package Point;
use Moose;
has 'x' => ( isa => 'Int', is => 'rw' );
has 'y' => ( isa => 'Int', is => 'rw' );
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
subtype 'Point::OrHashRef',
as 'Point';
coerce 'Point::OrHashRef',
from 'HashRef',
via { Point->new( x => $_->{x}, y => $_->{y} ) };
sub distance {
my $start = shift;
my $end = shift;
my $dx = $end->x - $start->x;
my $dy = $end->y - $start->y;
return sqrt( $dx * $dx + $dy * $dy );
package Line;
use Moose;
# And the same for end
has ['start', 'end'] => (
isa => 'Point::OrHashRef',
coerce => 1,
is => 'rw',
required => 1,
trigger => sub {
has 'length' => (
isa => 'Num',
is => 'ro',
clearer => '_clear_length',
lazy => 1,
default => sub {
return $_[0]->start->distance( $_[0]->end );
use Test::More;
my $line = Line->new(
start => { x => 1, y => 1 },
end => Point->new( x => 2, y => 2 )
isa_ok $line, "Line";
isa_ok $line->start, "Point";
isa_ok $line->end, "Point";
like $line->length, qr/^1.4142135623731/;
$line->end({ x => 3, y => 3 });
like $line->length, qr/^2.82842712474619/, "length is rederived";
package Point;
use Moose;
has 'x' => ( isa => 'Int', is => 'rw' );
has 'y' => ( isa => 'Int', is => 'rw' );
sub distance {
my ( $_, $p ) = @_;
#$_->{x}即$p1 = Point->new( x => 4, ... );
#$p->{x}即$p2 = Point->new( x => 1, ... );
my ( $dx, $dy ) = ( $_->{x} - $p->{x}, $_->{y} - $p->{y} );
return sqrt( $dx * $dx + $dy * $dy );
package main;
my $p1 = Point->new( x => 4, y => 5 );
my $p2 = Point->new( x => 1, y => 1 );
print 'p1与p2相距距离为:';
print $p1->distance($p2);
sub Point::new {
my ($class, $x, $y) = @_;
bless [$x, $y], $class; # Implicit return
sub Point::distance {
my ($self, $from) = @_;
#对于传统OO的实现,$self代表$p1,$$self[0]即“bless [$x, $y], $class”中的$x这不难理解了吧,同理$from即传入的$p2。
my ($dx, $dy) = ($$self[0] - $$from[0], $$self[1] - $$from[1]);
sqrt($dx * $dx + $dy * $dy);
my $p1 = Point->new(4, 5);
my $p2 = Point->new(1, 1);
print $p1->distance($p2);
至此,Line类中length默认值$_[0]->start->distance( $_[0]->end )即为上例$p1->distance($p2)。
package Point;
use Moose;
has 'x' => ( isa => 'Int', is => 'rw' );
has 'y' => ( isa => 'Int', is => 'rw' );
#对于new(start => { x => 1, y => 1 },...)函数,我们传给第一个属性的值是个hash引用
#但测试输出ok 1 - The object isa Point,转变为了Point对象类型。
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
subtype 'Point::OrHashRef', as 'Point';
#将hash引用($hash={ x => 1, y => 1 })强制转换成Point对象,通过Point->new()来实现,$_->{x}即$hash->{x}
coerce 'Point::OrHashRef',
from 'HashRef',
via { Point->new( x => $_->{x}, y => $_->{y} ) };
package Line;
use Moose;
has [ 'start', 'end' ] => (
isa => 'Point::OrHashRef',
coerce => 1,
is => 'rw'
package main;
use Test::More;
my $line = Line->new(
start => { x => 1, y => 1 },
end => Point->new( x => 2, y => 2 )
isa_ok $line->start, "Point";
isa_ok $line->end, "Point";
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