2、更改IDE-CDROM 设置,将CDROM 跳线设为 MASTER,将CDROM IDE线接到 IDE 1 口。 Installing SCO OpenServer 5.0.5 Follow these instructions only if you are installing SCO OpenServer 5.0.5 for the first time. Note: Remember that UNIX commands are case sensitive. Enter the commands exactly as shown in the instructions.
1 Insert the SCO OpenServer 5.0.5 boot disk into the primary floppy disk drive and turn ON the computer. Alternatively, insert the SCO OpenServer 5.0.5 boot CD into the primary CD-ROM drive and turn ON the computer.
2 When you see these prompts: SCO OpenServer (TM) Release 5 Boot: Type ahslink and press Enter.
3 Type ad160 as the package you want to link to the system and press Enter.
4 Insert the requested volume (the Ultra160 Family Manager Set disk for SCO UNIX) in the floppy disk drive and press Enter. 5 If the driver is properly loaded, the following message appears: ad160.ad160:Loading module fd(52)/ad160/driver/ad160/Driver.o text............ ad160: Driver "ad160" successfully loaded.
6 Follow the procedures in your SCO UNIX documentation for completing the installation.