SAMPLE 1:下例计算1998年最后三个星期中两种产品(260和270)在周末的销售量中已开发票数量和总数量的累积斜率和回归线的截距
SELECT t.fiscal_month_number "Month", t.day_number_in_month "Day", REGR_SLOPE(s.amount_sold, s.quantity_sold) OVER (ORDER BY t.fiscal_month_desc, t.day_number_in_month) AS CUM_SLOPE, REGR_INTERCEPT(s.amount_sold, s.quantity_sold) OVER (ORDER BY t.fiscal_month_desc, t.day_number_in_month) AS CUM_ICPT FROM sales s, times t WHERE s.time_id = t.time_id AND s.prod_id IN (270, 260) AND t.fiscal_year=1998 AND t.fiscal_week_number IN (50, 51, 52) AND t.day_number_in_week IN (6,7) ORDER BY t.fiscal_month_desc, t.day_number_in_month;
Month Day CUM_SLOPE CUM_ICPT ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 12 12 -68 1872 12 12 -68 1872 12 13 -20.244898 1254.36735 12 13 -20.244898 1254.36735 12 19 -18.826087 1287 12 20 62.4561404 125.28655 12 20 62.4561404 125.28655 12 20 62.4561404 125.28655 12 20 62.4561404 125.28655 12 26 67.2658228 58.9712313 12 26 67.2658228 58.9712313 12 27 37.5245541 284.958221 12 27 37.5245541 284.958221 12 27 37.5245541 284.958221 |
SAMPLE 2:下例计算1998年4月每天的累积交易数量
SELECT UNIQUE t.day_number_in_month, REGR_COUNT(s.amount_sold, s.quantity_sold) OVER (PARTITION BY t.fiscal_month_number ORDER BY t.day_number_in_month) "Regr_Count" FROM sales s, times t WHERE s.time_id = t.time_id AND t.fiscal_year = 1998 AND t.fiscal_month_number = 4;
DAY_NUMBER_IN_MONTH Regr_Count ------------------- ---------- 1 825 2 1650 3 2475 4 3300 . . . 26 21450 30 22200 |
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