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2009-10-13 14:21:52

Installation Instructions for Linux Systems

1. Install Eclipse 3.3.2 or higher

2. Install Eclipse C/C++ CDT Plugin 4.0 or higher

3. Download the Qt Eclipse Integration package corresponding to your
   Linux distribution

4. Find your eclipse/plugins folder

   If you installed Eclipse to e.g. /usr/local in step (1.), you will
   find the directory /usr/local/eclipse/plugins there.
   If you used the package management system of your Linux distribution
   to install Eclipse, this directory might possibly be 

5. Unpack the package

   Go to the location where you found the eclipse/plugins directory
   (i.e. /usr/local or /usr/lib in the examples in step (4.) ) and
   untar the package, e.g.

   cd /usr/local
   tar xzf ~/Downloads/qt-eclipse-integration-linux.x86-.tar.gz

   You might need to be the root user to do that.

6. Start Eclipse with a clean configuration

   It is highly recommended by us to start Eclipse once from the
   command line with

   eclipse -clean

   after you unpacked the Qt Eclipse Integration plugins and feature.
   This will not change anything in your workspace but will clear
   Eclipse's caches.

Uninstallation Instructions for Linux Systems

1. Remove the installed plugins and feature

   Go to the location where you installed the Qt Eclipse Integration
   package, e.g. /usr/local/eclipse or /usr/lib/eclipse, and remove all
   files/directories in plugins/ and features/ that start with 

   cd /usr/local/eclipse
   rm -r plugins/com.trolltech.qtcpp*
   rm -r features/com.trolltech.qtcpp*

2. Restart Eclipse with a clean configuration

   It is highly recommended by us to start Eclipse once from the
   command line with

   eclipse -clean

   after you removed the Qt Eclipse Integration plugins and feature.
   This will not change anything in your workspace but will clear
   Eclipse's caches.

Upgrading Instructions for Linux Systems

If you want to upgrade your Qt Eclipse Integration installation we
highly recommend to first uninstall the older version:

1. Remove the older installed plugins and feature

   Like described in step (1.) of the 'Uninstallation Instructions'.

2. Install the newer Qt Eclipse Integration

   Like described in 'Installation Instructions'.

3. Restart Eclipse with a clean configuration

   Like described in step (2.) of the 'Uninstallation Instructions'.
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