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2008-04-30 15:17:57

深入学习OracleHash join

编程中我们经常会使用到Hash Map 或者Hash Set 这种数据结构,这种数据结构的特点就是插入和访问速度快。当向集合中加入一个对象时,会调用hash算法来获得hash code,然后根据hash code分配存放位置。访问的时,根据hashcode直接找到存放位置。
Oracle Hash join 是一种非常高效的join 算法,主要以CPUhash计算)和内存空间(创建hash table)为代价获得最大的效率。Hash join一般用于大表和小表之间的连接,我们将小表构建到内存中,称为Hash cluster,大表称为probe表。


Hash join为什么具有较高的效率,有两点原因:
1.Hash 查询,根据映射关系来查询值,不需要遍历整个数据结构。
2.Mem 访问速度是Disk的万倍以上。
理想化的Hash join的效率是接近对大表的单表选择扫描的。
首先我们来比较一下,几种join之间的效率,首先 optimizer会自动选择使用hash join
注意到Cost= 221
SQL> select * from vendition t,customer b WHERE t.customerid = b.customerid;
100000 rows selected.
Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 3402771356
| Id | Operation       | Name     | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time   |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |       |   106K|   22M|   221   (3)| 00:00:03 |
|* 1 | HASH JOIN       |       |   106K|   22M|   221   (3)| 00:00:03 |
|   2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| CUSTOMER | 5000 |   424K|   9   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|   3 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| VENDITION |   106K|   14M|   210   (2)| 00:00:03 |
不使用hash,这时optimizer自动选择了merge join。。
SQL> select /*+ USE_MERGE (t b) */* from vendition t,customer b WHERE t.customerid = b.customerid;
100000 rows selected.
Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 1076153206
| Id | Operation       | Name     | Rows | Bytes |TempSpc| Cost (%CPU)| Time  
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |       |   106K|   22M|     | 3507   (1)| 00:00:43 |
|   1 | MERGE JOIN       |       |   106K|   22M|     | 3507   (1)| 00:00:43 |
|   2 |   SORT JOIN       |       | 5000 |   424K|     |   10 (10)| 00:00:01 |
|   3 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| CUSTOMER | 5000 |   424K|     |   9   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 4 |   SORT JOIN       |       |   106K|   14M|   31M| 3496   (1)| 00:00:42 |
|   5 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| VENDITION |   106K|   14M|     |   210   (2)| 00:00:03 |
那么Nest loop呢,经过漫长的等待后,发现Cost达到了惊人的828K,同时伴随3814337 consistent gets(由于没有建索引),可见在这个测试中,Nest loop是最低效的。在给customerid建立唯一索引后,减低到106K,但仍然是内存join的上千倍。
SQL> select /*+ USE_NL(t b) */* from vendition t,customer b WHERE t.customerid = b.customerid;
100000 rows selected.
Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 2015764663
| Id | Operation       | Name     | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time   |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |       |   106K|   22M|   828K (2)| 02:45:41 |
|   1 | NESTED LOOPS     |       |   106K|   22M|   828K (2)| 02:45:41 |
|   2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| VENDITION |   106K|   14M|   210   (2)| 00:00:03 |
|* 3 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| CUSTOMER |   1 |   87 |   8   (0)| 00:00:01 |

HASH_AREA_SIZEOracle 9i 和以前,都是影响hash join性能的一个重要的参数。但是在10g发生了一些变化。Oracle不建议使用这个参数,除非你是在MTS模式下。Oracle建议采用自动PGA管理(设置PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGETWORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY)来,替代使用这个参数。由于我的测试环境是mts环境,自动内存管理,所以我在这里只讨论mts下的hash join

MtsPGA中,只包含了一些栈空间信息,UGA则包含在large pool中,那么实际类似hashsortmerge等操作都是有large pool来分配空间,large pool同时也是auto管理的,它和SGA_TARGET有关。所以在这种条件下,内存的分配是很灵活。


1.     optimal 内存完全足够
2.     onepass 内存不能装载完小表
3.     multipass workarea executions 内存严重不足

Vendition 10W条记录
Customer 5000
Customer_small 500,去Customer表前500行建立
Customer_pity 50,取Customer表前50行建立



CUSTOMER     35     1167     5000       38         5

CUSTOMER_PITY   4     6096       50       37         4

CUSTOMER_SMALL 6     1719     500       36         2

VENDITION       936     1021   100000       64       88打开10104事件追踪:(hash 连接追踪)



SELECT * FROM vendition a,customer b WHERE a.customerid = b.customerid;

SELECT * FROM vendition a,customer_small b WHERE a.customerid = b.customerid;

SELECT * FROM vendition a,customer_pity b WHERE a.customerid = b.customerid;

*** 2008-03-23 18:17:49.467

*** SESSION ID:(773.23969) 2008-03-23 18:17:49.467

kxhfInit(): enter

kxhfInit(): exit


Join Type: INNER join

Original hash-area size: 3883510

PS:hash area的大小,大约380k,本例中最大的表也不过250块左右,所以内存完全可以完全装载
Memory for slot table: 2826240
Calculated overhead for partitions and row/slot managers: 1057270
Hash-join fanout: 8
Number of partitions: 8
PS:hash 表数据连一个块都没装满,Oracle仍然对数据进行了分区,这里和以前在一些文档上看到的,当内存不足时才会对数据分区的说法,发生了变化。

Number of slots: 23

Multiblock IO: 15

Block size(KB): 8

Cluster (slot) size(KB): 120

Minimum number of bytes per block: 8160
Bit vector memory allocation(KB): 128
Per partition bit vector length(KB): 16
Maximum possible row length: 270
Estimated build size (KB): 0
Estimated Build Row Length (includes overhead): 45
# Immutable Flags:
Not BUFFER(execution) output of the join for PQ
Evaluate Left Input Row Vector
Evaluate Right Input Row Vector
# Mutable Flags:
IO sync
kxhfSetPhase: phase=BUILD
kxhfAddChunk: add chunk 0 (sz=32) to slot table
kxhfAddChunk: chunk 0 (lbs=0x2a97825c38, slotTab=0x2a97825e00) successfuly added
kxhfSetPhase: phase=PROBE_1
qerhjFetch: max build row length (mbl=44)
*** RowSrcId: 1 END OF HASH JOIN BUILD (PHASE 1) ***
Revised row length: 45
Revised build size: 2KB
kxhfResize(enter): resize to 12 slots (numAlloc=8, max=23)
kxhfResize(exit): resized to 12 slots (numAlloc=8, max=12)
Slot table resized: old=23 wanted=12 got=12 unload=0
Total number of partitions: 8
Number of partitions which could fit in memory: 8
Number of partitions left in memory: 8
Total number of slots in in-memory partitions: 8
Total number of rows in in-memory partitions: 50
  (used as preliminary number of buckets in hash table)
Estimated max # of build rows that can fit in avail memory: 66960
### Partition Distribution ###
Partition:0   rows:5       clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1

Partition:1   rows:6       clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1

Partition:2   rows:4       clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1

Partition:3   rows:9       clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1

Partition:4   rows:5       clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1

Partition:5   rows:9       clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1

Partition:6   rows:4       clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1

Partition:7   rows:8       clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1


*** (continued) HASH JOIN BUILD HASH TABLE (PHASE 1) ***
PS:hash join的第一阶段,但是要观察更多的阶段,需提高tracelevel,这里略过
Revised number of hash buckets (after flushing): 50
Allocating new hash table.
*** (continued) HASH JOIN BUILD HASH TABLE (PHASE 1) ***
Requested size of hash table: 16
Actual size of hash table: 16
Number of buckets: 128
Match bit vector allocated: FALSE
kxhfResize(enter): resize to 14 slots (numAlloc=8, max=12)
kxhfResize(exit): resized to 14 slots (numAlloc=8, max=14)
freeze work area size to: 2359K (14 slots)
*** (continued) HASH JOIN BUILD HASH TABLE (PHASE 1) ***
Total number of rows (may have changed): 50
Number of in-memory partitions (may have changed): 8
Final number of hash buckets: 128
Size (in bytes) of hash table: 1024
kxhfIterate(end_iterate): numAlloc=8, maxSlots=14
*** (continued) HASH JOIN BUILD HASH TABLE (PHASE 1) ***
### Hash table ###
# NOTE: The calculated number of rows in non-empty buckets may be smaller

#     than the true number.

Number of buckets with   0 rows:       86

Number of buckets with   1 rows:       37

Number of buckets with   2 rows:       5

Number of buckets with   3 rows:       0


Number of buckets with   4 rows:       0
Number of buckets with   5 rows:       0
Number of buckets with   6 rows:       0
Number of buckets with   7 rows:       0
Number of buckets with   8 rows:       0
Number of buckets with   9 rows:       0
Number of buckets with between 10 and 19 rows:       0
Number of buckets with between 20 and 29 rows:       0
Number of buckets with between 30 and 39 rows:       0
Number of buckets with between 40 and 49 rows:       0
Number of buckets with between 50 and 59 rows:       0
Number of buckets with between 60 and 69 rows:       0
Number of buckets with between 70 and 79 rows:       0
Nmber of buckets with between 80 and 89 rows:       0
Number of buckets with between 90 and 99 rows:       0
Number of buckets with 100 or more rows:       0
### Hash table overall statistics ###

Total buckets: 128 Empty buckets: 86 Non-empty buckets: 42

PS:创建了128个桶,Oracle 7开始的计算公式



Total number of rows: 50
Maximum number of rows in a bucket: 2
Average number of rows in non-empty buckets: 1.190476
Original hash-area size: 3925453
Memory for slot table: 2826240
Hash-join fanout: 8
Number of partitions: 8
### Partition Distribution ###
Partition:0   rows:52       clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1
Partition:1   rows:63       clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1
Partition:2   rows:55       clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1
Partition:3   rows:74       clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1
Partition:4   rows:66       clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1
Partition:5   rows:66       clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1
Partition:6   rows:54       clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1
Partition:7   rows:70       clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1
Number of buckets with   0 rows:     622
Number of buckets with   1 rows:     319
Number of buckets with   2 rows:       71
Number of buckets with   3 rows:       10
Number of buckets with   4 rows:       2
Number of buckets with   5 rows:       0
### Hash table overall statistics ###
Total buckets: 1024 Empty buckets: 622 Non-empty buckets: 402
Total number of rows: 500
Maximum number of rows in a bucket: 4
Average number of rows in non-empty buckets: 1.243781
Original hash-area size: 3809692
Memory for slot table: 2826240
Hash-join fanout: 8
Number of partitions: 8
Nuber of slots: 23
Multiblock IO: 15
Block size(KB): 8
Cluster (slot) size(KB): 120
Minimum number of bytes per block: 8160
Bit vector memory allocation(KB): 128
Per partition bit vector length(KB): 16
Maximum possible row length: 270
Estimated build size (KB): 0
### Partition Distribution ###
Partition:0   rows:588     clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1
Partition:1   rows:638     clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1
Partition:2   rows:621     clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1
Partiton:3   rows:651     clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1
Partition:4   rows:645     clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1
Partition:5   rows:611     clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1
Partitio:6   rows:590     clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1
Partition:7   rows:656     clusters:1     slots:1     kept=1
#     than the true number.
Number of buckets with   0 rows:     4429
Number of buckets with   1 rows:     2762
Number of buckets with   2 rows:     794
Number of buckets with   3 rows:     182
Number of buckets with   4 rows:       23
Number of buckets with   5 rows:       2
Number of buckets with   6 rows:       0
### Hash table overall statistics ###
Total buckets: 8192 Empty buckets: 4429 Non-empty buckets: 3763
Total number of rows: 5000
Maximum number of rows in a bucket: 5
Average number of rows in non-empty buckets: 1.328727
小结:Oracle10g中,内存问题似乎已经不在是困扰Hash join的首要难题,如今硬件价格越来越便宜,内存2G8G64G的环境也很常见。我们在针对hash join调优的过程,更加要侧重于partitionbucket的数据分配诊断。所以在这里,我不再模拟,小表超出hash area size的情况,那样实际就是会多出DISK IO。在COST BASED ORACLE FANDAMENTAL 书中12章,有完整的实验。


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