分类: Oracle
2008-04-26 16:33:46
DUAL ? 有什么神秘的? 当你想得到ORACLE系统时间, 简简单单敲一行不就得了吗? 故弄玄虚…. > select sysdate from dual; SYSDATE --------- 02-DEC-07 哈哈, 确实DUAL的使用很方便. 但是大家知道DUAL倒底是什么OBJECT, 它有什么特殊的行为吗? 来,我们一起看一看. 首先搞清楚DUAL是什么OBJECT : > connect system/manager Connected. > select owner, object_name , object_type from dba_objects where object_name like '%DUAL%'; OWNER OBJECT_NAME OBJECT_TYPE --------------- --------------- ------------- SYS DUAL TABLE PUBLIC DUAL SYNONYM 原来DUAL是属于SYS schema的一个表,然后以PUBLIC SYNONYM的方式供其他数据库USER使用. 再看看它的结构: > desc dual Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- DUMMY VARCHAR2(1) > 只有一个名字叫DUMMY的字符型COLUMN . 然后查询一下表里的数据: > select dummy from dual; DUMMY ---------- X 哦, 只有一条记录, DUMMY的值是’X’ .很正常啊,没什么奇怪嘛. 好,下面就有奇妙的东西出现了! 插入一条记录: > connect sys as sysdba Connected. > insert into dual values ( 'Y'); 1 row created. > commit; Commit complete. > select count(*) from dual; COUNT(*) ---------- 2 迄今为止,一切正常. 然而当我们再次查询记录时,奇怪的事情发生了 > select * from dual; DUMMY ---------- X 刚才插入的那条记录并没有显示出来 ! 明明DUAL表中有两条记录, 可就是只显示一条! 再试一下删除 ,狠一点,全删光 ! > delete from dual; /*注意没有限定条件,试图删除全部记录*/ 1 row deleted. > commit; Commit complete. 哈哈,也只有一条记录被删掉, > select * from dual; DUMMY ---------- Y 为什么会这样呢? 难道的语法对DUAL不起作用吗?带着这个疑问, 我查询了一些ORACLE官方的资料. 原来ORACLE对DUAL表的操作做了一些内部处理,尽量保证DUAL表中只返回一条记录.当然这写内部操作是不可见的 . 看来ORACLE真是蕴藏着无穷的奥妙啊! 附: ORACLE关于DUAL表不同寻常特性的解释 There is internalized code that makes this happen. Code checks that ensure that a table scan of SYS.DUAL only returns one row. Svrmgrl behaviour is incorrect but this is now an obsolete product. The base issue you should always remember and keep is: DUAL table should always have 1 ROW. Dual is a normal table with one dummy column of varchar2(1). This is basically used from several applications as a pseudo table for getting results from a select statement that use functions like sysdate or other prebuilt or application functions. If DUAL has no rows at all some applications (that use DUAL) may fail with NO_DATA_FOUND exception. If DUAL has more than 1 row then applications (that use DUAL) may fail with TOO_MANY_ROWS exception. |