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一、获取硬件信息及文档指导: Adaptec AIC-7899 B SCSI ID #3: HP C5683A Slot Ch ID LUN Vendor Product Size Sync Bus ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 09 B 3 0 HP C5683A 40.0 16 SCO中如何安装配置SCSI磁带驱动器? 如果SCSI主适配器没有安装,你需要先安装它,再继续安装SCSI磁带驱动器。
SCSI磁带驱动器有1/4-inch,8mm和DAT 3种格式,安装步骤如下:
第一步 以root登录,并确认系统在维护模式。 第二步 通过三种方式进入硬件/核心管理。 1 桌面:System Adminisfration→ Hardware/Kernel Manager 2 通过命令行,启动系统管理菜单并选择 “Harduare/Kernel Manager”: scaodmin→Hardware /Kernel Manage 3 直接用命令行: mkdev tape 第三步 选择第一项“Configure SCSI tape drive” 第四步 选择第一项“Install a SCSI Tape Drive” 第五步 键入SCSI主适配器的字首,选择“h”可列出所 支持的适配器。 第六步 键入主适配器号 第七步 如果中断和I/O地址正确,则对 “change these parameters?”提示符回答 “n”,如果它们不正确键入“Y”来修正它们。 第八步 键入设备所连接的SCSI总线。 第九步 键入目标ID 第十步 键入驱动器的逻辑单位号 第十一步 当出现提示后,更新SCSI配置 第十二步 键入供应商标识串或用默认值 第十三步 键入SCSI版本号,或用默认值 第十四步 键入响应数据格式Response Data Format。 第十五步 选择磁带机驱动器类型 第十六步 键入新引导串,或键入“q”采用默认值 第十七步 查看配置检查其是否正确。重新连接核心并重新引导所用的磁带驱动器。你将被提醒建立一个新的引导应急盘
二、实际操作: #mkdev tape The Drive Configuration Program 1. Configure a SCSI or Enhanced IDE tape drive 2. Configure a different type of tape drive
Select an option or enter q to quit: 1
SCSI or Enhanced IDE Tape Drive Configuration Program 1. Install a SCSI Tape Drive 2. Install an Enhanced IDE Tape Drive 3. Remove a SCSI Tape Drive 4. Remove an Enhanced IDE Tape Drive 5. Change default Tape Drive 6. View Current SCSI Enhanced IDE Tape Drive configuration
select an option or enter q to return to main menu: 1
Enter the prefix of the SCSI host adapter that supports this device or Press for the default: 'ad160' Enter h for a list of host adapters or enter q to quit: ad160 ***ad160 "Adaptec 294x 394x 494x (7899 Chip)"
Which 'alad' SCSI host adapter supports this device?(根据SCSI控制器的地址,一般有两个SCSI控制器,现选择第二个1) Select 0-4, or enter q to quit: 1
The Host Adapter parameters will be automatically configured
What SCSI Bus is this device attached to? Press to use the default:0(根据设备所在的通道决定,通道A选择0,通道B选择1) Select 0-n, or h for help, or q to quit:1
What is the Target ID for this device?(根据设备所在的通道的ID决定,选择3) Select 0-15, or h for help, or q to quit:3
What is the LUN of this device? Press to use the default: 0 Select 0-7, or h for help, or q to quit:
You are about to add the following SCSI device: Host Adapter Type Device Adapter Number ID LUN BUS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- alad Stp 1 3 0 1
Update SCSI configuration? (y/n)
The SCSI configuration file has been updated.
Adding device to system configuration files ...
System files have been successfully updated.
Configuring Tape Driver ...( Stp )
Enter Vendor Identification string or press to use default or enter q to return to main menu:
Enter SCSI version that device is conformant to or press to use default or enter q to return to main menu:
Enter Response Data Format that device uses or press to use default or enter q to return to main menu:
The following tape drive types are supported: 1. Generic SCSI-1 / SCSI-2 tape drive 2. EXABYTE 8mm tape drive (8200 or 8500) 3. IBM rebadged EXABYTE 8mm tape drive (8200) 4. DAT drive (Compressing and non-Compressing) 5. QIC Cartridge tape drive
Please chose on of the above, press for default, or enter q to return to main menu:
Tape Driver Successfully Configured
Default special devices have been created with the following links: /dev/xct0 linked to /dev/xStp0 /dev/rct0 linked to /dev/rStp0 and /dev/rmt/0b /dev/nrct0 linked to /dev/nrStp0 and /dev/rmt/0bn
In /etc/default/boot: Current boot string is "gengfeng".
Enter new string, "rm" to remove string, or enter q to leave current string as is: legend
SCSI or Enhanced IDE Tape Drive Configuration Program 1. Install a SCSI Tape Drive 2. Install an Enhanced IDE Tape Drive 3. Remove a SCSI Tape Drive 4. Remove an Enhanced IDE Tape Drive 5. Change default Tape Drive 6. View Current SCSI Enhanced IDE Tape Drive configuration select an option or enter q to return to main menu: q
The Drive Configuration Program 1. Configure a SCSI or Enhanced IDE tape drive 2. Configure a different type of tape drive
Select an option or enter q to quit: q
You must create a new kernel to effect the driver change you specified. Do you wish to create a new kernel now? (y/n)y
The UNIX Operating System will now be rebuilt. This will take a few minutes. Please wait.
Root for this system build is /
The UNIX Kernel hasbeen rebuilt.
Do you want this kernel to boot by default? (y/n)y Backing up unix to unix to unix.old Installing new unix on the boot file system
The kernel environment includes device node files and /etc/inittab. The new kernel may require changes to /etc/inittab or device nodes.
Do you want the kernel environment rebuilt?(y/n)y
The kernel has been successfully linked and installed. To activate it, reboot your system.
Setting up new kernel environment
You have successfully re-linked a new kernel. In order for the changes to be reflected on your emergency boot floppy set, it is recommended that you run the command '/etc/mkdev fd' and re-create the emergency boot floppy set with the newly linked kernel.
#init 6
三、测试: # uname -a SCO_SV scosysv 3.2 5.0.6 i386 # touch legend.txt # tar cvf /dev/rct0 legend.txt a legend.txt 2 tape blocks # tar tvf /dev/rct0 legend.txt tar : blocksize = 5 rw-r--r-- 0/3 1024 Jul 09 10:36 2002 legend.txt
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