作者:sco 出处:uw714doc.sco.com
Lotus Domino server
Visit the Lotus web site at for information about obtaining and installing Domino.
The information provided here is for example purposes only. We recommend that you refer to the product documentation for definitive information about installing and configuring the product.
- Make sure you have enough swap space (more than 600MB). See
- Disable the /unixware/etc/rc2.d/S81sendmail and /unixware/etc/rc2.d/S88ldap startup scripts by renaming them. For example:
mv /unixware/etc/rc2.d/S81sendmail /unixware/etc/rc2.d/unused.S81sendmail
mv /unixware/etc/rc2.d/S88ldap /unixware/etc/rc2.d/unused.S88ldap
- Edit /etc/inetd.conf and comment out (place a ``#'' at the beginning of each line) the pop-3 and imap-4 lines to disable them.
#pop-3 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/in.tcpd /etc/popper
#imap-4 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/in.tcpd /etc/imapd
Also, if you have an http server running on port 80, you must disable that as well.
Users and groups
- Create a group called ``notes''.
addgrp notes
- Create a user called ``notes'' that is member of the notes group.
adduser -g notes -m notes
- Assign a password for the notes user login.
passwd notes
Installing Domino
- Mount the CD that contains Domino.
mount -F cdfs -r /dev/cdrom/cdrom1 /mnt
- Change directory to /mnt/domino/linux/enu/linux and execute the Domino installer.
- Select the Domino Enterprise Server. This will install in /opt/lotus.
- Choose a directory to put the data file in; for example: /opt/notesdata.
Configuring Domino
- Login as the notes user.
su notes
- Change directory to the notesdata directory
cd /opt/notesdata
- Execute the configuration server.
/opt/lotus/bin/http httpsetup
- Point your browser at the URL, http://system:8081, where system is the name of your machine.
- Select HTTP, IMAP, SMTP, LDAP and NNTP . For example, domain name = yourdomain.com, certifier name = yourdomain.com, country code: us
- Provide the server name and server's hostname to your machines name. Do not specify the domain as part of the names.
- Change both passwords. You need passwords that can be used for the MicroSoft notes client to log on .
- Do not make any changes to TCP. Use all ports.
- Click on Finish.
- Click on Exit.
NOTE: If it occurs, you can safely ignore the error message: ldt_clear: modify_ldt invalid argument .
Starting Domino
- As the root user, change directory to /opt/notesdata, and start the server.
cd /opt/notesdata
It takes a while to come up...
- Point your browser at the URL, http://system/names.nsf, where system is the name of your machine. For example:
- Log in as the username you selected.
- Click on the People link and double click on the icon that represents your username.
- Right click on the link under the icon UserID and save the file in your MicroSoft Windows home directory.
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