StartCom Enterprise Linux基于Red Hat Advanced Server源代码,这是中型服务器到大型数据中心的最终解决方案。当前版本最大可支持拥有16个CPU及64GB(x86系统上)主内存的商用体系结构服务器,并支持多系统配置下面向高扩展度和高性能数据共享的Global File System。该发行还广泛地包纳了开源服务器应用,例如mail、file(SMB/NFS)、DNS、web、FTP,以及一套完整的桌面环境。
StartCom Enterprise Linux 5.0.0, the first distribution built by recompiling the source packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, has been released: "The newest StartCom Enterprise Linux AS-5.0.0 joins a series of successful and reliable operating systems build and distributed over the last three years by StartCom Ltd. This latest release provides full support for virtualization - the running of multiple instances of operating systems on one physical hardware unit. And depending on the installation preferences, AS-5.0.0 can function as server platform as well as advanced client workstation. StartCom Enterprise Linux AS-5.0.0, code-named 'Kishuf', is available for Intel i386 and AMD x86_64 architectures." Read the full for more information. (): (3,648MB), (4,297MB).
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