作者:chauney 出处:Unix爱好者家园unix-cd.com
#!/bin/sh source add source show source delete function menu() { echo -e "\33[34m" cat << EOF What you want to do? Please input you choice:
[1] Add a person into the address book! [2] Check out a person's data in the address book! [3] Delete a person from the origin address book! [4] Quit without do anything!
EOF echo -ne "Please select [ 1, 2, 3, or 4 ]:\33[0m"
while read choice do case $choice in 1 ) add;; 2 ) show ; 3 ) delete ; 4 ) echo ByeBye!; exit 0 ; * ) echo -ne "\33[31mError! Please input [ 1, 2, 3, or 4 ]: \33[0m";; esac done }
echo -e "\33[32m\t\tWellcome to My addressbook!\33[0m" menu function checkperson () { if [ -z "$name" ]; then echo -e "\33[31mError! the Name is incorrect!\n Please Input the person's name and other messages again: \33[0m" addperson fi if [ -f "addressbook" ] then showname if [ ! -z "$showname" ] then echo "The name you input has already exist! Do you want to delete the origin name? [ y or n or q ( quit to main menu )]" while read do case $REPLY in y|Y|[Yy][Ee][Ss] ) awk -F: -v new=$name '{ if ( $1 != new ) print $0; }' addressbook > /tmp/tmp$$ mv -f /tmp/tmp$$ addressbook 2> /dev/null check identify ; n|N|[Nn][Oo] ) echo Please input the name again: read name checkperson check identify ; q|Q ) menu ; * ) echo "Error! Please input y or n or q (quit to main menu )!" ; esac done fi fi }
function checkmail () { if [ -z $mail ]; then mail="user@localhost.localdomain"; fi mail_check=`echo $mail | sed -n '/\@*\./p'` if [ -z $mail_check ] then echo -ne "The E-mail you input is wrong!\nPlease input again: " read mail checkmail fi }
function checkphone () { if [ -z "$phone" ]; then phone=0; fi if [ -z "$mobile" ]; then mobile=0; fi phone_check=`echo $phone | tr ':;",.+<>?/~\!=@#$%^&*[a-zA-Z]{}|' ' ' ` mobile_check=`echo $mobile | tr ':;",.+<>?/~\!=@#$%^&*[a-zA-Z]{}|' ' ' ` if [ "$phone_check" != "$phone" ] then echo -ne "The Phone Number you input is incorrect!\nPlease input again: " read phone checkphone elif [ "$mobile_check" != "$mobile" ] then echo -ne "The Mobile Phone Number you input is incorrect!\nPlease input again: " read mobile checkphone fi }
function redo () { select pick in "Name" "E-mail" "Address" "Phone Number" "Moblie Phone Number" "Other Messages" "Exit to the identify menu" "Exit to the main menu" "Quit without save" do case $pick in Name ) echo Please input the name again: read name checkperson redo ; E-mail ) echo Please input the E-mail again: read mail checkmail redo ; Address ) echo Please input the address again: read address redo ; "Phone Number" ) echo Please input the phone number again: read phone checkphone redo ; "Moblie Phone Number" ) echo Please input the mobile phone number again: read mobile checkphone redo ; "Other Messages" ) echo Please input the other messages again: read message redo ; "Exit to the main menu" ) menu ; "Exit to the identify menu" ) identify ; "Quit without save" ) exit 0 ; * ) echo -e "This is not a valid choice. Try again:" pick= ; esac done }
function check () { checkperson checkmail checkphone if [ -z "$address" ]; then address="Null"; fi if [ -z "$message" ]; then message="Null"; fi }
function identify () { cat << DATA The data you input is on the next:
Name: $name E-mail: $mail Address: $address Phone Number: $phone Mobile Phone Number: $mobile Other Message: $message
Is it right?[ y or n ]: DATA while read answer do case $answer in y|Y|[Yy][Ee][Ss] ) echo $name:$mail:$address:$phone:$mobile:$message >> addressbook echo Do you want to add another person [ y or n ,and any other key will exit! ]: read case $REPLY in y|Y|[Yy][Ee][Ss] ) add;; n|N|[Nn][Oo] ) menu;; * ) exit 0;; esac ; n|N|[Nn][Oo] ) echo Which one is incorrect? Pick out it :; redo;; * ) echo -ne "\33[31mError! Please input [ y or n ]: \33[0m" esac done }
function addperson () { echo -n "Input the Name: "; read name echo -n "Input the E-mail: "; read mail echo -n "Input the Address: "; read address echo -n "Input the Phone Number: "; read phone echo -n "Input the Mobile Phone Number: "; read mobile echo -n "Input the other messages if necessary: "; read message check; identify; }
function add () { echo Please follow the next steps ! stty erase '^?' addperson } function answer () { read case $REPLY in y|Y|[Yy][Ee][Ss] ) show ; n|N|[Nn][Oo] ) menu ; * ) exit 0;; esac }
function showname () { showname=`awk -F: -v new=$name '{ if ( $1 == new ) print $0; }' addressbook | awk -F: '{ printf "%-10s%s\n%-10s%s\n%-10s%s\n%-10s%s\n%-10s%s\n%-10s%s\n\n", "Name: ", $1, "E-mail: ",$2, "Address: ", $3, "Phone Number: ", $4, "Moblie Phone Number: ", $5, "Other Messages: ", $6 }' ` }
function showall () { awk -F: '{ printf "%-10s%s\n%-10s%s\n%-10s%s\n%-10s%s\n%-10s%s\n%-10s%s\n\n", "Name: ", $1, "E-mail: ",$2, "Address: ", $3, "Phone Number: ", $4, "Moblie Phone Number: ", $5, "Other Messages: ", $6 }' addressbook }
function show () { echo -ne "\33[33mWhose data you want to know ? \n\33[34mType his or her name directly ( Type "all" for check out for all people! ): \33[0m" read name if [ -f "addressbook" ] then if [ $name == "all" ] then showall echo -e "\33[33mType "y" to check a person's data, and "n" to the main menu, other keys will exit!\33[0m" answer else showname if [ -z "$showname" ]; then echo -e "The person you want to know does not exist! \nDo you want to try again or check out other's data? [y or n ,and any other key will exit! ]" answer else echo -e "$showname" echo Do you want to check another person\'s data? [y or n ,and any other key will exit! ] answer fi fi else echo -e "\33[31mThe addressbook isn't exist!\33[0m"; menu fi } function deldata () { showname if [ -z "$showname" ]; then echo -e "\33[31mThe person you want to delete does not exist! Please check the name first!:\33[0m" menu else echo -e "The person 's data is :\n$showname" echo -ne "\33[34m\tIs it right? \33[0m[ y or n ]: " read if [[ "$REPLY" == [Yy] ]]; then awk -F: -v new=$name '{ if ( $1 != new ) print $0; }' addressbook > /tmp/tmp$$ mv -f /tmp/tmp$$ addressbook 2> /dev/null if [ $? == 0 ]; then echo The data is updated successfully! menu else echo There are something unexpected happen! Please try again! delete fi else echo -e "\33[31m\t\tSkip to the main menu\33[0m" menu fi fi }
function delete () { echo -n "Type a name you want to delete: " read name deldata }
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