The information provided here is for example purposes only. We recommend that you refer to the product documentation for definitive information about installing and configuring the product.
Users and groups
Create a group and a user named informix
groupadd informixuseradd -g informix -m informix
Installing Informix
You have to have a disk partition (or a separate disk) to run Informix. The partition used for this example is on the UnixWare 7 disk at partition entry 3 (device node /unixware/dev/rdsk/c0b0t0d0p3). Change owner and group for this partition to informix, and. mode to 666.
Mount the CD under /cdrom
mount -F cdfs -r/dev/cdrom/cdrom1 /cdrom
Become a Linux user by typing linux, and install the Informix server
Edit sqlhosts so it contains this one line This is for shared memory communication
systemname.1 onipcshmsystemnamesystemname.1
Login as the informix user
/linux/bin/su - informix
Then run the initialization program for the database
xctl -C oninit -iy
You can check installation progress by looking at the last entries in the log.
tail -f/opt/informix/online.log
And confirm Informix is running by typing
xctl onstat
(use xctl onstat --help to view other possible commands.)
To shut down the database use:
xctl onmode -ky
There is a log file in /opt/informix/online.log, and sometimes a file called stdout.#.1 or stdout.systemname.1 in /linux. Also /INFORMIXTMP is created.