Development Packages
If you want to evaluate the full features of MiniGUI V2.0.x, please download the following development packages:
Package |
Deion |
Download |
minigui-dev-2.0.3-linux.tar.gz |
The MiniGUI V2.0.3 Development Package (MiniGUI-Processes) for Linux (i386). For installation and usage, please read the README file in this tarball. |
mg-samples-2.0.3.tar.gz |
Mg-samples include the samples of MiniGUI Programming Guide. |
mde-2.0.3.tar.gz |
MDE is a demonstration package for MiniGUI. |
Package |
Deion |
Download |
minigui-dev-1.6.9-linux.tar.gz |
The MiniGUI Development Package for Linux (i386). For installation and usage, please read the README file in this tarball. |
minigui-dev-1.6.9-win32.tar.gz |
The MiniGUI Development Package for Win32 Platform. For installation and usage, please read the README file in this package. |
 | |
The MiniGUI Development Package for vxworks Platform. For installation and usage, please read the README file in this package. |
mg-samples-1.6.9.tar.gz |
Mg-samples includes the samples of MiniGUI Programming Guide. |
mde-1.6.9.tar.gz |
MDE is a demonstration package for MiniGUI. |
Install the development package on a PC box running Linux, and then you can develop MiniGUI V2.0.x applications. The development package for MiniGUI V1.6.x is also available on this web page.
At present, Feynman Software released two versions of MiniGUI under GPL: MiniGUI V1.3.3 and MiniGUI-STR V1.6.2. You can download the source code in the following table:
Package |
Deion |
Download |
libminigui-str-1.6.2.tar.gz |
The source tarball of MiniGUI-STR. MiniGUI-STR is a simplified release based on the latest version of MiniGUI. We release it for those who want to study embedded Linux/uClinux, or who want to evaluate MiniGUI on their embedded boards. If you want to use MiniGUI for commerce or need the complete features of MiniGUI, you should choose |
minigui-res-str-1.6.tar.gz |
The resource tarball of MiniGUI-STR. It contains the basic fonts, cursors, icons, and bitmaps used by MiniGUI-STR. |
mg-samples-str-1.6.2.tar.gz |
The samples for MiniGUI-STR. |
Package |
Deion |
Download |
libminigui-1.3.3.tar.gz |
MiniGUI V1.3.3 was released at the end of 2003, which supports Linux/uClinux and eCos operation systems. |
minigui-res-1.3.tar.gz |
The resource tarball of MiniGUI V1.3.x, it contains the basic fonts, cursors, icons, and bitmaps used by MiniGUI V1.3.x. |
mg-samples-1.3.0.tar.gz |
The samples for MiniGUI V1.3.x. |
mde-1.3.0.tar.gz |
MDE is a demonstration package for MiniGUI V1.3.x. |
You could download MiniGUI demos from this web page:
There are MiniGUI demos on Linux PC platform, Windows platform, VxWorks platform and other popular hardware development boards. Please read "README" file to see how to use the demos.
Package |
Deion |
Download |
mgdesktop.iso (35MB) |
MGDesktop V2.6 Demo CD-ROM. |
chksum.md5 |
After you download the above package, use this file to check whether the package is complete or good. |
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