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2009-10-06 07:46:14

BIWEB English 5.5 or less functions as follows:
   1. System Features
   (1) BIWEB use PHP5 + PDO_mysql + MYSQL + SMARTY procedural framework, these systems are developed and recommended by the official PHP optimal combination, so do not worry about the future of PHP programming language upgrades the unnecessary trouble. Please be sure to note that the user whether to support the system configuration, or they will not run! If you need to visit Shanghai Network Services Network Information Co., Ltd. () purchase of related services!
   (2) BIWEB on WINDOWS, LINUX, UNIX, under all outstanding performance, but BIWEB system can link the entire site for various optimization, so BIWEB the best operating environment is the APACHE running, IIS runs under PHP environment, Although you can run the system, but official BIWEB not recommended. BIWEB link system makes the whole site is more like pure static pages site, and to link the largest full-stop is only three layers of the search engines is very friendly and conducive to search engine included the whole point.
   (3) BIWEB design consists of a large number of SEO optimization module, the user can make for the entire site on each page a different optimal adjustment, you can set different for each page title, keywords and description.
  (4) BIWEB system provides automatic generation of google sitemaps feature can be directly submitted to google go to google all stations included on the site.
   (5) BIWEB part designed with the flexibility independent and can be a variety of removable and run to each in order to ArthurXF as the underlying framework to go, if your current site functionality is not ideal, you can go to BIWEB official website ( . choose to download the appropriate function module you are using!
   (6) BIWEB for the database support is very flexible and can call each functional part in different databases in different environments on the server, each data table can be distributed to each server to go to achieve the step-down diversion effect is BIWEB as WEB large-scale application of a unique feature of the project, such as members of system calls that the A server mysql, while the information system can be transferred B server mssql, can invoke C product system on the server ORACLE.
   (7) BIWEB large-scale projects for the large flow characteristics of high load, using dynamic page caching smarty to generate a pure static pages, client-side page caching three page caching mechanism to reduce server CPU overhead, and the other designed a database data query cache can significantly reduce database access bottleneck, rational use of the caching system can be stand-alone server to access the carrying capacity by nearly 20 times!
   (8) BIWEB sections are functions with a background operation, the column design of the fastest two minutes to complete, including the background section, including procedures for managing the design, as well as a strong reusability has really programmers Gospel ah.
  (9) BIWEB data scalability is very strong, using a unique array of data storage method, you can remove additional data fields and the masterpiece on the system to adjust a hard time. And can evolve out of many powerful applications, such as: Xiu Xiu Network () multi-page albums and forums, plus a single theme is only one data record of countless Reply to quickly query and manageable.
   (10) BIWEB system can be directly manipulated by the user in the background, backing up and restoring the database, backup database can be automatically packaged into a zip to download sub-volumes to support backup of large database package. This can be a backup database from the professionals.
   (11) BIWEB system uses ArthurXF as the underlying MVC architecture that classification procedures and templates, so even after the revision can also be a change of site templates do not change procedures, improve procedures to maximize the reuse rate!
   (12) BIWEB system can be flexibly set the identity of smarty and caching to facilitate the integration of different Smarty page template to do without big changes, and may need different settings for different cache part time.
   (13) BIWEB system has a 404 auto repair, you can ensure that every visit to your site visitors can see the normal web page, even if that link no longer exists, but also to guide users to visit the Web site home page.
   (14) BIWEB system has automatic conversion feature simplified Chinese, Simplified stations can directly generate a set of Traditional Web search engines and can be included, equivalent to the contents of a set of stations, two sets of stations included volume.
   (15) BIWEB system WAP feature does not require any changes to the user, you can browse the site contents to mobile phones in the 3G era of mobile browsing Web sites that can not be bound to be eliminated.
   (16) BIWEB the contents of the system can be automatically generated for visitors to download word document browsing, and word documents in google default page rank is 3, but also can greatly improve your site's ranking and increase website traffic.
   (17) BIWEB systems support to all sections RSS subscription, you can provide your site's RSS feed to various sites to quickly disseminate information on their site.
   (18) BIWEB system uses the Chinese word search, you can usually meet user's search habits, but also to maximize the provision of search results.
  2. Back system settings
   (1) basic settings, set the Web site commonly used background information, this common set of information can affect the whole station.
   (2) system environment, understanding the system configuration, see if there are system requirements, but failed to install the module. In order to identify the reasons for the system is not functioning properly.
   (3) template settings, if multiple sets of page templates, you can select multiple sets of this function template switching.
   (4) cache settings, cache settings three ways: smarty page caching, client-side page caching, database, data caching, and can set the cache time. Rational use can significantly reduce the pressure on the server, but need to use up a lot of disk space.
  3. Background Site Management
   (1) a fixed function membership system, image advertising system, text advertising system, Link System
   (2) install a separate functional modules, it can be BIWEB official website ( to find functional modules suited to your needs, download uploaded to the site directory, executive function section of the install.php to install can be.
   (3) is divided into a number of functional modules to install and configure the database configuration category classification of documents in two ways to install, easy to manage database configuration category, but expensive and suitable for a flexible classification system, the configuration file is suitable for overhead, fixed classification system, the user can choose to install, such as the Select the configuration file install.php in the implementation of classification must be undertaken prior to the configuration file changes.
   (4) The site features classified columns to support an unlimited-class classification, and management can be very intuitive and settings, you can also set the jump links, visit the direct jump to a specific page.
   (5) The site features sections have different functions in the management, but has a flexible and easy to use features, and can update the data update of pure static pages.
  4. Back-page column
   (1) Web site has some of the content of a page can be displayed, BIWEB system, single-page menu configuration file is generated based on a single page of a purely static pages to facilitate the management of single-page content, you can always adjust. Not to increase pressure on the server front.
   (2) an unlimited number of single-page sections, and can be set up for each one-page title, keywords and description, to optimize your site for SEO purposes.
   5. Background data collection
   (1) the background collection is now followed by column incidental, if any part has capture capabilities, installed after the column, there will be capture. The collection of these columns are customized with the collection, targeted, collecting high accuracy rate.
   (2) The band diagram can be collected remotely capture, or capture audio and video files.
   (3) Common collector, in debugging, yet to be introduced need a certain amount of professional knowledge, can be accurately collected.
   6. Background Data Backup
   (1) data backup, set the backup sub-volume size, can directly download the backup zip compression packages.
   (2) data reduction can be uploaded to the server backup and restore.
   (3) data optimization, the database can optimize the order to remove debris.
   7. Background Website Optimizer
   (1) page SEO optimization, set each column title, keywords and description, a separate page of the SEO needs to be done for each part management page, where settings are set for large sections.
   (2), link optimization, you can set whether or generate a static link, whether it generates a pure static pages, and you can set a static page name suffix.
   (3) update the static pages, such as the change after a number of settings and found that static pages has not changed, you can use this feature to update all the static pages.
   (4) Google Sitemaps, the whole station automatically generates Sitemaps of information submitted to google, so google the whole station to conduct a comprehensive search.
   8. Background Site Tools
   (1), keyword advertising, keyword set when the release of information will be automatically set according to keyword matching to find keywords and add advertising links, should not have not set a nested keywords, such as companies and Internet companies This will generate the nested link errors.
   (2) illegal information filtering, you can set it here need to filter the information, if you set a replacement character, they will need to filter the information to use to replace the contents of the place. Is not set to replace characters, then delete it.
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