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2011-08-10 09:05:37

op{cond}mode Rn{!}, reglist{^}

op          is either LDM or STM.
cond        is an optional condition code (see Conditional execution on page 4-4).
mode        is any one of the following:
            IA increment address after each transfer
            IB increment address before each transfer
            DA decrement address after each transfer
            DB decrement address before each transfer
            FD full descending stack
            ED empty descending stack
            FA full ascending stack
            EA empty ascending stack.
Rn         is the base register, the ARM register containing the initial address for the
            transfer. Rn must not be r15.
!           is an optional suffix. If ! is present, the final address is written back into Rn.
reglist    is a list of registers to be loaded or stored, enclosed in braces. It can
            contain register ranges. It must be comma separated if it contains more
            than one register or register range (see Examples on page 4-19).
^           is an optional suffix. You must not use it in User mode or System mode.
            It has two purposes:
             ◆ If op is LDM and reglist contains the pc (r15), in addition to the
                normal multiple register transfer, the SPSR is copied into the CPSR.
                This is for returning from exception handlers. Use this only from
                exception modes.
             ◆ Otherwise, data is transferred into or out of the User mode registers
                instead of the current mode registers.


cond:   指令执行的条件码
P      :   前/后变址
U     :   增/减
S     :   对应指令中的“^”符号
W    :   回写
L      :   区别加载(1)或存储(0)
Rn    : 基址寄存器
Register list : 寄存器列表

——LDMFD、STMFD标识对满递减栈的多寄存器装载、存储,其等价于LDMIA(Increment After)、STMDB(Decrement Before)。

      STMFD   SP!, {R0-R3, R12, LR}
      …… ……
     LDMFD   SP!, {R0-R3, R12, PC}^


        AREA Tblock, CODE, READONLY     ; name this block of code

num     EQU     20                      ; Set number of words to be copied

        ENTRY                           ; mark first instruction to execute
        CODE32                          ; Subsequent instructions are ARM header
        MOV     sp, #0x400              ; set up user_mode stack pointer (r13)
        ADR     r0, start + 1           ; Processor starts in ARM state,
        BX      r0                      ; so small ARM code header used
                                        ; to call Thumb main program.
        CODE16                          ; Subsequent instructions are Thumb.

        LDR     r0, =src                ; r0 = pointer to source block
        LDR     r1, =dst                ; r1 = pointer to destination block
        MOV     r2, #num                ; r2 = number of words to copy

        LSR     r3,r2, #2               ; number of four word multiples
        BEQ     copywords               ; less than four words to move ?

        PUSH    {r4-r7}                 ; save some working registers
        LDMIA   r0!, {r4-r7}            ; load 4 words from the source
        STMIA   r1!, {r4-r7}            ; and put them at the destination
        SUB     r3, #1                  ; decrement the counter
        BNE     quadcopy                ; ... copy more

        POP     {r4-r7}                 ; don't need these now - restore originals

        MOV     r3, #3                  ; bottom two bits represent number...
        AND     r2, r3                  ; ...of odd words left to copy
        BEQ     stop                    ; No words left to copy ?
        LDMIA   r0!, {r3}               ; a word from the source
        STMIA   r1!, {r3}               ; store a word to the destination
        SUB     r2, #1                  ; decrement the counter
        BNE     wordcopy                ; ... copy more

        MOV     r0, #0x18               ; angel_SWIreason_ReportException
        LDR     r1, =0x20026            ; ADP_Stopped_ApplicationExit
        SWI     0xAB                    ; Thumb semihosting SWI

        AREA BlockData, DATA, READWRITE

src     DCD     1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4
dst     DCD     0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0



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