来源: 作者:sco SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0
Maintenance Pack 3
Release and Installation Notes
October 2007
SCO OpenServer™ Release 6.0.0 Maintenance Pack 3 (MP3) contains important enhancements and fixes for your SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 system and should be applied at your next maintenance period. Note that removal of MP3 is not supported.
These Release and Installation Notes contain critical information that you need to know before and after installing MP3. Please read them entirely, and also check the SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 Late News web site, before beginning to install MP3. Late News can be found at: .
Also periodically check (the OpenServer 6 Supplements Web Site) for additional updated drivers and software supplements. In particular, these OpenServer 6.0.0 supplements are provided on the web site and are not included in maintenance packs:
Dialogic 5.1a
KDE 3.5.6 i18n Language Support*
MergePRO 6.3.0f
Online Data Manager (ODM)**
Open Sound System Supplement 4.0.1
Russian Language Support 6.0.0 for MP3
SCO Office Server 4.2.0
* KDE 3.5.6 English is included in OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3, CD #2. Due to its size KDE 3.5.6 i18n is not included in MP3 but it is available on SCO's public web site.
** ODM was previously provided on the OpenServer 6.0.0 MP2 CD. It is now provided on the public web site. Note that OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3 provides ODM updates to this web-posted ODM product. See the Online Data Manager (ODM) section below for further details.
Contents of this Document
§1: Before Installing the Maintenance Pack
§2: Installing the Maintenance Pack
§2.1: Installing the Maintenance Pack from CD, CD ISO Image, or Media Images
§2.2: Installing the Maintenance Pack from the Network
§2.3: Adding Software after Installing the Maintenance Pack
§3: Maintenance Pack Notes and Limitations
§4: Maintenance Pack Features
§4.1: Features Provided in MP2
§4.2: Features Provided in MP3
§5: Maintenance Pack Fixes
§5.1: Fixes Provided in MP1
§5.2: Fixes Provided in MP2
§5.3: Fixes Provided in MP3
Appendix: GWXLIBs Components and Perl modules
§1: Before Installing the Maintenance Pack
Before installing the Maintenance Pack, please read the following notes carefully:
Superseded OpenServer 6.0.0 Supplements
This Maintenance Pack can only be installed on SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 systems. It supersedes and renders obsolete the following Release 6.0.0 supplements:
Maintenance Pack 1 (RS600A)
Maintenance Pack 2 (RS600B)
OSS701A, the OpenServer 6.0.0 Account Manager Supplement
OSS702B, the OpenServer 6.0.0 pkgadd Supplement
OSS703A, the X Server Upgrade for Maintenance Pack 2.
OSS704A, the Perl and PHP Upgrades for MySQL 5.
OSS705A, the Perl Extensions Upgrade for PostgreSQL 8.
OSS706C, the OpenServer 6 Maintenance Pack 2 Supplement (including US 2007 Daylight Saving Time Update).
OSS707A, the OpenServer 6 Platform Support Update
Flash Player Version 7,0,70,0 (now included on MP3 CD #1)
Java 2 SE (now included on MP3 CD #1)
Java 2 SE 5.0, update 9b (now included on MP3 CD #2)
Mozilla 1.7.13Ba (this version is now included on MP3 CD #1)
MPlayer 1.0 (now included on MP3 CD #2)
OpenServer 6.0.0 MP2 USB Supplement
Western Australia DST Timezone Patch (for Java 1.4.2_13b and Java
NOTE #1: If OSS703, OSS704, or OSS705 are installed, either remove them prior to installing OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3 or, during the OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3 installation, when prompted whether to rollback the patches or cancel the component or task, select "Rollback patches". Depending on which patches you have installed, you may be prompted more than once. These patches and the components they modified will then be replaced by updated X, Perl, and PHP components.
NOTE #2: If you installed OSS707A, the OpenServer 6 Platform Support Update, then after installing OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3 please download and install the latest version of OSS707 (version b or later).
Back Up Your System
Perform a full backup of your system and verify the integrity of the backup before you install the Maintenance Pack. It is always important to have a full system backup available before beginning any system update procedure.
OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3 Version Information
Maintenance Pack 3 (MP3) contains updates to base system components (installed with Release Supplement RS600C), as well as separately installable optional components:
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0
Software Components and Packages FCS/MP1
Version MP2 Version MP3 Version
MP3 CD #1 (Required custom Components)
SCO OpenServer 600 Release Supplement RS600A RS600B RS600C
Supplemental Graphics, Web and X11 Libraries
Supplemental Graphics, Web and X11 Libraries* 2.0.0 2.1.0 3.0.0
X.org X11R7.2.0 Runtime 6.8.2 6.9.0 7.2.0
X.org X11R7.2.0 Core Fonts 6.8.2 6.9.0 7.2.0
SCO UNIX Perl Interpreter 5.8.6 5.8.7 5.8.8
X-Window System Version 11
X.org X11R7.2.0 Server 6.8.2 6.9.0 7.2.0
X.org X11R7.2.0 Clients 6.8.2 6.9.0 7.2.0
Apache Web Server
Apache Web Server 1.3.33 1.3.34 1.3.37
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Support for Apache 2.8.23 2.8.25 n/a
Perl Support for Apache (modperl) n/a 1.29.2 1.30.0
PHP Hypertext Processor* 4.3.11 4.4.2 5.2.3
ASP Support for Apache/Perl n/a 2.59.1 2.59.3
AxKit XML Toolkit for Apache/perl n/a 1.62.1 1.62.3
Secure Shell OpenSSH_4.0p1 OpenSSH_4.2p1 OpenSSH_4.6p1
VIM - Vi IMproved 6.3 6.4.0 7.1.068
Mozilla Web Browser 1.7.10 1.7.12 1.7.13Ba
OpenServer 6.0.0 Flash Player n/a n/a 7,0,70,0
Java 2 Standard Edition 1.4.2
Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) 1.4.2_08 1.4.2_10 1.4.2_16
(URW)++ Free X11 Fonts n/a 2.0 2.0
SCOx language support
SCOx web services demos in 5 languages 1.1.0 1.1.0 1.1.1
gSOAP C and C++ SOAP Web Services 2.2.3 2.2.3 2.2.3
Portable Document Format (PDF) Viewer 3.0.0 3.01pl2 3.0.2
Heimdal Kerberos 5 Implementation 0.6.2 0.6.5 0.6.5
Samba File and Print Server 3.0.13 3.0.20 3.0.20
ESP Ghostscript 7.7.1 8.15.1 8.15.1
Extended Shells 1.3 1.4.0 1.5.0
GNU Bourne Again Shell (bash) 3.0.14 3.1.1 3.2
Z Shell (zsh) 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.3.4
Extended C-Shell (tcsh) 5.13.0 5.14.0 6.14.0
Korn Shell (ksh) n/a n/a 93s
Lynx Web Browser 2.8.5dev.8 2.8.5rel5 2.8.5rel5
Qt - Graphical User Interface Library n/a n/a 3.3.8
gmp n/a n/a 4.2.1
MP3 CD #1 (pkgadd Components)
aacraid - Adaptec AACRAID Family PCI SCSI IHV HBA 8.0.2 n/a 8.0.3
adp94xx - Adaptec SAS HostRaid HBA n/a n/a 1.4
ahci - AHCI HBA Driver 1.0 1.1 1.2
ide - Generic IDE/ATAPI Driver 7.1.4a 7.1.4c 7.1.4g
mega - LSI Logic MegaRAID HBA 8.0.3 n/a 8.0.3b
megasas - LSI Logic MegaRAID SAS HBA n/a n/a 1.1
mpt - LSI Logic MPT IHV HBA 8.0.2 8.0.2 8.1.0
nd - Network Drivers n/a 8.0.6b 8.0.6f
MP3 CD #2 (Optional custom Components)
ant - Java based build tool n/a 1.6.5 1.6.5
Apache Tomcat Servlet Container 4.1.31Pb 4.1.31Na 4.1.31Na
Java 2 Standard Edition 5.0 (J2SE 5.0) n/a n/a 1.5.0_09d
KDE 3.3.2 n/a 3.5.6
mod_jk - Apache Tomcat mod_jk Module n/a n/a 1.2.25
MPlayer n/a n/a 1.0rc1
OSR5 ABI Perl Interpreter (OSR5 ABI) n/a n/a 5.8.8
PostgreSQL Database Management System 7.4.7 8.1.2 8.2.3
Squid Proxy Cache 2.5.9 2.5.12 2.6.12
* The Supplemental Graphics libraries and Perl components have many individual libraries and modules. See the Appendix for complete lists.OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3 Release Supplement RS600C
Release Supplement RS600C (see the list above) contains the following components that you must not select individually for installation
SCO OpenServer 600 Release Supplement RS600C:
SCO Online Documentation Utilities and Framework
SCO OpenServer Operating System
SCO OpenServer Operating System German Language Support
SCO OpenServer Operating System French Language Support
SCO TCP/IP Development System
SCO TCP/IP German Language Support
SCO TCP/IP French Language Support
SCO Network Interface Card Drivers
SCO UNIX Development System
SCO Visual Tcl
SCO Administration Framework Development System
SCO Legacy OSR5 X11R5/Motif Development System
SCO Standard X Clients
SCO NFS Development System
SCO Universal Driver Interface (UDI)
SCO Universal Serial Bus (USB) Support
SCO SendMail
SCO Mail User Agents
Administration Framework
Extended X Clients
SCO PPP from Morning Star
VERITAS Online Disk Manager (ODM)
These components contain updates to the versions of the same components originally delivered on the Release 6.0.0 media. The updates for a particular component in RS600C (such as the SCO UNIX Development System or SCO SendMail) will not be installed with RS600C unless the 6.0.0 version of that component is already installed on the system. So, for example, if you plan to install the Development System, you should install it from the Release 6.0.0 media before installing the Maintenance Pack, so that important Development System updates from RS600C are installed. (If you install any component from your original OpenServer 6.0.0 media kit after installing MP3, please reinstall the release supplement (RS600C) so that the update for that component is installed as well.)
The components other than RS600C (e.g.: Perl, Apache, Mozilla, Tomcat, Java, ant, etc.) are complete versions of the software and can be installed whether the version from the Release 6.0.0 media is already installed or not.
Note that removal of Maintenance Pack 3 is not supported. Because MP3 contains important updates to the system, removing it or any of its components may cause unexpected behavior in components that remain installed. Space Requirements
Before you install the Maintenance Pack, be sure that you have adequate free disk space available for the components you want to install. The amount of space you need depends on what software you have previously installed. For a default installation the following space is needed:
Components Disk Space
Release Supplement RS600C 150 MB
Remaining MP3 Components 145 MB
Additional Optional Components 300 MB
All of the above 595 MB
Remember that the above requirements are for the installed software only; free disk space will also be required for temporary space, user data, etc.
SVR5 Driver Updates
As listed in the table above showing all Maintenance Pack 3 Software Components, Maintenance Pack 3 CD #1 includes several updated HBA drivers as well as an updated Network Driver (nd) package. We strongly recommend you install these updated driver packages.
The Software Manager does not install these packages automatically during installation of the Maintenance Pack. As described in §2: Installing the Maintenance Pack, you install these driver packages using the pkgadd(ADM) command. A good time to do this is immediately after installing the custom components from CD #1.
Network drivers were delivered in custom format in the original OpenServer 6.0.0 media. In Maintenance Pack 2 and later, network drivers are being delivered in pkgadd format in the nd package. Providing network drivers in pkgadd-format going forward simplifies the maintenance of network drivers and makes it easier to install and maintain third-party drivers on OpenServer 6.0.0 systems. The first time you install the nd package on a system, package installation replaces the previous custom installed files with new pkgadd installed files. This conversion process requires you to perform two additional steps after you install nd for the first time:
Install the nd package a second time in order to update configured network drivers in the kernel build tree.
Reinstall any third-party network drivers that had been installed prior to installing nd.
If you have previously installed any nd package, version 8.0.6b or later, then it is not necessary to perform these steps.
PHP 5 Upgrade Notes
Due to the PHP4 to PHP5 upgrade, /usr/lib/php/php.ini is significantly different in MP3. Your prior /usr/lib/php/php.ini file is saved as /usr/lib/php/php.ini-old. Any user-configuration changes made to the old version need to be reapplied to the new PHP /usr/lib/php/php.ini version.
PEAR modules for PHP 5 are not included in MP3.
Apache 1 Upgrade Notes
A new Apache /usr/lib/apache/conf/httpd.conf file is included with MP3. This file is installed if Apache was not previously on your system, or if your original httpd.conf had no user modifications. If there were user modifications, then the MP3 install only updates "php4" references to "php5"; your httpd.conf file is otherwise not modified. In this case, the install keeps a copy of your original file called httpd.conf.backup. The MP3 apache installation always includes /usr/lib/apache/conf/httpd.conf.default so you can see what other new configuration changes are available.
PostgreSQL Upgrade Notes
PostgreSQL 8.2.3 is included on the Maintenance Pack CD #2. This release of the PostgreSQL Database Server includes many performance and security enhancements. Systems running a prior release of PostgreSQL are encouraged to upgrade in order to take advantage of these features.
However, to provide these features, PostgreSQL 8.2.3 includes a change in internal database format and is a major upgrade from PostgreSQL 7.x and PostgreSQL 8.1.2. For this reason, you must perform a dump and subsequent restore of all PostgreSQL 7.x/8.1.2 databases that you want to preserve across the upgrade. Detailed instructions on this process are provided below.
To preserve data from a PostgreSQL 7.x or PostgreSQL 8.1.2 database and restore the data into a PostgreSQL 8.2.3 database on OpenServer 6, follow this procedure.
On the system running PostgreSQL 7.x/8.1.2, log in as the PostgreSQL super-user:
# su - postgresPerform a dump of the databases you wish to preserve using either pg_dumpall(1) or pg_dump(1). Backing up all databases using pg_dumpall is the recommended procedure.
For example, to preserve all databases in a cluster, you could enter the shell command:
# pg_dumpall > exampledb.out
To preserve only the database /exampledb/, you could enter the shell command:
# pg_dump -F c -f exampledb.out exampledb
Move the existing default data directory to your PostgreSQL backups directory:
# cd /usr/postgres
# mv data backups/data-7.4.7or
# cd /usr/postgres
# mv data backups/data-8.1.2Exit the PostgreSQL super-user account
Install PostgreSQL from CD #2 following the instructions in §2.3: Adding Software after Installing the Maintenance Pack, below.
Configure and start the 8.2.3 PostgreSQL server:
# mkdev pgsqlLog in as the PostgreSQL super-user:
# su - postgresRestore the preserved databases from any previous dumps, as in this example for the database we backed up in Step 2:
# psql -f exampledb.out postgresDetailed documentation on backing up and restoring PostgreSQL databases is available both in the online documentation:
``Migration Between Releases''
``Backup and Restore''And, online at the PostgreSQL web site:
Upgrade Notes
Installing the Tomcat upgrade available on Maintenance Pack 3 CD #2 will remove any previously installed third-party web applications residing under the /usr/lib/apache/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.31 directory structure. If you wish to preserve web applications that have been installed in a prior Tomcat installation, you will need to re-install these after upgrading Tomcat. If you lack installation media for these applications, you will need to back them up prior to, and restore them after, installing the updated Tomcat.
For example, the SCO Hipcheck agent (HcSCOUA) installs such web applications. If you previously installed the Hipcheck Agent, and then install the MP3 Tomcat upgrade, you will need to reinstall the Hipcheck Agent.
OpenLDAP Upgrade Notes
Upgrading OpenLDAP from version 2.2.24 or 2.2.30 to version 2.3.27 will result in any existing OpenLDAP database data no longer being accessible. To make existing data accessible, the database must be backed up before the upgrade and then restored following the upgrade.
Use the following procedure to backup an existing OpenLDAP database:
Log in as root.
Stop the slapd daemon, if running, to ensure a consistent backup:
# kill `ps -e | grep slapd | awk '{print $1}'`Create an ldif backup file:
# slapcat -l /usr/lib/openldap/openldap-data/openldap.ldifAfter the OpenLDAP upgrade, the OpenLDAP database backup can be restored using the following procedure:
Log in as root.
Restore schema file changes.
As part of the upgrade process, the OpenLDAP schema files will be overwritten by the new default files, requiring that any changes be manually remade to /etc/openldap/schema/*.schema. The previous versions of these files are saved with the appended character "#":
# ls -1 /etc/openldap/schema
...New default configuration files are installed in /etc/openldap, but the existing slapd.conf and ldap.conf are not overwritten. However, the upgrade edits slapd.conf to change the back-end modules extension from ".la" to ".so":
# ls -1 /etc/openldap
slapd.conf.defaultCreate an empty database directory:
# cd /usr/lib/openldap
# mv openldap-data openldap-data.bak
# mkdir openldap-data
# chmod 700 openldap-dataRestore the ldif backup file:
# slapadd -l /usr/lib/openldap/openldap-data.bak/openldap.ldifA warning will display, although it doesn't affect the restoration of the database:
bdb_db_open: Warning - No DB_CONFIG file found in directory
/usr/lib/openldap/openldap-data: (2)
Expect poor performance for suffix dc=my-domain,dc=com./etc/openldap/DB_CONFIG.example can be used to create /usr/lib/openldap/openldap-data/DB_CONFIG to avoid this warning.
Squid Notes
Squid 2.6.STABLE12 requires a new configuration file, /etc/squid/squid.conf. Any previously installed Squid configuration file will be backed up as the file /etc/squid/squid.conf.bak. Configuration changes made to a previously installed Squid will need to be reapplied to the updated Squid configuration file.
The OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3 update returns the Squid configuration files back to /etc/squid and the control script is /etc/init.d/squid.
§2: Installing the Maintenance Pack
Follow the procedures in this section to obtain and install the Maintenance Pack.
If you want to install the MP on multiple systems on your TCP/IP network, you can load and install the software on one system and use that system as a Software Installation Server. You can then load all your other systems from the Installation Server. See ``Installing the Maintenance Pack from the Network'' for more information.
§2.1: Installing the Maintenance Pack from CD, CD ISO Image, or Media Images
Maintenance Pack 3 install media is distributed on two CD images and can be obtained in three formats:
two Supplement CDs
two Supplement CD ISO images
two tar archives containing Media Image Files (VOL files)
Follow this procedure to install SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 MP3 from any of the above media.
Log in as root.
Do one of the following:
If you are installing from CDs:
Insert CD #1 into the primary CD drive.
If you are installing from CD ISO Images:
Download the CD ISO Images osr600mp3_cd1.iso and osr600mp3_cd2.iso from either the SCO web site or the SCO FTP server:
In what follows, we have chosen to save these images in the directory /osr600mp3.
Make sure nothing is already mounted on /cd-rom, and enter this command to mount the first CD ISO image:
# mount -F cdfs -r `marry -a /osr600mp3/osr600mp3_cd1.iso` /cd-romNote the backquote characters around the marry command above; the backquote key is usually on the upper left side of the keyboard.
If you are installing from Media Image Files:
Download the files osr600mp3_cd1.tar and osr600mp3_cd2.tar from either the SCO web site or using FTP:
NOTE: The Maintenance Pack consists of two tar archives containing a number of media image files with names of the form VOL.000.000, VOL.000.001, and so forth. Because all maintenance packs use this same filename scheme, you should create a master directory with a unique subdirectory in which to store and process each maintenance pack's media files. The master directory could be /usr/mp, /usr/spool/patches, or whatever suits your system layout. The master hierarchy should be writable by root only. The rest of this document assumes that this directory is /usr/spool/patches/osr600mp3, with subdirectories cd1 and cd2 containing the VOL files for the first and second tar archives, respectively. Enter these commands to extract the media image files from the tar archives corresponding to the Maintenance Pack CDs:
# mkdir -p /usr/spool/patches/osr600mp3/cd1
# mkdir -p /usr/spool/patches/osr600mp3/cd2
# cd /usr/spool/patches/osr600mp3/cd1
# tar xvf osr600mp3_cd1.tar
# cd ../cd2
# tar xvf osr600mp3_cd2.tarStart the Software Manager by double-clicking on its icon on the desktop, or by entering the following at the command-line prompt:
# scoadmin softwareFrom the Software menu, select Install New.
When prompted for the host (machine), select the current host and then click on Continue.
Do one of the following:
If you are installing from CDs:
Select the appropriate CD-ROM drive as the Media Device and then select Continue.
If you are installing from CD ISO Images or Media Image Files:
Select Media Images as the Media Device, and then select Continue. (You may need to scroll down in the Media Device selection box in order to see the Media Images option.)
When prompted, enter the absolute pathname for the directory that contains the Maintenance Pack media images:
If you are installing from CD ISO Images, enter /cd-rom/opt/archives.
If you are installing from Media Image Files, enter /usr/spool/patches/osr600mp3/cd1.
Select OK.
In the Install Selection window, you will see the Maintenance Pack highlighted and/or with an asterisk. By default, all the packages on CD #1 are selected for installation. Select Install. PLEASE NOTE: It is strongly recommended that you install all packages on CD #1 (default for CD #1). Other packages, contained on CD #2, are optional, and may be installed at a later time. (See §2.3: Adding Software after Installing the Maintenance Pack)
Depending on your pre-existing software configuration, The Software Manager may display any or all of the following messages in dialog boxes:
"These components selected for installation will be upgraded", if it finds previous versions of the components that are modified or upgraded by the Maintenance Pack.You should select Continue.
"These patches cannot be installed because the software they modify is not installed", if it finds the Maintenance Pack contains fixes for software features that are not currently installed on your system. This message is also accompanied by "These patches can be installed" followed by the list of fixes in the Maintenance Pack which will be applied. This dialog box is titled "Install Patch Error", but is a typical and normal part of the install process. You should select Continue if you do not plan to install the absent package(s) at any time in the future, However, if you do plan to install one of these packages, you should stop the MP install process now, install the package in question from the appropriate media, and then restart the Maintenance Pack installation. This ensures that fixes in the MP are applied properly and avoids potential problems.
"Software Already Installed" and "Part of the software selected for installation is already installed. This operation will only install the software not currently on the system." This is usually because the software in question was installed via a previous Maintenance Pack. You can look at the Details screen to see what software components will be installed, and which already exist on the system. Select Continue.
"OpenLDAP Databases Changed", followed by a WARNING message to back up existing databases before proceeding. You can respond with OK to proceed, or Cancel to perform the relevant backups first. Typically, select OK to continue the installation.
Other informational dialog messages or warnings concerning other software components that are about to be upgraded, such as PHP. Please read these dialogs carefully if they appear. The typical response is OK to continue the installation.
When the installation is complete, click on OK. The Software Manager lists the newly added component among the installed software.
NOTE: Just prior to completion, the information dialog "During this installation, the kernel was relinked. You must reboot your system to make this kernel effective." appears. We recommend installing the nd package update as well as desired HBA updates, as outlined below, before rebooting, in order to save time.
Exit the Software Manager by selecting the Host menu, then Exit.
It is prudent to install updated HBA drivers and the updated nd package at this time.
Note: If you have any third-party network drivers installed on the system, and if this is the first time you are installing the pkgadd-format nd package, then you will need to reinstall your third-party drivers after installing the nd package.
To install these packages, do the following as root:
See whether you already have a version of the nd package installed by running:
# pkginfo ndIf you see this output:
system nd Network Driversthen you are upgrading from an earlier version of nd and no special steps are required below. Otherwise, this is a first-time installation of the nd package, and you should follow the instructions at
Find out which HBAs are present on your system:
# /sbin/sdiconfigDo one of the following:
If you are installing from CDs or CD ISO Images:
If you are installing from CDs, make sure that Supplement CD #1 is still in the drive and that nothing is already mounted on /cd-rom, and enter this command to mount the CD:
# mount -F cdfs -r /cd-romwhere is the block-device name of the drive in which the CD has been inserted.
# pkgadd -d /cd-romThis will bring up a list of driver packages you can install, including updated HBA drivers and the nd package.
Select one or more desired driver packages to install as a comma-separated list, using either the listed numbers or names.
Once all the drivers you select are installed, you will be prompted again for additional selections or to quit. Continue the process until all desired drivers are installed, and then enter q at the prompt.
Individual driver packages may have additional prompting; read the prompts carefully as they are displayed. Typically, select the default responses that are offered.
If you are installing from CDs, unmount the CD with this command:
# umount /cd-romand remove Supplement CD #1 from the CD drive.
If you are installing from Media Image Files:
Download the desired HBA packages as well as the nd package from the SCO ftp site for HBA and network drivers:
Follow the instructions for installing each package as specified in the cover letter or README file accompanying the package. Respond appropriately to the interactive prompts which appear while running these commands, and postpone any suggested reboots, until all drivers have been installed.
If you installed the nd package, and if this was a first-time install of that package rather than an upgrade from a previous version, then:
Install the nd package a second time. This is necessary to update configured network drivers in the kernel build tree.
Reinstall any third-party network drivers you had installed prior to installing nd.
step d after you finish installing the driver packages.
Enter the following commands to reboot the machine:
# cd /
# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y
See the section, Adding Software after Installing the Maintenance Pack to install CD #2 of the Maintenance Pack once the system reboots, or to install additional software from CD #2 not originally chosen for installation (at any later time).
§2.2: Installing the Maintenance Pack from the Network
You can install the Maintenance Pack from one SCO OpenServer system onto another across a TCP/IP network.
On the server side, to enable:
In the simplest case, install the Maintenance Pack on the system that you want to use as the software server using one of the installation procedures described under ``Installing the Maintenance Pack''.
Use the Account Manager (scoadmin account) to create a login account named swadmin. When a client system attempts to remotely install software from the server system, this password must be supplied by the client to authenticate the connection. If this account already exists and the password has been forgotten, use the Account Manager to define a new password.
On the client side, to install the Maintenance Pack from the server:
Start the Software Manager and select Install New.
In the Begin Installation window, you are prompted for the source location of the Maintenance Pack. Select From Another Host.
Type in the network node name of the software server and the password for the swadmin account on the software server.
Proceed with the installation as shown in the previous section, beginning with Step 7.
For more information, see ``Installing and managing software over the network'' in the online documentation under ``Installation and Licensing''.
§2.3: Adding Software after Installing the Maintenance Pack
To install CD #2 of the Maintenance Pack once the system reboots, or to install additional software from CD #2 not originally chosen for installation (at any later time):
Log in as root.
Do one of the following:
If you are installing from CDs:
Insert CD #2 into the primary CD drive.
If you are installing from CD ISO Images:
Make sure nothing is already mounted on /cd-rom, and enter the following commands to mount the CD #2 ISO image:
# CD2DEV=`marry -a /osr600mp3/osr600mp3_cd2.iso`
# mount -F cdfs -r $CD2DEV /cd-romThe shell variable CD2DEV will be used later.
If you are installing from Media Image Files:
Proceed to the next step; no action is required here.
Start the Software Manager by double-clicking its icon on the desktop, or by entering the following at the command-line prompt:
# scoadmin softwareFrom the Software menu, select Install New.
When prompted for the host (machine), select the current host and then click on Continue.
Do one of the following:
If you are installing from CDs:
Select the appropriate CD-ROM drive as the Media Device and then select Continue.
If you are installing from CD ISO Images or Media Image Files:
Select Media Images as the Media Device, and then select Continue. (You may need to scroll down in the Media Device selection box in order to see the Media Images option.)
When prompted, enter the absolute pathname for the directory that contains the Maintenance Pack media images:
If you are installing from CD ISO Images, enter /cd-rom/opt/archives.
If you are installing from Media Image Files, enter /usr/spool/patches/osr600mp3/cd2.
Select OK.
In the Install Selection window, select the software you want to install.
When installing components from CD #2 of the Maintenance Pack, an expanded list should automatically appear. Use the Space Bar to select and deselect components from the list. (See the section Before Installing the Maintenance Pack, above, for a list of the components in CD #2 of the Maintenance Pack.)
To select multiple non-adjacent items to install while using the Software Manager in graphical mode, first select one or more adjacent items by clicking and holding your left mouse button. Next release the mouse button; the items just selected will be highlighted. For each additional item that you want to select or de-select, first move the cursor over that item. Then while holding the key click your left mouse button once.
Once you have selected all the software you want, select Install to begin copying the components to your system.
The Software Manager will display a message if it finds previous versions of the components that are modified or upgraded by the Maintenance Pack. Additionally, some components, such as Tomcat, PostgreSQL, and Squid, may display informational dialogs or warnings. Read all these messages carefully and take appropriate action, if necessary. However, typically you should select Continue or OK to progress with the installation.
For more information on upgrading some of these components, refer to the various Upgrade Notes in Before Installing the Maintenance Pack.
When the installation is complete, click on OK. The Software Manager lists the newly added component among the installed software.
Exit the Software Manager by selecting the Host menu, then Exit.
Do one of the following:
If you are installing from CDs::
Remove CD #2 from the CD drive.
If you are installing from CD ISO Images::
Enter the following commands to unmount the CD #2 ISO image:
# umount /cd-rom
# marry -d $CD2DEV
If you are installing from Media Image Files:
Proceed to the next step; no action is required here.
While there is no need to reboot the system after installing these packages, if your system is running any libraries or commands that are contained in these packages, then these programs will continue to run with the old versions of these libraries or commands until the system is rebooted.
Once all necessary packages and patches have been installed, it is good practice to reboot the system at the earliest opportunity by invoking the following commands as root:
# cd /
# shutdown -i6 -g0 -yThis will ensure that no programs continue to run with the old libraries or commands.
§3: Maintenance Pack Notes and Limitations
The following notes and limitations apply to SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 Maintenance Pack 3:
OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3 removal is not be supported.
Licensing warning when installing MP3
After installing the RS600C Release Supplement from MP3, the following message is displayed on the console (and recorded in /var/adm/messages and /var/adm/syslog):
The SCO Licensing Policy Manager Daemon (sco_pmd) has terminated
and been restarted. This usually indicates a serious system problem
and you are encouraged to contact your SCO service provider for help.This message is expected when the Release Supplement is installed and can be safely ignored. The Release Supplement contains updates to the Policy Manager Daemon (PMD); the PMD is stopped and restarted by the Supplement to configure the updates.
PHP PEAR modules
PEAR modules for the new PHP 5 package are not included in MP3.
Screen corruption after display of OpenLDAP message
If you are installing MP3 via a terminal emulation then you may see a corrupted screen when the OpenLDAP database message is displayed and you choose to continue the install. If you see a corrupt screen and prompt, simply hit to continue with the installation.
(ID: 534538:1)
Mplayer does not zoom the video when resizing the window
To fix this problem, append this line:
to the $HOME/.mplayer/config configuration file.
(ID: 534416:1)
Samba/Squid /usr/bin/ntlm_auth utility
OpenServer 6.0.0 provides both the Samba package /usr/bin/ntlm_auth and the Squid package /usr/bin/squid_ntlm_auth utilities. If configuring Squid for NTLM authentication, we recommend using the Samba package /usr/bin/ntlm_auth utility.
Xenix applications
If you are running Xenix applications, please see additional limitations described in the Xenix Compatibility Enhancements section.
Java upgrade may remove mysql.jar link
If you installed MySQL before MP3 CD #1 or the Java 1.5.0 product from OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3 CD #2, then the /usr/java/lib/mysql.jar link may have been overwritten. You can recreate this link via:
ln -s /opt/K/SCO/MySQL/4.1.10Na/usr/java/lib/mysql.jar \
In a future release we plan to create this link in a location that does not conflict with a Java upgrade.
Insufficient space error during KDE upgrade
After installing OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3 CD #1 you need to reboot your system before installing other products. This includes the additional software on the OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3 CD #2 such as KDE. Failure to reboot leaves your system in an inconsistent state and can have non-obvious ramifications, such as this insufficient space message.
The workaround is to reboot your system and retry the installation. If this error message appears again, then check that you have sufficient space on your system.
(ID: 534305:1)
KDE upgrade notes
Although upgrading to version 3.5.6 while in your current KDE environment will succeed, doing so may cause anomalous behavior for some icons and warnings when exiting the desktop. You may wish to switch to another environment, such as the xdt3 desktop or a console login shell, when upgrading KDE.
If you have previously installed either or both of the French and German language support packages, you'll likely want to download and install the KDE 3.5.6 i18n Language Support ( ) to get matching localized support for the new KDE.
Upgrading to KDE 3.5.6 renders the older KDE 3.3.2 language support packages obsolete. It also removes symlinks to files in these now-obsolete packages, in turn causing custom verify errors. Therefore, we recommend that you remove the KDE French Language Support Release 3.3.2 and KDE German Language Support Release 3.3.2 packages after KDE 3.5.6 has been installed.
You can use custom interactively to remove these packages. The KDE French Language Support Release 3.3.2 package is found below the SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 Graphics French Language Support, which in turn is found below SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 French Language Support in the custom display. Similarly, the KDE German Language Support Release 3.3.2 package is found below the SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 Graphics German Language Support, which in turn is found below SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 German Language Support.
Alternatively, use these commands to remove these packages:
custom -r KDE3FR # to remove KDE 3.3.2 French Language Support
custom -r KDE3DE # to remove KDE 3.3.2 German Language Support
KDE sound error
On systems without a sound driver, KDE may display the following message on start-up:
Sound server information message:
Error while initializing the sound driver.
device /dev/dsp can't be opened (No such file or directory)
The sound server will continue, using the null output device.
To use sound with KDE, install the Open Sound System Supplement 4.0. You can download this supplement from:
Alternatively, to disable the above message, enter the KDE Control Center, select Sound & Multimedia, then select Sound System, and deselect Enable the sound system.
(ID: 534468:1)
Can't login to KDE with /u95/bin/ksh as login shell
If the UNIX 95 compliant Korn Shell, /u95/bin/ksh, is used as a user's login shell, then that user may not be able to access the KDE desktop environment via scologin. In order to access KDE using the Korn Shell, set the user's login shell to /bin/ksh.
(ID: 534593:1)
X server configuration problems seen occasionally
X server configuration problems have been seen occasionally after using xorgcfg or scoadmin video (which is a front end for xorgcfg). To recover, stop the X server if it is running and generate a new X server configuration file:
/usr/X11R7/bin/Xorg -configureThis will autodetect your hardware configuration and generate a new configuration file in /xorg.conf.new. When you are ready, back up the old configuration file and copy the new one into place:
mv /etc/xorg.conf /etc/xorg.conf.sav
mv /xorg.conf.new /etc/xorg.confRestart the X server.
§4: Maintenance Pack Features
OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3 includes the following notable enhancements to OpenServer 6:
All the features and bug fixes in OpenServer 6.0.0 MP2. See the ``Features Provided in MP2'' and ``§5: Maintenance Pack Fixes'' sections below for details. This includes important security related fixes and enhancements as described in these sections below:
Security fixes in MP1
Security fixes in MP2
Many new features. See the ``Features Provided in MP3'' section below for details.
Many additional bug fixes since MP2. See the §5.3: Fixes Provided in MP3 section below for details.
§4.1: Features Provided in MP2
OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3 includes all the features previously provided in OpenServer 6.0.0 MP2. Description of these OpenServer 6.0.0 MP2 features follows:
ANT: Java-Based Build Tool
Console: default terminal settings changed
International keyboard issues resolved
Java 2 Standard Edition Upgrade
Large file capable versions of the ftp and scp commands
Multiple core processor support
Network Driver Package Update
Online Data Manager (ODM)
Online documentation updates
PCI parallel port support
SCOadmin Filesystem Manager improvements
SCOadmin System Tuner
Security Fixes
Serial ATA (SATA) Support
UPS Support Fixes
USB Printing Fixes
X.org Windows System updated
ANT: Java-Based Build Tool
ANT Version 1.6.5 is provided as an optional component installable separately from the Maintenance Pack; the Maintenance Pack should be installed prior to installing ANT.
ANT is a Java-based build tool that is an alternative to other build tools such as make, and is designed to overcome difficulties inherent in multi-platform development. It is commonly used in open source Java development.
For more information on ANT, please see the ANT web site at . The documentation for ANT 1.6.5 is available at .
The following enhancements and fixes have been made to improve application compatibility for both OSR5 and SVR5 applications.
An SVR5 ABI version of libprot (/usr/lib/libprot.so) is provided, for use by SVR5 mode applications to be compiled and deployed on OpenServer 6. The OSR5 version of libprot is provided under /osr5/usr/lib/libprot.so, and is for use by OSR5 ABI applications only. OSR5 ABI applications executing on Release 6 can expect that all libprot calls will function as in previous releases.
An updated libiaf that's compatible with libprot and its Identification and Authentication implementation is also provided. This allows SVR5 applications coded to use the SVR5 /usr/lib/libiaf.so routines for I&A to run on OpenServer 6.
Compatibility in the libsocket library is improved by including support for the inet_net_pton, inet_net_ntop, inet_neta, inet_cidr_pton, and inet_cidr_ntop interfaces to libnsl.
A reported OSR5 application failure was found to be caused by TCP/IP code in the kernel that was incompatible with OSR5 style socket addresses passed from OSR5 applications. The socket address structure changed from OSR5 to OSR6, with the 16-bit family field used in the OSR5 socket address replaced by eight-bit length and eight-bit family fields. The problem was fixed by a minor modification to the kernel TCP module.
Changes to libc have been made so that the message catalog routines now understand all "X/Open style" message catalog files produced either by the OpenServer 5 mkcatdefs command or the SVR5 gencat command. It is up to applications where they install and thus locate their respective message catalog files.
Console: default terminal settings changed
Installing the Release Supplement changes the default TERM settings for the console and for new users from at386-ie to ansi. Most applications will not notice this change, except for those that were hard-coded with escape sequences or function key strings instead of using terminfo. Display of special characters, such as accents and umlauts, should be improved by this change.
Applications hard-coded to use an at386-ie or similar console, may want to restore the at386-ie settings originally installed with OpenServer 6. To restore all the at386-ie settings, use the scoadmin international settings manager to change the internal codeset to either the ISO8859-15 or the ISO8859-1 code page (Western Europe, with or without the Euro character). The console TERM settings (including font, keyboard, and mappings) will change automatically to the original OpenServer 6 installation settings.
IDE Driver updated
The IDE driver has been updated to correct problems observed with various IDE controller models. The previous version had trouble working with Intel ICH (I/O Controller Hub) IDE controllers in Enhanced/non-AHCI mode. The updated driver supports Enhanced/non-AHCI mode for all Intel ICH chipsets. Note that SATA (Serial ATA) and AHCI (Advanced Host Controller Interface) modes on ICH chipsets are not supported by this version of the IDE driver. (SATA is currently supported only by the ahci driver; see Serial ATA (SATA) Support).
This driver is provided in pkgadd format, and is added using the following command (with the MP CD in the primary drive):
# mount -F cdfs /dev/cd0 /cd-rom
# pkgadd -d /cd-rom ideThen, rebuild the operating system and reboot the system:
# /etc/conf/bin/idbuild -B
# init 6International keyboard issues resolved
Various issues with international keyboard support have been resolved, and a new set of keyboard mapping tables is included. Use the SCOadmin International Settings Manager (scoadmin internat) to select keyboard tables and codesets.
See the MP2 Graphics section for additional information on keyboard related fixes and procedures, including Euro character display issues.
Java 2 Standard Edition Upgrade
The fixes and features in the Java 2 SE contained in MP2 are contained in the Java 2 SE update in MP3 that completely replaces all previous versions of J2SE 1.4.2.
The Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) is upgraded from 1.4.2_08 to 1.4.2_10, and includes these fixes:
The NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces() method was not returning a complete list of network interfaces on an SVR5 system.
The server option -XX:+AggressiveHeap would not take effect on SVR5 systems because the total physical memory was incorrectly calculated.
The RandomAccessFile() constructor mode "d" (data synchronization) was incorrectly passed to the system open() function with a BSD O_DSYNC flag. While generally innocuous, it could result in an SVR5 kernel memory corruption when opening some devices and eventually result in a system panic.
Availability of LARGEFILE support may not have been correctly detected in JVM runtime initialization.
The jre/lib/font.properties file has been revised to use Lucida fonts provided with the J2SE release. The previous font.properties file has been renamed font.properties.BKUP.
Sun Alert ID 102003: Three (3) security vulnerabilities with the use of "reflection" APIs in the Java Runtime Environment may (independently) allow an untrusted applet to elevate its privileges. For example, an applet may grant itself permissions to read and write local files or execute local applications that are accessible to the user running the untrusted applet.
Large file capable versions of the ftp and scp commands
The ftp and scp commands have been enhanced to handle the transfer of files larger than 2GB in size. Note that the file system on which a large file is created must be a VxFS file system enabled for large files. See Managing Large Files.
Multiple core processor support
Multiple core processors have two or more processor cores in each physical package. (The number of internal processors may also be used in the processor name; for example, "dual core" processors.) This architecture continues the trend started with hyperthreading, adding enhanced parallelism and improved performance.
One critical difference between hyperthreading and multiple core processors is that multiple processor cores are detected automatically and utilized if available; hyperthreaded processors, on the other hand, are not utilized unless the administrator specifically requests their use.
The use of multiple processor cores is enabled by default. To disable it, enter the MULTICORE=N boot parameter at the boot loader prompt (or add it to the /stand/boot file). If the use of multiple processor cores is explicitly disabled, then the use of hyperthreading is also disabled. (Having multiple core support enabled has no effect on systems that do not have multiple core processors.)
Note that on some systems (particularly where multi-core processors are included in the system's MPS tables), ACPI=Y must be entered in addition to MULTICORE=N to disable the use of multiple cores.
Hyperthreaded processor support is disabled by default. Support for hyperthreaded processors can be enabled with any of the following boot parameters:
HYPERTHREAD=YThese and all the boot parameters are discussed on the boot(HW) manual page.
Note that if your system supports hyperthreading, then hyperthreading should always be enabled in the system BIOS, regardless of the operating system setting.
Both AMD and Intel multiple core processors are supported. No additional CPU licenses are required to use either multiple processor cores or hyperthreaded processors.
Network Driver Package Update
MP2 supplied version 8.0.6b of the network driver nd package.
MP3 updates this package to version 8.0.6f. For more information, see Network Driver Package version 8.0.6f in §4.2: Features Provided in MP3.
Online Data Manager (ODM)
The Online Data Manager (ODM), version 3.2, was provided in Maintenance Pack 2. It is currently available as a download from either the SCO web site or using FTP:
Maintenance Pack 3 includes updates to ODM. These updates are applied during installation of MP3 only if ODM is already installed. Thus, to install ODM with MP3, you must first install MP3; then install ODM; and then reinstall MP3 to get the ODM updates.
ODM provides advanced data redundancy and recovery, including:
concatenation (data is mapped linearly onto one or more subdisks in a plex)
spanning (concatenation using subdisks that reside on more than one VM disk)
mirroring (a technique of using multiple plexes to duplicate the information contained in a volume)
striping (a technique of mapping data so that the data is interleaved among two or more physical disks)
RAID-5 (a method of providing data redundancy through the use of parity--a calculated value that can be used to reconstruct data after a failure)
logs for mirror recovery
ODM includes the Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) and the Veritas Visual Administrator (VxVA). Once installed and licensed, follow the instructions in the online documentation under Filesystems to initialize and configure ODM. In particular, be sure to read the software notes and initialization instructions in the Overview and Installation document before you begin to use ODM. Also included are the ODM manual pages for all the ODM utilities.
ODM requires a separate license, which can be entered using the SCOadmin License Manager (scoadmin license), either before or after installing ODM.
Online documentation updates
The Release Supplement includes many updates to existing manual pages and guides, as well as new documentation for the Online Data Manager (see above), a comparison of Release 5 and Release 6 kernel tunable parameters, and updated BIND documentation.
PCI parallel port support
OpenServer 6 now automatically configures devices for all PCI parallel ports installed, including on-board ports and PCI add-on cards. These devices are configured using device names of the form /dev/lp[0..n]. There is no need to run the mkdev parallel command, as required in previous releases.
Use the graphical dcu interface or the command-line resmgr utility to list the enabled parallel ports. Enter /sbin/dcu and check the Hardware Device Configuration. You should see, for example:
Device Name IRQ IOStart IOEnd MemStart MemEnd DMA
= =========== === ======= ===== ======== ====== ===
Y Parallel Port 7 3bc 3bf - - -You could also use the resmgr command:
# resmgr | grep mfpd
3 mfpd 1 5 1 7 3bc 3bf - - - - 1 - - - 1 -If an existing parallel port is not listed by the dcu and resmgr utilities, reboot and enter the system BIOS to ensure that the port is enabled, and to determine the hardware resource settings (IRQ and I/O addresses) for the undetected port. Then, you need to change the BIOS settings or the dcu/resmgr settings (or both), so that they match.
You can add a parallel port manually within dcu by selecting Software Device Drivers -> Miscellaneous -> mfpd, selecting F5, and entering the appropriate values for the device. Similarly, you can edit the values for an existing driver by selecting the appropriate line in the dcu display and editing the values.
Or use the resmgr command, as in these examples:
# resmgr -a -p "MODNAME UNIT IPL ITYPE IRQ IOADDR BRDBUSTYPE ENTRYTYPE" -v "mfpd 1 5 1 7 3bc 3bf 1 1"
# resmgr -a -p "MODNAME UNIT IPL ITYPE IRQ IOADDR BRDBUSTYPE ENTRYTYPE" -v "mfpd 1 5 1 7 378 37f 1 1"Then run the following commands to rebuild the operating system and reboot:
# /etc/conf/bin/idconfupdate -f
# /etc/conf/bin/idbuild -B
# init 6SCOadmin Filesystem Manager improvements
Various improvements, including pseudo filesystem support and enhanced support for memory-based (memfs) filesystems, have been made to the SCOadmin Filesystem Manager. Please see the SCOAdmin section of the section ``Fixes Provided in MP2'', below.
SCOadmin System Tuner
As an alternative to the configure(ADM) command, a graphical System Tuner is provided for changing kernel tunable parameters.
NOTE: The System Tuner modifies kernel parameters - not to be confused with networking parameters (which are modified using the inconfig(ADMN) utility). For more information, including a list of kernel parameters, please see System Management → Performance in the online documentation.
To start the graphical System Tuner, enter scoadmin hardware and select Tune Parameters from the display or the Kernel menu. Note that you must start the System Tuner from a graphical desktop, or have your DISPLAY environment variable set to display on a graphical desktop in order to access the System Tuner, which is a graphical display only application. (On a character display, or when the DISPLAY environment variable is not set, the OpenServer classic character based configure(ADM) tool is launched instead.)
To view and change a parameter:
Kernel parameters are divided into categories you can view by clicking on the category button at the top of the window. To see a description of any parameter in the current category, click on the parameter. A description appears in the text box in the window. If the tunable parameter you want to modify is not shown in the current set of parameters, click on the category button and select the appropriate category.
Once the tunable parameter you want to change is displayed, click in the text box next to the parameter name.
To change the value of the tunable parameter, either enter the new value or move the slider bar near the bottom of the window until the desired value is displayed. If the auto check box appears for a parameter, you can select it to have the system select the parameter value automatically.
Use these buttons to control your selections:
Reset resets values for all parameters changed since the last save
Reset to Factory resets values to those that were set when the system was installed
Cancel discards the changes you have made
OK saves your settings (and proceeds to the next step)
If you changed any parameter values, you are prompted to rebuild the kernel to incorporate the new tunable values: choose Yes to rebuild it now or No to rebuild it the next time you reboot. If you rebuild the kernel, any errors encountered are recorded in the /tmp/kernel_status file.
You are prompted to reboot now. If you select Yes, the system is rebooted immediately using the new kernel parameter values. If you select No, you continue with the old tunable parameter values in effect until the next reboot.
Serial ATA (SATA) Tape Support
The ahci driver has been updated to support Serial ATA (SATA) tape devices. The AHCI v1.0 Specification is fully supported with the exception of port multipliers and power management. All AHCI v1.0 compliant SATA controllers should work with this driver. Controllers based on the Intel ICH6M, ICH6R, ICH7M and ICH7R are known to work. This driver is provided in pkgadd format, and is added using the following command (with the MP CD in the primary drive):
# mount -F cdfs /dev/cd0 /cd-rom
# pkgadd -d /cd-rom ahciThen, rebuild the operating system and reboot the system:
# /etc/conf/bin/idbuild -B
# init 6UPS Support Fixes
The mkdev apc command has been updated to recognize that OSR6 serial ports are capable of the signaling required for the APC UPS daemon to operate.
USB Printing Fixes
The USB Printing subsystem has been updated to correct various problems, including unintelligible output observed at the end of many print jobs.
X.org X Server 6.9.0
MP3 updates the X.org Windows System version 6.9.0 released in MP2 with version 7.2.0.
The X.Org X server has been updated from Release 6.8.2 to Release 6.9.0. This new release contains: updated support for many drivers, including ATI Radeon (RN50/ES1000); several new or enhanced protocol extensions; and, a new acceleration architecture for improved graphics performance. For full details on this release please see EF="REF=""> .
§4.2: Features Provided in MP3
OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3 provides the following new features:
AGP Device Driver
Apache 1.3.37/PHP 5.2.3
DST Changes
Extended Shells 1.5.0 Flash 7,0,70,0
GMP 4.2.1
GWXLIBs 3.0.0
Java 2 SE 1.4.2
Java 2 SE 5.0
KDE 3.5.6
SCO Mobile Enhancements
Apache Tomcat mod_jk Module
MPlayer 1.0rc1
Network Driver Package version 8.0.6f
OpenSSH 4.6p1
Perl 5.8.8
OSR5 ABI Perl 5.8.8 Supplement
PostgreSQL 8.2.3
QT3 3.3.8
SCO Admin Enhancements
Squid 2.6.12
USB Enhancements
ViM (VI Improved) 7.2
Xenix Compatibility Enhancements
X.ORG 7.2.0
XPDF 3.0.2
AGP Device Driver
OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3 adds an Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) driver for faster access to the graphics controller. It uses a Graphics Address Remapping Table (GART) to map discontiguous host memory into a physically contiguous view for DMA transfer to video memory. It is primarily used for running the X11 server on the Intel i81x and AMD 7x1 class of controllers.
Apache 1.3.37/PHP 5.2.3
Apache has been upgraded to version 1.3.37, and includes both Perl and PHP support. With this release of SCO OpenServer, PHP has been significantly updated from version 4.3.11 to version 5.2.3.
See also PHP 5 Upgrade Notes and Apache 1 Upgrade Notes in §1: Before Installing the Maintenance Pack.
DST Changes
Timezone rules were updated to comply with changes to United States Daylight Savings Time beginning in 2007.
Extended Shells 1.5.0
The Extended Shells package has been updated to provide modern versions of the shells originally provided, as well as to add the latest version of the Korn Shell. The following shells have been upgraded or added:
The Z Shell (zsh) has been upgraded from 4.2.6 to 4.3.4
The GNU Bourne Again Shell (bash) has been upgraded from 3.1 to 3.2
The Korn Shell (ksh98) version ksh98s has been added
Flash 7,0,70,0
OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3 provides a Flash Player plugin for Mozilla and Firefox. This plugin was previously provided as a post OpenServer 6.0.0 MP2 supplement on the SCO public FTP site.
Please note:
If you install Mozilla after installing the OpenServer 6.0.0 Flash Player product then remove and reinstall the OpenServer 6.0.0 Flash Player product. This is needed to create the Mozilla links for the Flash Player.
The Flash plugin uses the OSS sound APIs. To enable sound support, install the 4Front oss package which is available from .
GMP 4.2.1
GMP 4.2.1 is the initial release of GNU MP for OpenServer 6. GNU MP is a free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic.
Additional information on GNU MP can be found at .
GWXLIBs 3.0.0
This release of SCO OpenServer contains a new release of the Supplemental Graphics, Web and X11 Libraries (GWXLIBS) set of packages. Aside from many of the individual libraries being updated, there has been a significant change in the way these libraries are packaged. Each library is now its own component, which allows for finer grained dependencies for user packages that use these libraries, as well as making future updates significantly smaller and easier. The build procedure has also been significantly simplified for those who want to rebuild all or part of the package.
The following libraries have been updated:
All X11 libraries upgraded from 6.9.2 to 7.2.0
GNU gettext upgraded from 0.14.5 to 0.16.1
JASper JPEG-2000 upgraded from 1.701.0 to 1.900.1
TIFF upgraded from 3.7.4 to 3.8.2
libpng upgraded from 1.2.8 to 1.2.18
libmng upgraded from 1.0.9 to 1.0.10
FreeType 2 upgraded from 2.1.10 to 2.3.5
libgd2 upgraded from 2.0.33 to 2.0.35
libgif upgraded from 4.1.0 to 4.1.4
NetPBM upgraded from 10.26.14 to 10.34
GTK 2 upgraded from 2.8.9 to 2.10.14
Pango upgraded from 1.10.2 to 1.17.3
Cairo upgraded from 1.0.2 to 1.4.10
GNU readline upgraded from 5.1 to 5.2
BerkeleyDB upgraded from 4.3.28 to 4.6.18
Expat upgraded from 1.95.8 to 2.0.1
libxml2 upgraded from 2.6.22 to 2.6.29
libxslt upgraded from 1.1.15 to 1.1.21
XMLSEC 1 upgraded from 1.2.9 to 1.2.10
OpenSSL 0.9.8e added
OpenSSL 0.9.7 upgraded from 0.9.7i to 0.9.7m
OpenSSL 0.9.6m has been deprecated and no longer provided
OpenLDAP upgraded from 2.2.30 to 2.3.37
Cyrus SASL upgraded from 2.1.20 to 2.1.22
MM upgraded from 1.4.0 to 1.4.2
PCRE upgraded from 6.4 to 7.2
LCMS upgraded from 1.15 to 1.16
libIDL upgraded from 0.8.6 to 0.8.8
cURL upgraded from 7.15.1 to 7.16.4
Sablotron upgraded from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3
ICU upgraded from 3.4 to 3.6
FontConfig upgraded from 2.2.2 to 2.4.2
trio upgraded from 1.10 to 1.12
libart LGPL upgraded from 2.3.17 to 2.3.19
GNOME Options Library (libpopt) upgraded from 1.7 to 1.10.4
GNOME Structured File library (libgsf) upgraded from 1.13.3 to 1.14.5
GNOME CSS library (libcroco) upgraded from 0.6.0 to 0.6.1
librsvg upgraded from 2.13.3 to 2.18.0
libexif upgraded from 0.6.12 to 0.6.16
GnuPG upgraded from 1.4.0 to 1.4.7
libgcrypt upgraded from 1.2.2 to 1.2.4
libgpg-error upgraded from 1.0.0 to 1.5
Tcl 8.4 upgraded from 8.4.10 to 8.4.15
Tk 8.4 upgraded from 8.4.10 to 8.4.14
For more details please see Appendix: Graphics libraries, Perl modules, and PHP PEAR modules.
Java 2 SE 1.4.2
OpenServer 6.0.0 can have both J2SE 1.4.2 and J2SE 5.0 installed and functional at the same time. J2SE 1.4.2 is used specifically by various OpenServer tools and by default is updated to version 1.4.2_16 when you install OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3 CD #1.
The Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) is upgraded from 1.4.2_10 (in MP2) to 1.4.2_16 (in MP3), and includes these fixes:
A fix for Sun Alert #102934: A buffer overflow vulnerability in the image parsing code in the Java Runtime Environment may allow an untrusted applet or application to elevate its privileges. For example, an applet may grant itself permissions to read and write local files or execute local applications that are accessible to the user running the untrusted applet. A second vulnerability may allow an untrusted applet or application to causes the Java Virtual Machine to hang.
A fix for numeric keypad data entry with the keyboard Num Lock active.
A JVM abort when the mouse wheel is used on a scrolled List widget has been resolved.
The latest fixes from Sun including DST timezone changes.
A problem with embedded Java JVM initialization within a thread application has been corrected.
Additional Root CA Certificates.
A fix for Sun Alert #102686: The JRE and Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) may verify incorrect RSA PKCS #1 v1.5 signatures if the RSA public key exponent is 3. This may allow applets or applications that are signed by forged signing certificates and web sites with forged web server certificates to be verified as valid.
Java option -XX:+UseAltSigs was not honered in previous releases. The option functions as Sun intended in 1.4.2_12.
Fixes in java.nio.MappedByteBuffer support. Behavior difference and availability of APIs fsync(), fdatasync() and madvise() between Solaris and UnixWare (SVR5) have been resolved.
Removal of the javasoap package containing the Apache Axis jar file from the j2se142 component. Jar file(s) required by Apache/Tomcat have been incorporated into the Apache/Tomcat updates.
The latest bug and security fixes from Sun.
After installing MP3 both the symbolic links /usr/java and /usr/java2 will point to the J2SE 1.4.2 installation.
For more information please see the "Java 2 Standard Edition, v 1.4.2_16 for SCO UNIX Operating Systems" (ReleaseNotes.html) in the info/java/J2SE_142 directory of MP3 CD #1.
Java 2 SE 5.0
By default, OpenServer 6.0.0 provides Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) 1.4.2. That version of Java is used by various OpenServer tools and by default is updated to version 1.4.2_16 when you install OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3.
OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3 CD #2 offers you the option of additionally installing and using Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) 5.0, update 09d (1.5.0Id). This version provides:
J2SE 5.0_09d Runtime Environment (JRE)
J2SE 5.0_09d Java Plugin for Mozilla
J2SE 5.0_09d Software Development Kit (SDK)
Java Communications API, vers. 2.0
Apache Axis SOAP Web Services 1.2 and Apache Xerces-J XML Parser 1.4.4
J2SE 5.0, update 09d, contains the following fixes to the the J2SE 5.0's update 06 previously released on the SCO Support web site.
A packaging fix to make the javap executable.
A fix to avoid a bug on SCO platforms in the parallel garbage collection routines encountered when running JBoss on "server class" systems. This update is a minimum requirement for the SCO Me Inc. Mobility Server on OpenServer 6.0.0.
Daylight Savings Time timezone changes that go into effect in 2007.
Additional Root CA certificates have been added to the cacerts file.
A problem with embedded Java JVM initialization within a threaded application has been corrected.
A fix for Sun Alert #102760: A buffer overflow vulnerability in processing GIF images in the Java Runtime Environment may allow an untrusted applet to elevate its privileges.
A fix for Sun Alert #102732: Two vulnerabilities in the Java Runtime Environment may allow an untrusted applet to access data in other applets.
A fix for Sun Alert #102731: Two vulnerabilities related to serialization in the Java Runtime Environment may independently allow an untrusted applet or application to elevate its privileges.
A fix for Sun Alert #102729: Two buffer overflow vulnerabilities in the JRE may independently allow an untrusted applet to elevate its privileges. For example, an applet may grant itself permissions to read and write a local file or execute local applications that are accessible to the user running the untrusted applet.
A fix for Sun Alert #102662: A security vulnerability in the JRE Swing library may allow an untrusted applet to access data in other applets.
A fix for Sun Alert #102686: The JRE and Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) may verify incorrect RSA PKCS #1 v1.5 signatures if the RSA public key exponent is 3. This may allow applets or applications that are signed by forged signing certificates and web sites with forged web server certificates to be verified as valid.
Removal of the javasoap package containing the Apache Axis jar file froms the j2se142 component.
If you install this version from MP3 CD #2 after installing CD #1, then both /usr/java and /usr/java2 will point to J2SE 5.0 software. If this is not what you want to use as the default Java, you can manually change either or both of these links. These adjustments will need to be repeated following the installation of any J2SE updates.
For more information please see the "Java 2, Standard Edition 5.0, update 9d for SCO UNIX Operating Systems" (ReleaseNotes.html) in the info/java/J2SE_150 directory of MP3 CD #1.
KDE 3.5.6
KDE 3.5.6 contains numerous fixes and additional features as well as many security fixes since the previous release of KDE for OpenServer 6.
Changes since the previous release of KDE for OpenServer 6 can be found at:
In addition, KDE 3.5.6 International is provided on the SCO web site ( ). Additional KDE utilities and the KDE Integrated Development Environment, KDevelop, are provided on the SCO Skunkware download site at . SCO SkunkWare is not officially supported; report any problems to .
Once you have installed KDE 3.5.6 and then the KDE 3.5.6 i18n Language Support, first select the menu item Settings (Control Center) -> Regional & Accessibility -> Country/Region & Language. Next follow the Add Language button -> Other -> your desired language from the menu list, and click on Apply.
SCO Mobile Enhancements
OpenServer 6.0.0 Maintenance Pack 3 now allows you to install and run the SCO Mobile Server or SCO HipCheck Mobile Server at the same time that you install and run the SCO HipCheck agent for OpenServer. Thus you can now use the HipCheck agent to monitor and manage the SCO Mobile Server or HipCheck Mobile Server itself.
OpenServer 6.0.0 Maintenance Pack 3 also allows you to install and run the SCO HipCheck agent at the same time that you install third-party Java application server software, such as Tomcat, JBoss, WebLogic, and so on.
Apache Tomcat mod_jk Module
OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3 CD #2 provides a new product, Apache Tomcat mod_jk Module (mod_jk). This replaces the mod_jk2 functionality that was previously part of the Apache Tomcat Servlet Container (tomcat) product. The prior mod_jk2 implementation is deprecated and interferes with other Java web server applications such as the SCO Mobility Server.
MPlayer 1.0rc1
MPlayer 1.0rc1 is the initial release of MPlayer for OpenServer 6. MPlayer is a movie and animation player that supports a wide range of codecs and file formats including AVI, MPEG, QuickTime, FLC/FLI, and WMV.
Additional information on MPlayer can be found at .
Network Driver Package version 8.0.6f
MP3 updates the Network Driver Package (nd) to version 8.0.6f. A README file for the package is on CD #1 in /info/drivers. This file provides more information about the nd package, including the list of supported network cards, as well as what is new in this package from the previous version.
The nd package is installed using pkgadd. We recommend installing this package following installation of the custom components in CD #1. Please see the instructions at step 11 of §2.1: Installing the Maintenance Pack from CD, CD ISO Image, or Media Images.
First-time installation of the nd package requires extra steps described in SVR5 Driver Updates in §1: Before Installing the Maintenance Pack.
OpenSSH 4.6p1
OpenSSH has been upgraded to version 4.6p1, and several bugs have been fixed. Most notably, OpenSSH now correctly sets the MAIL environment variable to the correct location.
Perl 5.8.8
Perl has been upgraded to version 5.8.8, and most of the extension modules have been updated to later versions. See Appendix: Graphics libraries, Perl modules, and PHP PEAR modules for more details.
OSR5 ABI Perl 5.8.8 Supplement
In support of OpenServer 5 customers that may have a third party Perl interface to their OSR 5 application and that interface requires Perl to load an OSR5 ABI shared object, the basic OSR5 perl binaries, scripts and runtime have been provided. This component should only be installed when there is a definitive need for an OSR5 ABI perl.
These binaries install in /osr5/usr/bin/ and make use of the generic Perl modules and programs installed by the regular (SVR5) Perl in /usr/lib/perl5. Customers that require the OSR5 ABI perl should prefix the PATH environment setting with /osr5/bin.
PATH=/osr5/bin:$PATHbefore starting "perl". Any complete path invocation of perl - /usr/bin/perl or /bin/perl - should be modified to use /osr5/bin/perl.
At present,the only known requirement for the OSR5 ABI perl is an interface to the Oracle 7.3.x database.
Note that this is not a complete Perl release for the OSR5 ABI, For example the Perl extensions for the OSR5 ABI have not been released but can be released if and when a need arises.
PostgreSQL 8.2.3
PostgreSQL 8.2.3 is included on the OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3 CD #2. This release of the PostgreSQL Database Server includes many performance and security enhancements. A complete list of changes can be found at .
Systems running a prior release of PostgreSQL are encouraged to upgrade to take advantage of these features. However, due to internal database format changes made by the PostgreSQL developers to provide these features, a dump of any existing databases you wish to preserved must be performed prior to installing this upgrade. Details on this process are provided here in these release notes.
SCO Admin Enhancements
The SCO Admin Account Manager has been enhanced to better facilitate accounts on systems running Samba and NIS.
The SCO Admin Network Configuration Manager is now more robust in its handling of network configuration on systems with multiple NICs.
New for SCO OpenServer 6 are the SCO Admin System Monitor Manager and SCO Admin DNS Manager. For those familiar with SCO UnixWare, these are the same applications found in SCO UnixWare 7 ported to the SCO OpenServer 6 platform.
The SCO Admin System Monitor Manager is a graphical tool that allows choices from a selected set of system performance metrics to be displayed in real-time on a configurable graph. The tool has been improved for OpenServer 6 to provide more robust operation and enhanced usability, however it works only in graphical mode and currently provides no "Help" facility.
The SCO Admin DNS Manager is a graphical tool that enables DNS servers and services to be configured using a convenient interface that helps eliminate the need to run command line utilities and edit DNS configuration files with a text editor. Because the SCO Admin DNS Manager is new for OpenServer 6, there are a few caveats regarding its use that need to be kept in mind:
The SCO Admin DNS Manager is a graphics only tool. It will not execute on a character console in CHARM mode.
While careful attention to detail when using the SCO Admin DNS Manager for most common tasks will produce optimal results, it is important to make backups of your DNS configuration files before starting the manager in case it becomes necessary to restore them due to operation or execution problems with the DNS Manager. The files that should be backed up include /etc/named.conf and all files in the /etc/named.d hierarchy, especially db., db., and any other files beginning with "db".
When entering fully qualified domain names, be sure to include the final ',' (dot), e.g. "beta.mydomain.com."
Care must be taken to only add hosts inside already configured zones. When adding a host, specifying a zone that has not been configured can result in corruption of reverse lookup files. Note: if your domain uses the class C address space 192.168.213, the the reverse lookup file would be "db.213.168.192". (No trailing '.')
It is important that you properly specify your zone's network address correctly the first time. Attempting to modify the network address with the SCO Admin DNS Manager, or delete it and reconfigure it with the manager, will often result in configuration file corruption and a non-functional manager.
Configuring a "Caching-only" server can result in problems executing the "host" utility, which is fundamental to several SCO Admin managers and other system utilities. If after using the SCO Admin DNS Manager to configure a "Cacheing-only" server problems such as hung SCO Admin managers are encountered, try deleting the "Cacheing-only" configuration. While it may be possible to delete the "Cacheing-only" configuration with the DNS Manager, it may be necessary to remove /etc/named.conf and edit the /etc/named.d/db* files manually, or restore previous versions from backup copies. DO NOT simply remove all the files under /etc/named.d!
The SCO Admin DNS Manager may not always properly handle case-sensitivity issues with host names. In particular, adding, modifying, or deleting hostnames or zones with hostnames that differ only in the case of some or all of the letters in their names will generally cause corruption of the DNS configuration files. For best results, make sure all hostnames and zone names are unique without respect to case. E.g., do not have the hostnames "beta" "Beta" or "BETA" in the same domain, nor attempt to configure zones "mydomain.com", "MyDomain.com" (or "MYDOMAIN.com") on the same system. Note: while some applications and environments support case sensitivity, DNS specifications do not recognize case.
There are several problems with importing host data from the /etc/hosts file that can result in extensive corruption of DNS configuration data. At this time, it is best to not use this feature of the SCO Admin DNS manager.
Presently, the manager's "Help" buttons and menu "Help" selections do not work.
Squid 2.6.12
Squid 2.6.STABLE12 contains a fix for a denial of service attack.
USB Enhancements
OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3 provides updated UDI and USB subsystems. This includes the enhancements provided by the earlier OpenServer 6.0.0 MP2 USB Supplement plus additional bug fixes.
The OpenServer 6.0.0 supplement provided an enhanced USB driver that supports both USB modems and serial adapters. The device driver adds support for USB modems that conform to the CDC/ACM specification. Written to the Uniform Driver Interface (UDI) specification, the new driver includes a number of fixes that improve performance and device support.
Among the USB devices supported by this supplement are:
All SeaLevel single and multiport devices
Allied Data Tornado SFM56.0-USB Modems
BAFO Technologies BF-800 and BF-810 Single port adapters
Byterunner Technologies USB Communications Adapters.
Cables Unlimited USB to RS232 Serial Adapter
Comtrol RocketPortII USB Serial Hubs
CP-US-03 USB Serial Adapters
Modems supporting the "Abstract Control Model" Communications Subclass Interface type.
MultiTech MultiModemUSB Modems
Serial Adapters that use the FT8U232AM Chipset (**)
Serial Adapters that use the PL-2303 Chipset (**)
VScom USB Serial Adapters
Zoom/Faxmodem 56K USB Modems (*)
(*) Zoom has intermittent start-up failures due to firmware problems.
(**) If a vendor changed the product ID in PL-2303 and FT8U232 then the device may not work with this release.
OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3 also provides these additional bug fixes that were not in the OpenServer 6.0.0 Maintenance Pack 2 USB supplement:
fz534075:1, Recognize Iomega REV changer by not caching INQ across LUNS
fz534090:1, Improve EHCI performance by raising maximum interrupt rate.
Notes on using USB follow.
After installing MP3, once your system is rebooted any supported USB Serial and USB Modem devices connected to the system will be automatically recognized and device nodes for these devices will be created.
To list the serial ports of the USB devices that are recognized by your system run the the command:
l /dev/usb_ser*
This will return output similar to:
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 295,108 Oct 24 10:05 /dev/usb_ser0A
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 295,107 Oct 24 10:05 /dev/usb_ser0a
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 295,106 Oct 24 10:05 /dev/usb_ser0h
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 295,105 Oct 24 10:05 /dev/usb_ser0s
total 0
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 295,108 Oct 24 10:05 tty.03001-3.A
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 295,107 Oct 24 10:05 tty.03001-3.a
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 295,106 Oct 24 10:05 tty.03001-3.h
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 295,105 Oct 24 10:05 tty.03001-3.swhere
/dev/usb_ser0A is the modem control device
/dev/usb_ser0a is the non modem control device
/dev/usb_ser0h is the Hardware flow control device
/dev/usr_ser0s is the Software flow control device
/dev/usb_ser/tty.03001.3.sare USB Serial Device names for the serial ports where the first five digit number is the location of the host controller interface (HCI) to which the serial port/modem is connected. It's five digits represent the PCI bus number (two digits), the PCI device number (two digits), and the PCI function number (the final digit). For example:
/dev/usb_ser/tty.03001.3.AThe above device name indicates that the HCI is located at PCI bus number 03, PCI device 00, PCI function 1. Note that this number is completely determined by the hardware vendor's PCI configuration.
The remainder of the device name after the second period is a sequence of from one to six decimal numbers, each of which can be from one to three digits. The final number, which is required, indicates the port number on the device to which the serial port/modem is physically connected. Up to five hubs can be connected between the serial port/modem and the PC USB port, and the ports to which these devices are connected are indicated by the five optional three digit numbers in the device name, separated by periods.
In the example above, the serial port is connected to PC USB Port 3.
A device name like /dev/usb_ser/tty.00072.1.4.2 indicates the following device configuration:
PC USB Port 1 --- | Hub#1 Port 1
PC USB Port 2 | Hub#1 Port 2
| Hub#1 Port 3
| Hub#1 Port 4 --- | Hub#2 Port 1
... | Hub#2 Port 2 --- USB Serial Port
You can use the Serial Manager to configure USB Serial Port devices. For details on configuring serial ports using the serial manager see
You can use the Modem Manager to configure USB Modem devices. For more details on the modem manager see:
ViM (VI Improved) 7.2
The VIM editor has been upgraded to the latest available version, 7.2. This version has many new features, including structure completion for C programs and other languages. Many bugs have been fixed and improvements made.
Xenix Compatibility Enhancements
OpenServer 6.0.0 MP3 implements a major update for the Xenix emulator and the underlying kernel services. In general, most known Xenix emulator problems have been addressed. Both Xenix x.out binaries as well as COFF applications linked with the Xenix Services library via the -lx flag should now function correctly.
The kernel now implements Xenix semaphores, Xenix shared memory, and Xenix file and record locking. Additionally, the Xenix emulator xrun has been enhanced to make use of the restored kernel services.
The brkctl(S) system call has now been fully implemented for the Xenix emulator. This mostly affects model large Xenix applications, most of which previously did not run on OSR6.
The ls command has been upgraded to display properly Xenix shared memory and semaphore device nodes.
A previously installed Xenix application that uses semaphores may fail immediately after upgrading to MP3 because of a change in the way Xenix semaphores are implemented. Previously, the xrun emulator simulated Xenix semaphores via System V semaphores, using regular files that contained information about the semaphore properties. As noted above, MP3 eliminates that implementation in favor of a direct kernel-level implementation of Xenix semaphores.
If such an application failure is encountered after installing MP3, application functionality can usually be restored by shutting down the application, deleting the old semaphore files, and then restarting the application. In a few cases, it might be necessary to reinstall the application.
This update does not address missing Xenix ioctls (fz530099:2).
This update does not address Xenix applications that fails due to various ancillary environmental issues, such as missing termcap entries, changed VT characteristics, etc.
Xenix shared memory may not work properly when using sdget(S) with the SD_UNLOCK flag in small model data segments (i.e. models small and medium). This behavior is consistent with the original Xenix manual page, which states, "For 286 programs, it is strongly recommended that sdget and other shared memory data function be reserved for large model programs only." (Statement reproduced from SCO document XG-6-21-87-4.0, (c) 1980-1987 Microsoft Corporation, (c) 1983-1987 Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.)
We believe this problem is unlikely to be encountered in practice.
Post-System V Xenix 386 x.out binaries and COFF binaries linked with -lx are virtually indistinguishable when executing on OSR5 because both execute directly on the kernel; neither one is emulated. However, Xenix 386 x.out binaries run under the xrun emulator in OSR6, and as a result, there is a small chance that environmental differences, such as address space layout, might cause application failures.
X.ORG 7.2.0
SCO OpenServer Release 6 Maintenance pack 3 contains a major upgrade to the X11 windowing system. This has been upgraded from the 6.9.2 series to the 7.2.0 series. This new version has several new driver optimizations, drivers for more video cards, and improvements to older drivers. Changes include the new RandR extension; better OpenGL support; the new EXA accelerated driver architecture; better TrueType font support; and many other improvements.
XPDF 3.0.2
Xpdf 3.02 contains support for PDF 1.6 and PDF 1.7 as well as numerous fixes and additional features. A complete list of changes can be found at:
§5: Maintenance Pack Fixes
The fixes contained in this Maintenance Pack are described in the following sections (the references in parentheses following each description are internal tracking numbers).
``Fixes Provided in MP1''
``Fixes Provided in MP2''
``Fixes Provided in MP3''
§5.1: Fixes Provided in MP1
MP3 contains the following fixes that were also included in MP1:
Hardware Support
setclk command failures fixed -- The setclk command was failing because of missing device nodes. This has been fixed.
(ID: 532605)
Network card failover fixed -- The problem of not being able to revert to the primary network interface card (NIC) after a failover occurred is fixed. When the primary NIC fails and the software switches to using a defined failover NIC, the option to Revert to primary is now presented in netcfg(ADM) when the primary NIC again becomes available.
(ID: 532629)
udev driver updated -- A flaw in the udev driver that caused errant behavior with respect to device number generation has been fixed.
(ID: 532577)
Driver Updates -- Updates for Host Bus Adapters and other device drivers are delivered separately from the Maintenance Pack. You can find the latest new and updated device drivers for Release 6.0.0 at: .
Backup and Restore
emergency_rec command fixed -- Two problems with the emergency_rec command have been fixed. The -e option now backs up the entire disk, as described on the emergency_rec(ADM) manual page. Tape creation failures observed when the system is configured with a /tmp directory of type memfs have also been fixed.
(ID: 532582, 532630)
Files and Directories
non-LFS-aware commands no longer work on large files -- MP2 fixes an error that allowed some file system related commands (such as /bin/chown and /bin/rm) that are not large file system (LFS) capable to effect changes in large files (files over 1GB in size). This error has been fixed, and these non-LFS-aware commands now return an error (E_OVERFLOW) when attempting to access a large file. It is important that users and applications that access large files have /u95/bin first in their PATH so that the LFS-aware commands located there are invoked.
(ID: 532639)
Problems running Mozilla and Firefox together fixed -- Problems starting up either Mozilla or Firefox when the other was already running have been fixed.
(ID: 532645)
Missing Java functionality provided -- Java serial I/O support and SCOx web services support that was present in the most recent versions of SCO OpenServer 5 and UnixWare 7 was left out of Release 6.0.0 by mistake. MP2 corrects this as follows:
Java serial I/O support is contained in package javaxcomm, within a revised version of the Java 2 Standard Edition 1.4.2 parcel. It is automatically found within the standard Java extensions classpath.
Java web services support is contained in package javasoap, within the same revised Java parcel, and is also contained within a revised version of the Apache Tomcat Servlet Container 4.1.31 optional services product. It is automatically found within the standard extensions Java classpath.
C and C++ web services support is contained in a newly supplied package gsoap within the new SCOxlang optional services product. It is found at /usr/lib/gsoap/.
Perl and PHP web services support was in 6.0.0, and is folded into those distributions.
Demos for using web services in all five languages are contained in a newly supplied package scoxldemo within the same new SCOxlang optional services product. These are installed into /usr/lib/scox/language_demos/. The "mk" scripts within each subdirectory will indicate how to build and execute web services-enabled applications for all five languages.
(ID: 532362)
Unsharing NFS resources errors fixed -- The unshare and unshareall commands no longer return errors when unsharing NFS resources.
(ID: 532719)
Firewall rules can be flushed only by owner -- A bug that allowed any user to change or flush the firewall rules (see the ipf(ADMN) manual page) has been fixed. Only the owner has read and write permissions on ipfilter device nodes.
(ID: 532560)
NFS deadlock with specfs file systems fixed -- A deadlock that occurred when traversing specfs type file systems (such as /dev) mounted over NFS has been fixed. Such operations no longer hang.
(ID: 532662)
routed daemon updated -- Problems observed using routed with /etc/inet/gateways have been fixed.
(ID: 532052)
Mozilla updated to version 1.7.10 -- This update to Mozilla from Mozilla.org addresses the 9 security issues indicated at
MFSA 2005-56 Code execution through shared function objects
MFSA 2005-55 XHTML node spoofing
MFSA 2005-54 JavaScript prompt origin spoofing
MFSA 2005-52 Same origin violation: frame calling top.focus()
MFSA 2005-51 The return of frame-injection spoofing
MFSA 2005-50 Possibly exploitable crash in InstallVersion.compareTo()
MFSA 2005-48 Same-origin violation with InstallTrigger callback
MFSA 2005-46 XBL scripts ran even when JavaScript disabled
MFSA 2005-45 Content-generated event vulnerabilitiesThis updates the browser to the same code base as Mozilla Firefox 1.0.6 and Thunderbird 1.0.6.
(ID: 532746, 532631)
Support for Access Control Lists (ACLs) added -- ACLs are enabled by editing the file /etc/conf/sdevice.d/dac and changing the N to a Y in the file. Save the change, and enter the following two commands to rebuild the kernel and reboot the system:
# /etc/conf/cf.d/link_unix
# shutdown -i6 -g0 -ySee the following manual pages for more information on ACLs: getacl(C), setacl(C), acl(S), facl(S), aclipc(S), aclsort(S).
(ID: 532597)
lockpid and mpstat updated to restrict access -- The set-gid (set group ID) bit was removed from the lockpid command. The set-gid bit was removed from the mpstat command, and the group was changed to mem.
(ID: 532359)
System Management
psradm command fixed to no longer corrupt /etc/wtmp -- The psradm(ADM) command was corrupting /etc/wtmp and /etc/wtmpx. This would cause commands like who to return errors. This problem has been fixed in MP2.
(ID: 532744)
configure command -x option now works in pipelines -- The configure -x command has been fixed to no longer execute its own internal pager; this made piping the output to another command fail.
(ID: 532516)
telnet and rlogin fixed to allow eight-bit characters -- The telnet and rlogin commands have been updated to allow eight-bit characters on input. This bug was preventing special symbols (such as Pound and Euro) from being entered when a Release 6.0.0 machine was either the client or server in a telnet or rlogin session.
(ID: 532366)
File limit in xemul updated -- The XENIX Emulator xemul(C) no longer has a limit of 60 open files; it can open as many as the kernel is tuned to allow (the default is 2048).
(ID: 532564)
Problems recognizing memory with multiple licenses fixed -- Problems recognizing extra memory on systems with multiple licenses applied (for example, an Upgrade license plus an 8GB Memory license) have been fixed.
(ID: 532691)
DOS commands no longer fail on second try -- The DOS file system related commands (doscp, dosrm, dosdir, doscat, dosmkdir) were failing on second and subsequent executions by any user, with errors like the following:
/tmp/00448dos: Permission denied
doscp: can't seize /dev/installThis happened because of a temporary file left behind by the first execution of the command. This problem has been fixed.
(ID: 532710, 532716)
Development System
cc error for bool variables fixed -- The cc compiler could generate one or both of the following errors when compiling code using pointers to boolean values:
UX:acomp: ERROR: "compiler_err.c", line 12: internal compiler error: can't deal with op STAR
UX:as: ERROR: /var/tmp/ctm2AAAa005X_:56:invalid operand combination: xorbThis problem is fixed.
(ID: 532751)
C++ bit-field struct initializer list error fixed -- A fix for the C++ compiler is included in MP2 which corrects a bug in which broken code was generated for initialization of bitfield members of struct/union/class objects."
(ID: 532625)
Set installation problems fixed -- Package set postinstall scripts are now executed using the correct set of system commands.
(ID: 532526)
§5.2: Fixes Provided in MP2
MP3 contains the following fixes that were also included in MP2:
Commands and Utilities
Development System
Operating System
Other Fixes
Commands and Utilities
/sbin/emergency_disk incorrectly enumerates cdrecord device --
Correctly set scsibus for cdrecord device string.
(ID: 533423:1)
groupadd and groupdel fail when /etc/group is configured for NIS. --
Changed logic so that "+" lines get the right number of semi-colons.
(ID: 533295:1)
mount -r mounts a memfs filesystem read-only, but reports it as read-write --
Support for read-only memfs filesystems was removed.
(ID: 533056:1)
mount -F memfs refuses -r flag --
Support for read-only memfs filesystems was removed from the memfs mount command. The memfs mount command no longer accepts "-r", and will not mount memfs filesystems read write.
(ID: 533001:1)
useradd prints garbage when called with -m and -d if the argument is not a directory --
Added new -M flag to allow creation of account with bogus directory specified in order to accommodate machine account needs for Samba, and still meet security requirements.
(ID: 532692:1)
When a nonexistent group is specified, useradd produces garbage output. --
A further check for validity of numerically specified GIDs was added to userOsa by calling an existing routine.
(ID: 532930:1)
When called with no home directory specified, useradd errors over lack of default. --
Added better control of home directory and resolved conflicts between -m and -M options.
(ID: 532931:1)
Can't display multibytes character on samba3.0.4 --
The iconv command has been updated to correct this problem.
(ID: 530767:1 ESC: erg712771)
/etc/magic change for COFF binaries --
The information displayed for "iAPX 386 COFF" files has been enhanced to indicate if the binary uses static shared libraries.
(ID: 532186:1)
The more command does not display Japanese characters correctly. --
This problem has been resolved.
(ID: 531424:1 ESC: erg712800)
The truss -t and -v options fail when tracing an OSR5 binary --
The '-t' and '-v' options of truss had no effect when tracing an OSR5 binary, due to a bug in the processing of these options within truss. The problem has been resolved.
(ID: 533294:1)
cm_vtcld core dumps when SFNOLIM set above 32767 --
This problem has been resolved.
(ID: 527772:1 ESC: erg712304)
UW7 compress needs to understand OSR5 Huffman -H option and format --
Updated compress command.
(ID: 532965:1)
Error in the showtable(1) Perl script --
This problem has been resolved.
(ID: 533062:1)
apc portcheck utility uses poor test for whether port is a modem-control device --
The APC UPS setup program invoked by "mkdev apc" previously did not recognize OSR6 serial ports as being capable of the signaling required for the APC UPS daemon to operate. This has been fixed.
(ID: 533261:1)
openserver 6.0.0 backup command errors "cpio: ERROR: -B and -C are mutually exclusive" --
OSR6 cpio handles the -B and -C option differently than the OSR5 cpio which has the -C option override the -B. The backup command is updated so that if -t is specified, then the -B option, if present, is ignored.
(ID: 533420:1)
The /etc/cleanup cron job has a problem with large files --
Change /etc/cleanup to use /u95/bin/find (which is LSF-aware)
(ID: 532901:1)
Disk nodes are created by ISL with world writable (666) permissions --
The pdimkdev command is updated to consider permissions when it checks to make sure the device nodes are correct on a system. pdimkdev will now check device node permissions against the value specified in the SDI prototype file (600), and change them to the prototype value if they do not match. Changing pdimkdev ensures that any attempt to change device node permissions will be corrected when the system is rebooted. As a result of the changes to pdimkdev, installing the Maintenance Pack will correct any device node permission problems created during the initial install of Release 6.
(ID: 532561:2)
osr600mp3/bl4Di system fails to function as an installation server --
This problem has been resolved.
(ID: 533435:1)
df should not display information about pseudo filesystems --
This problem has been resolved.
(ID: 531816:1)
The "-l" (minus ell) option of "df" doesn't exclude automounted file systems --
This problem has been resolved.
(ID: 532028:1)
mapchan -f fails with "cannot open /bin/awk for map conversion" --
This problem has been resolved.
(ID: 532369:1)
Diacriticals are not working with mapchan as they did on OpenServer 5.0.7 --
This is a difference between the Release 5 and Release 6 consoles and mapchan commands: the order of keystrokes matters in Release 6. Nevertheless, reversed compose key sequences have been added, so that U" and "U both produce U-umlaut.
(ID: 533289:1)
needs mouseadmin shortcut removed --
The shortcut to call mouseadmin directly was removed from the mkdev script, and a link made for mouseadmin so that the SCO Admin Hardware/Kernel Manager can find it.
(ID: 532677:1)
Spacing between translated Legend ps column header elements is incorrect (French only) --
Changed the following headers:
1) "GID Parent" to "PGID"
3) "HEURE" to "TEMPS"
4) "NI" to " NI"
5) "CG" to " CG"
(ID: 532413:1)
Ey: quot(ADM) fails with vxfs filesystems. --
This problem has been resolved.
(ID: 530114:1)
Misleading error message when file being removed is larger than 2GB --
Updated the rm command to report the true reason for lstat() failure. The message changes from:
# rm file3g
rm: file3g non-existentTo:
# rm file3g
rm: file3g non-existent: Value too large for defined data type (error 79)(ID: 532738:1)
OALIB not exported, causing pathing problems when using scosh --
Added OALIB to the proper export line.
(ID: 533424:1)
/bin/sh core dump from SIGSEGV --
This problem has been resolved.
(ID: 533052:1)
"test -x" of directories fail when invoked by root --
This problem has been resolved.
(ID: 533407:1)
chsysinfo command is not setting the correct release value for "osr5" option --
The "chsysinfo" command was not setting the OS release to "3.2" when the "osr5" option was given. This could cause problems with package installation that specifically checked for the OpenServer 5 release. With this fix:
- the chsysinfo command for OpenServer 6.0.0 has been updated to properly set the OS release as "3.2".
- SI_SET_RELEASE and SI_SET_DEFAULT_RELEASE action numbers have been added to /usr/include/sys/systeminfo.h.
- /etc/conf/pack.d/name/Driver.o has been updated to handle the added systeminfo.h requests.
(ID: 532803:1)
The SVR5/UDK version of uname has been added as /udk/bin/uname.
(ID: 533016:1)
Xenix binaries failing on Legend --
This problem has been resolved.
(ID: 532549:1)
SCO Xenix sort utility fails on OpenServer 6.0.0 --
Application was failing in a call to ulimit(), because that didn't implement XNX_UL_GMEMLIM. This is now implemented.
(ID: 532997:1)
Xenix basic application not handling SIGINTR the same as OSR5 --
The Xenix emulator, when executing 16 bit Xenix binaries, did not properly handle the "return from signal handler" case properly. The result was an emulator failure should a signal be delivered to to the application, and should the applications handler then return. For example, if basic were executed, the ^C key should return basic to the "OK" prompt. However, instead of return to "OK", basic would exit. This problem is now fixed.
(ID: 533354:1)
HTFS panic: Assertion fail - htiget.c --
This problem has been resolved.
(ID: 532497:1)
termcap scoansi entry has the same values for LE and DO --
This problem has been resolved.
(ID: 532672:1)
ansi termcap/terminfo needs updating --
Fixed the errors in color handling.
(ID: 533466:1)
/usr/sbin/menu dumps core with simple menu screen --
The menu command would dump core with a simple menu file. Updated /usr/sbin/menu to fix the problem.
(ID: 532986:2)
OSS702A breaks pkgadd --
This problem has been fixed.
(ID: 533126:1)
OSS702A causes installf failures with HBA packages --
Fixed the script.
(ID: 533239:2)
Development System
Incorrect boolean code generation --
Compiler can erroneously generate "movb MEM,MEM" with the current stin for BOOL assignments. This is fixed.
(ID: 532751:3)
Inconsistent rounding in common subexpression (CSE) temp --
This changes floating point code generation for C and C++ in those circumstances where a floating "common subexpression" is saved for later use. Instead of saving it with the precision of its implicit type, it will be saved as a full-width 80-bit value so that when it is later used it behaves just as if it had been recomputed for each such use.
(ID: 532927:2)
getXXent_r() APIs misbehave when the buffer is too short --
Add code to reset to the start of the line in this situation for the C library APIs. For the NIS aware ones, have it reuse the already created struct in this case. Note, however, that the NIS aware code (nametoaddr library) is not "pure" as the *get*_r() routines can overwrite and/or trash an existing non-*_r() routine's returned result.
(ID: 533169:2)
OSR5 ABI currently defaults to expect libc RT version 2 --
If not specifically set by the cc or CC compiler commands, the linker (ld) may have set "runtime version needed" value incorrectly when linking OSR5 ABI binaries. The OSR5 runtime version used on OpenServer 6.0.0 is the same as that used on OpenServer 5.0.7. The linker (ld) has been fixed to reflect the correct default OSR5 ABI runtime version.
(ID: 532816:1)
rpcgen fails on OSR 6.0.0 --
The rpcgen command was failing because it could not execute /lib/cpp. rpcgen has knowledge of specific OS-based headers files for networking. These header files are different between SVR5 and OSR5 ABIs. An SVR5 ABI aware rpcgen is now installed in /usr/bin; an OSR5 ABI aware rpcgen is installed in /osr5/usr/bin/rpcgen. The C preprocessor is now accessible by each rpcgen. Users who wish to compile OSR5 ABI network programs with rpcgen should prefix their PATH environment variable with "/osr5/usr/bin". The correct rpcgen and C compilers will automatically be used.
(ID: 532752:1)
Missing SVR5 inet header file - /usr/include/sys/insrem.h --
A network header file - /usr/include/sys/insrem.h - was omitted from the FCS release. The missing header file is in this maintenance pack.
(ID: 533162:1)
/usr/include/pwd.h does not declare getpwent_r() and other routines --
Three headers were updated with missing *_r() declarations:
[f]getspent_r() and getspnam_r()
(ID: 533377:1)
Complete set of man pages added by the Development System (FCS) is not configured --
Some sections of manpages installed by the Development System component were not configured after installation and as a result were not visible in the manpage list. Installation of OSR 6.0.0 MP2 corrects that problem.
(ID: 532375:1, 532375:3)
libprot needs to be implemented for the SVR5 ABI --
This problem has been resolved.
(ID: 531946:1, 531946:2)
libiaf ia_* routines need to be implemented using SVR5 libprot --
This problem has been resolved.
(ID: 531946:4)
cuserid(), getlogin(), et. al. fail on OSR6 --
This problem has been resolved.
(ID: 533043:1, 533064:2)
fsstat(S) is not returning correct values against disk devices --
The opening of
device nodes is translated to channel by vtocopen() by using cloning mechanism, due to which the snode of this opened channel has no real fs inode pointer and hence no information about the filesystem's special file. This is the reason why fstat(S) is returning incorrect and different information than stat(S). The fix is to make all /dev & /dev/[r]dsk slice-only device nodes have the same minor as the active partition device nodes of the same logical unit.
(ID: 533144:1, 533144:2 ESC: erg712967)
UDK and OSR versions of lckpwdf on OSR6 use different lock files --
Change lckpwdf() so that it uses the same pathname as (/etc/.pwd.lock) for both OSR5 and SVR5/UDK versions of command.
(ID: 533271:1)
SATA Tape support --
Updated the ahci driver for Serial ATA (SATA) tape drive support.
(ID: 532857:1)
Intel e1008g Gigabit driver 2.7.5 reports "Speed/Dx:10/H" --
This problem has been resolved.
(ID: 517482:2)
xAPIC detection is broken --
This problem has been resolved.
(ID: 532824:1)
Combined IDE mode does not work on some servers --
Two major changes were made to accommodate all kinds of IDE controllers:
1) Change PCI so Enhanced or Combined mode controllers take ONE resmgr entry as they should. Legacy mode IDE controllers (ISA) need to have two entries since cm_intr_attach() needs two separate instances to bind to IRQs 14 and 15.
2) Change IDE ISR and CFG_ADD to understand the new resmgr layout.
(ID: 533413:1)
Euro symbol: can't display or print --
To display and print the Euro symbol (
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