1 系统需求
1.1 硬件需求
l 主机 2—4台服务器
l 共享磁盘阵列
l Ethernet网络卡 每台服务器至少2片网络卡,用于公网(public net)、心跳线(private net)建议使用具有故障恢复和MAC地址切换能力的Intel 网卡。
l SCSI适配器 兼容硬件产品
l RS232联接线 Null-modem serial cables
l 硬盘空间 /usr文件系统至少有10Mb以上空闲空间
l 内存 64Mb以上
1.2 软件需求
l Reliant HA 安装软件(License 数同节点数)
l UNIXWare7操作系统(License 数同节点数)
l C++ UDK (至少一套)
2 安装ReliantHA
2.1 硬件安装
l 系统硬件安装。
l RS232串口线安装、联接。
l 将两台服务器的网卡心跳线直连,公网线接到交换设备
2.2 软件安装
2.2.1 UNIXWare7系统安装
l 在集群中的每个节点安装完成UNIXWare7操作系统
l 安装配置共网(public net)网卡,并确认网络通
l 在共享硬盘划分数据库空间和应用程序存放的文件系统
l 输入ReliantHA License,使用scoadmin->License Manager
2.2.2 ReliantHA的安装(在两台服务器分别安装)
1. 用root用户登入
2. 将带有ReliantHA的光盘(UW7 3of3),放入CD-ROM中
3. 输入以下命令开始安装
#pkgadd –d cdrom1
4. 系统显示:
The following sets are available:
1 NSlive1 Netscape LiveWire 1.01 for SCO UnixWare 7
(i386) 1.01
2 NSproxy25 Netscape Proxy Server 2.5 for SCO UnixWare 7
(i386) 2.5
3 ReliantHA ReliantHA Host Monitoring Software
(IA32) 1.1.0
4 TTA Tarantella for SCO UnixWare 7
(i386) 1.0
5 afps SCO Advanced File and Print Server
(i386) 4.0.1
6 arcserve Data Management Services
(IA32) 7
Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process
all packages). (default: all) [?,??,quit]: 3
5. 接下来,系统开始安装:
| |
|Welcome to the initialization script for the Reliant system |
|You must first answer some questions about this system |
|The /etc/hosts and /etc/networks files will then be updated |
|and the files .hosts, hvhosts, and hvenv.host will be |
|created. |
At this point in the installation procedure, you are required to respond to various prompts as they appear on the screen. The following shows an example session when installing two nodes, with the software installing on SYSA:
Creating hvhosts file...Done
What is the size of the cluster? Enter number of nodes[ 2..4 / quit]? 2
What is the private network IP address number of SYSA [ ]
What is the private network IP address number of SYSB [ ]
SYSA's IP address is:
SYSB's IP address is:
Is this correct? [y/n/quit]? y
What is this system [SYSA / SYSB / SYSC / SYSD or quit]?:SYSA
What is the private network device name [e.g. /dev/msw_0]?:
Editing /usr/opt/reliant/etc/mswStart
Creating .hosts file for commd...Done.
Appending hvhosts to the /etc/hosts file...Done.
Appending hvnetworks to the /etc/networks file...Done.
Creating the rcvmHelp.out file for the rcvm GUI...Done.
Building the environment now...Done.
Modifying /etc/confnet.d/inet/interface to configure private network IP...Done.
initrc script completed.
Registering the SCOadmin Reliant object
Done registering the SCOadmin Reliant object
Installation of ReliantHA Host Monitoring Software (reliant) was
## Executing set postinstall script.
Processing of packages for set is completed.
6. 安装完成。
2.2.3 配置private network
l 使用netcfg命令,配置心跳线网卡-〉ReliantHA private network
2.2.4 配置MAC Switch Driver (MSW)
l MSW的配置,使用mkmswtab命令
#/sbin/mkmswtab -i /dev/msw_0 /dev/net1 /dev/term/00t
l 执行mkmswtab后系统将生成/etc/mswtab ,/etc/sdltab文件
#cat /etc/mswtab
#MSW tab - control file for msw device driver
#This file automatically generated by mkmswtab
/dev/msw_0 1 00:AA:00:BD:6F:AA
/dev/net1 0 0
/dev/sdl_0 0 1
/dev/sdl_1 0 1
#cat /etc/sdltab
#SDL tab - control file for sdl device driver
#This file automatically generated by sdltab
l 重新启动主机。
2.2.5 测试MSW的安装
l 使用mswconfig命令
#mswconfig -l
Listing MAC Switch interface /dev/msw_0
MAC Address 00:AA:00:BD:6F:AA, 1 Interface, Status OFFLINE
Heartbeat ENABLED, Interval 560 msec, Misses 6
Interface 0: /dev/net1 unit 0 ONLINE, max peers 3, current peers 1
Peer MACs:
00:AA:00:A8:07:0D - ONLINE
Bound SAP info:
muxid 0x15, SAP 0xf00d, dlpistate 0x3, Heartbeat
muxid 0x14, SAP 0x0000, dlpistate 0x0
muxid 0x13, SAP 0x0000, dlpistate 0x0
muxid 0x12, SAP 0x0000, dlpistate 0x0
Interface 2: /dev/sdl_0 unit 0 (SLOW) ONLINE, max peers 1, current peers 1
Peer MACs:
00:AA:00:A8:07:0D - ONLINE
Bound SAP info:
muxid 0x15, SAP 0xf00d, dlpistate 0x3, Heartbeat
muxid 0x14, SAP 0x0000, dlpistate 0x0
muxid 0x13, SAP 0x0000, dlpistate 0x0
muxid 0x12, SAP 0x0000, dlpistate 0x0
2.2.6 设置Low Latency Transport (LLT)
l echo "+" >> /etc/hosts.equiv
echo "+" >> /.rhosts
l 运行
#/sbin/mkcluster -i /dev/msw_0 test1 test2
l 验证/etc/clustertab
#cat /etc/clustertab
The following example from the /etc/clustertab file shows a four-node cluster using the MAC switch driver:
#NodeID NodeName Device Physical Address
1 test1 /dev/msw_0 00:AA:00:A5:7F:61
2 test2 /dev/msw_0 00:AA:00:A5:1E:9C
l 重新启动主机
l 检验LLT的安装
#lltstat -a
LLT node information:
max nodes: 8, max ports: 32, this node: 1
MTU: 1500, SAP: 0xcafe
Node State
LLT port information:
- No ports active
2.2.7 配置ReliantHA
1 修改系统核心参数
/etc/conf/bin/idtune -f MSGSSZ 524288
/etc/conf/bin/idtune -f MSGMNB 65536
/etc/conf/bin/idbuild -B –K
2 设置环境变量
#cp /usr/opt/reliant/etc/hvenv /.profile
2.2.8 配置举例
l IP别名
test 01:AA:00:3F:19:DB /dev/net0 net0 check1 check2
field 1: 虚拟主机名
field 2: 可切换的MAC地址
field 3: 网卡设备名
field 4: 网卡接口名
field 5: 虚拟IP地址
field 6: 子网掩码
field 7: 用于网络检测的主机IP,可设置为路由器
field 8: 第二个用于网络检测的主机IP
l 将SCO提供的配置文件sybase.hl保存在/usr/opt/reliant/build目录下
#include "defines.hl"
{ SYSA,SYSB } // nodes
{ } // cluster attributes
Application // under control of Reliant
{ SYSA,SYSB } // priority
{ AutoStartUp AutoSwitchOver } // application attributes
Ip ( test )
Nw(Nw_01, 01:AA:00:3F:19:DB)
l 编译sybase.hl
#hvgen sybase
l 将SCO提供的startdb,stopdb,syb以及应用监控脚本 (monitor, dealpro, derrpro, sendpro,recvpro,sealpro)复制到两台服务器的/home目录下
l 将/usr/opt/reliant/conf/sybase文件复制到SYSB中
#rcp /usr/opt/reliant/conf/sybase SYSB:/usr/opt/reliant/conf/.
2.2.9 启动Reliant
l #hvstart sybase
l #hvdisp –a 观察状态
l 启动/home下的应用监控程序
l #hvshut –a将停止两台服务器上的双机软件,#hvshut –l则只关闭本机的双机软件。