1、添加用户 首先用管理员帐号登录glftp [root@HP208 ~]# ftp localhost Connected to HP208. 220 OH oh OH (glFTPd 2.01 Linux+TLS) ready. 504 AUTH GSSAPI unsupported 504 AUTH KERBEROS_V4 unsupported KERBEROS_V4 rejected as an authentication type Name (localhost:root): glftpd 331 Password required for glftpd. Password: 注:密码是glftpd 230 User glftpd logged in. Remote system type is UNIX. Using binary mode to transfer files. ftp> 添加用户 ftp>site adduser mytest mypass *@* 这样就添加了一个 mytest用户,密码是mypass ,*@*表示允许任何主机和ip地址访问