作者: 佚名 出处:
create table test (names varchar2(12), dates date, num int, dou double); |
create or replace view vi_test as select * from test; |
create or replace synonym aa for dbusrcard001.aa; |
create or replace produce dd(v_id in employee.empoy_id%type) as begin
end dd; |
create or replace function ee(v_id in employee%rowtype) return varchar(15) is var_test varchar2(15); begin return var_test; exception when others then
end |
create or replace trigger ff alter delete on test for each row declare begin delete from test; if sql%rowcount < 0 or sql%rowcount is null then rais_replaction_err(-20004,"错误") end if endcreate or replace trigger gg alter insert on test for each row declare begin if :old.names = :new.names then raise_replaction_err(-2003,"编码重复"); end if end create or replace trigger hh for update on test for each row declare begin if updating then if :old.names <> :new.names then reaise_replaction_err(-2002,"关键字不能修改") end if end if end |
declare cursor aa is select names,num from test; begin for bb in aa loop if bb.names = "ORACLE" then
end if end loop;
end |
select names,dates from test,b where test.names = b.names(+) and b.names is null and b.dates > date('2003-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')
select names,dates from test where names not in ( select names from b where dates > to_date('2003-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')) |
select names,num from test where rowid != (select max(rowid) from test b where b.names = test.names and b.num = test.num) |
select * from (select * from test order by dates desc) where rownum < 11 |
create sequence row_id minvalue 1 maxvalue 9999999999999999999999 start with 1 increment by 1insert into test values(row_id.nextval,....) |
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