/sparc/Packages/: § IPLTcadcon IPLTcadman IPLTcadmin IPLTccons IPLTcdscon IPLTcdsman IPLTcdsu NSCPccom NSCPcucom NSCPgcom SUNWcacx SUNWcadis SUNWcadma SUNWcasac SUNWcascmn SUNWcasu SUNWcdab SUNWcdbas SUNWcdcl SUNWcddst SUNWcddte SUNWcdezt SUNWcdft SUNWcdhcm SUNWcdhe SUNWcdhev SUNWcdhez SUNWcdicn SUNWcdim SUNWcdwm SUNWcepmw SUNWcfdl SUNWcj2p SUNWcj2rt SUNWcjaf SUNWcjmail SUNWcjmfp SUNWckcsr SUNWcleex SUNWcleue SUNWclvma SUNWclvmg SUNWcmga SUNWcns6 SUNWcos SUNWcpdas SUNWcreg SUNWcrmui SUNWcsadl SUNWcscgu SUNWcsfw SUNWcsmc SUNWcttfe SUNWcudc SUNWcwbc SUNWcwdev SUNWcwsr2 SUNWcwsrv SUNWcxe SUNWcxfnt SUNWgttfe SUNWiqczh SUNWiqdzh SUNWiqizh The package in the list below can be found on the Languages CD in the directory .../components/shared/sparc/Packages/: § SUNWabcp SUNWudct Intel platform The packages in the list below can be found on the Solaris Software 1 of 2 CD in the directory .../Solaris_9/Product/: § SUNW5ttf SUNW5xmft SUNWale SUNWarrf SUNWcdt SUNWcleu SUNWcttf SUNWcufnt SUNWcxmft SUNWcxplt SUNWeuluf SUNWeuodf SUNWeurf SUNWeuxwe SUNWgttf SUNWgxfnt SUNWhkfnt SUNWhkttf SUNWhttf SUNWhxfnt SUNWi13rf SUNWi15rf SUNWi2rf SUNWi4rf SUNWi5rf SUNWi7rf SUNWi8rf SUNWi9rf SUNWiiimr SUNWiiimu SUNWinleu SUNWinttf SUNWjxcft SUNWjxmft SUNWkttf SUNWkxmft SUNWtleu SUNWtxfnt SUNWuiu8 SUNWulcf SUNWulocf SUNWuxlcf SUNWxi18n SUNWxim The packages in the list below can be found on the Solaris Software 2 of 2 CD in the directory .../Solaris_9/Product/: § NSCPcpcom SUNWaled SUNWuium The packages in the list below can be found on the Languages CD in the directory .../components/SimplifiedChinese/i386/Packages/: § IPLTcadcon IPLTcadman IPLTcadmin IPLTccons IPLTcdscon IPLTcdsman IPLTcdsu NSCPccom NSCPcucom NSCPgcom SUNWcacx SUNWcadis SUNWcadma SUNWcdab SUNWcdbas SUNWcdcl SUNWcddst SUNWcddte SUNWcdezt SUNWcdft SUNWcdhcm SUNWcdhe SUNWcdhev SUNWcdhez SUNWcdicn SUNWcdim SUNWcdwm SUNWcepmw SUNWcfdl SUNWcj2p SUNWcj2rt SUNWcjmfp SUNWckcsr SUNWcleue SUNWclvma SUNWclvmg SUNWcmga SUNWcns6 SUNWcos SUNWcpdas SUNWcreg SUNWcrmui SUNWcsadl SUNWcsfw SUNWcsmc SUNWcttfe SUNWcudc SUNWcwbc SUNWcwdev SUNWcwsr2 SUNWcwsrv SUNWcxe SUNWcxfnt SUNWgttfe The package in the list below can be found on the Languages CD in the directory .../components/shared/i386/Packages/: § SUNWudct
Solaris 8 Asia/Pacific Locale Packages Simplified Chinese Full Locales Simplified Chinese EUC Full Locale SPARC platform Locale: zh_CN.EUC The packages in the list below can be found on the Solaris Software 1 of 2 CD in the directory .../Solaris_8/Product/: § SUNWale SUNWaled SUNWalex SUNWiiimr SUNWiiimu SUNWxi18n SUNWxi18x SUNWxim SUNWximx NSCPcpcom SUNWcdt SUNWcleu SUNWcleux SUNWcttf SUNWcxplt SUNWgttf SUNWgxfnt SUNWlj3dv SUNWlj3rt The packages in the list below can be found on the Languages CD in the directory .../components/SimplifiedChinese/sparc/Packages/: § NSCPccom SUNWcadis SUNWcadma SUNWcbcp SUNWcdab SUNWcdbas SUNWcdcl SUNWcddst SUNWcddte SUNWcdezt SUNWcdft SUNWcdhe SUNWcdhev SUNWcdhez SUNWcdicn SUNWcdim SUNWcdwm SUNWcepmw SUNWcervl SUNWcexir SUNWcfdl SUNWcj2p SUNWcj2rt SUNWcjmfp SUNWcjvdv SUNWcjvrt SUNWckcsr SUNWcleue SUNWcmga SUNWcoaud SUNWcodcv SUNWcodem SUNWcodst SUNWcodte SUNWcoimt SUNWcoman SUNWcorte SUNWcpdas SUNWcrdm SUNWcreg SUNWcsadl SUNWcscgu SUNWcsmc SUNWctltk SUNWcttfe SUNWcudc SUNWcwbc SUNWcwbcp SUNWcwdev SUNWcwsr2 SUNWcwsrv SUNWcxe SUNWcxfnt SUNWcxman SUNWcxoft The package in the list below can be found on the Languages CD in the directory .../components/shared/sparc/Packages/: § SUNWabcp SUNWudct Intel platform The packages in the list below can be found on the Solaris Software 1 of 2 CD in the directory .../Solaris_8/Product/: § SUNWale SUNWaled SUNWiiimr SUNWiiimu SUNWxi18n SUNWxim NSCPcpcom SUNWcdt SUNWcleu SUNWcttf SUNWcxplt SUNWgleu SUNWgttf SUNWgxfnt SUNWlj3dv SUNWlj3rt The packages in the list below can be found on the Languages CD in the directory .../components/SimplifiedChinese/i386/Packages/: § NSCPccom SUNWcadis SUNWcadma SUNWcdab SUNWcdbas SUNWcdcl SUNWcddst SUNWcddte SUNWcdezt SUNWcdft SUNWcdhe SUNWcdhev SUNWcdhez SUNWcdicn SUNWcdim SUNWcdwm SUNWcepmw SUNWcexir SUNWcfdl SUNWcj2p SUNWcj2rt SUNWcjmfp SUNWcjvdv SUNWcjvrt SUNWckcsr SUNWcleue SUNWcmga SUNWcoaud SUNWcodcv SUNWcodem SUNWcodst SUNWcodte SUNWcoimt SUNWcoman SUNWcorte SUNWcpdas SUNWcrdm SUNWcreg SUNWcsadl SUNWcsmc SUNWctltk SUNWcttfe SUNWcudc SUNWcwbc SUNWcwdev SUNWcwsr2 SUNWcwsrv SUNWcxe SUNWcxfnt SUNWcxman SUNWcxoft The package in the list below can be found on the Languages CD in the directory .../components/shared/i386/Packages/: § SUNWudct Simplified Chinese GBK Full Locale Locale: zh_CN.GBK SPARC platform The packages in the list below can be found on the Solaris Software 1 of 2 CD in the directory .../Solaris_8/Product/: § SUNWale SUNWaled SUNWalex SUNWiiimr SUNWiiimu SUNWxi18n SUNWxi18x SUNWxim SUNWximx NSCPcpcom SUNWcleu SUNWgdt SUNWgleu SUNWgleux SUNWgttf SUNWgxfnt SUNWgxplt SUNWgxplx SUNWlj3dv SUNWlj3rt The packages in the list below can be found on the Languages CD in the directory .../components/SimplifiedChinese/sparc/Packages/: § NSCPgcom SUNWcadis SUNWcdcl SUNWcddst SUNWcfdl SUNWcj2p SUNWcj2rt SUNWcjmfp SUNWcjvdv SUNWcjvrt SUNWcleue SUNWcmga SUNWcodte SUNWcpdas SUNWcreg SUNWcscgu SUNWcsmc SUNWcwbc SUNWcwdev SUNWcwsr2 SUNWcwsrv SUNWgadis SUNWgadma SUNWgdab SUNWgdbas SUNWgddst SUNWgddte SUNWgdezt SUNWgdft SUNWgdhe SUNWgdhev SUNWgdhez SUNWgdicn SUNWgdim SUNWgdwm SUNWgleue SUNWgodte SUNWgpmw SUNWgrdm SUNWgreg SUNWgsadl SUNWgttfe SUNWgudc SUNWgxe SUNWgxman The package in the list below can be found on the Languages CD in the directory .../components/shared/sparc/Packages/: § SUNWudct Intel platform The packages in the list below can be found on the Solaris Software 1 of 2 CD in the directory .../Solaris_8/Product/: § SUNWale SUNWaled SUNWiiimr SUNWiiimu SUNWxi18n SUNWxim NSCPcpcom SUNWcleu SUNWgdt SUNWgleu SUNWgttf SUNWgxfnt SUNWgxplt SUNWlj3dv SUNWlj3rt The packages in the list below can be found on the Languages CD in the directory .../components/SimplifiedChinese/i386/Packages/: § NSCPgcom SUNWcadis SUNWcdcl SUNWcddst SUNWcfdl SUNWcj2p SUNWcj2rt SUNWcjmfp SUNWcjvdv SUNWcjvrt SUNWcleue SUNWcmga SUNWcodte SUNWcpdas SUNWcreg SUNWcsmc SUNWcwbc SUNWcwdev SUNWcwsr2 SUNWcwsrv SUNWgadis SUNWgadma SUNWgdab SUNWgdbas SUNWgddst SUNWgddte SUNWgdezt SUNWgdft SUNWgdhe SUNWgdhev SUNWgdhez SUNWgdicn SUNWgdim SUNWgdwm SUNWgleue SUNWgodte SUNWgpmw SUNWgrdm SUNWgreg SUNWgsadl SUNWgttfe SUNWgudc SUNWgxe SUNWgxman The package in the list below can be found on the Languages CD in the directory .../components/shared/i386/Packages/: § SUNWudct Simplified Chinese Unicode Full Locale Locale: zh_CN.UTF-8 SPARC platform The packages in the list below can be found on the Solaris Software 1 of 2 CD in the directory .../Solaris_8/Product/: § SUNWale SUNWaled SUNWalex SUNWiiimr SUNWiiimu SUNWxi18n SUNWxi18x SUNWxim SUNWximx SUNWarrf SUNWeugrf SUNWi2rf SUNWi4rf SUNWi5rf SUNWi7rf SUNWi8rf SUNWi9rf SUNWi13rf SUNWi15rf SUNWtxfnt SUNW5xmft SUNWcxmft SUNWjxmft SUNWkxmft SUNWeuluf SUNWeulux SUNWeuodf SUNWeuxwe SUNWuiu8 SUNWuiu8x SUNWuium SUNWulcf SUNWulcfx SUNWulocf SUNWuxlcf SUNWuxlcx NSCPcpcom SUNW5ttf SUNWcleu SUNWcttf SUNWcudt SUNWcufnt SUNWculeu SUNWculex SUNWcuplt SUNWgleu SUNWgttf SUNWgxfnt SUNWhxfnt SUNWi2of SUNWi5of SUNWi7of SUNWkttf SUNWlj3dv SUNWlj3rt SUNWtleu The packages in the list below can be found on the Languages CD in the directory .../components/SimplifiedChinese/sparc/Packages/: § NSCPcucom SUNWcadis SUNWcdcl SUNWcddst SUNWcfdl SUNWcj2p SUNWcj2rt SUNWcjmfp SUNWcjvdv SUNWcjvrt SUNWcleue SUNWcmga SUNWcodte SUNWcpdas SUNWcreg SUNWcscgu SUNWcsmc SUNWcttfe SUNWcuada SUNWcuadi SUNWcubas SUNWcudab SUNWcudez SUNWcudft SUNWcudhe SUNWcudhv SUNWcudhz SUNWcudic SUNWcudim SUNWcudst SUNWcudte SUNWcudwm SUNWculee SUNWcuman SUNWcuodt SUNWcupmw SUNWcurdm SUNWcureg SUNWcusad SUNWcuudc SUNWcuxe SUNWcwbc SUNWcwdev SUNWcwsr2 SUNWcwsrv The package in the list below can be found on the Languages CD in the directory .../components/shared/sparc/Packages/: § SUNWudct Intel platform The packages in the list below can be found on the Solaris Software 1 of 2 CD in the directory .../Solaris_8/Product/: § SUNWale SUNWaled SUNWiiimr SUNWiiimu SUNWxi18n SUNWxim SUNWarrf SUNWeugrf SUNWi2rf SUNWi4rf SUNWi5rf SUNWi7rf SUNWi8rf SUNWi9rf SUNWi13rf SUNWi15rf SUNWtxfnt SUNW5xmft SUNWcxmft SUNWjxmft SUNWkxmft SUNWeuluf SUNWeuodf SUNWeusru SUNWeuxwe SUNWuiu8 SUNWuium SUNWulcf SUNWulocf SUNWuxlcf NSCPcpcom SUNW5ttf SUNWcleu SUNWcttf SUNWcudt SUNWcufnt SUNWculeu SUNWcuplt SUNWgleu SUNWgttf SUNWgxfnt SUNWhxfnt SUNWi2of SUNWi5of SUNWi7of SUNWkttf SUNWlj3dv SUNWlj3rt SUNWtleu The packages in the list below can be found on the Languages CD in the directory .../components/SimplifiedChinese/i386/Packages/: § NSCPcucom SUNWcadis SUNWcdcl SUNWcddst SUNWcfdl SUNWcj2p SUNWcj2rt SUNWcjmfp SUNWcjvdv SUNWcjvrt SUNWcleue SUNWcmga SUNWcodte SUNWcpdas SUNWcreg SUNWcsmc SUNWcttfe SUNWcuada SUNWcuadi SUNWcubas SUNWcudab SUNWcudez SUNWcudft SUNWcudhe SUNWcudhv SUNWcudhz SUNWcudic SUNWcudim SUNWcudst SUNWcudte SUNWcudwm SUNWculee SUNWcuman SUNWcuodt SUNWcupmw SUNWcurdm SUNWcureg SUNWcusad SUNWcuudc SUNWcuxe SUNWcwbc SUNWcwdev SUNWcwsr2 SUNWcwsrv The package in the list below can be found on the Languages CD in the directory .../components/shared/i386/Packages/: § SUNWudct
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