sql> alter index xay_id allocate extent(size 200k datafile 'c://index.dbf');
<8>.alter index xay_id deallocate unused;
<9>、查看索引 SQL>select index_name,index_type,table_name from user_indexes order by table_name; <10>、查看索引被索引的字段 SQL>select * from user_ind_columns where index_name=upper('&index_name');
11、创建序列 select * from user_sequences; create sequence SEQ_NAME start with 1000 maxvalue 1000 increment by 1; alter sequence SEQ_NAME minvalue 50 maxvalue 100; 12、删除重复行 update a set aa=null where aa is not null;
delete from a where rowid!= (select max(rowid) from a b where a.aa=b.aa); 13、删除同其他表相同的行 delete from a where exits (select 'X' from b where b.no=a.no); 或 delete from a where no in (select no from b); 14、查询从多少行到多少行的记录(可以用在web开发中的分页显示)
select * from ( select rownum row_id,b.* from (select a.* from sys_oper a) b ) where row_id between 15 and 20
15、对公共授予访问权 grant select on 表名 to public; create public synonym 同义词名 for 表名; 16、填加注释 comment on table 表名 is '注释'; comment on column 表名.列名 is '注释'; 17、分布式数据库,创建数据库链路 create [public] database link LINKNAME [connect to USERNAME identified by PASS] [using 'CONNECT_STRING'] 可以在端,也可以在客户端建立,但必须注意,两台服务器之间 数据库必须可以互访,必须各有各自的别名数据库 18、查看数据库链路 select * from all_db_links; select * from user_db_links; 查询 select * from ; 创建远程数据库同义词 create synonym for ; 操纵远程数据库记录 insert into (a,b) values (va,vb); update set a='this'; delete from ;