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分类: 网络与安全

2014-07-15 15:27:49

Link Control Commands (OGF = 0x01)
No Command Name OpCode Description
1 Inquiry 0x0001 Command used to enter Inquiry mode where it discovers other Bluetooth devices.
2 Inquiry_Cancel 0x0002 Command to cancel the Inquiry mode in which the Bluetooth device is in.
3 Periodic_Inquiry_Mode 0x0003 Command to set the device to enter Inquiry modes periodically according to the time interval set.
4 Exit_Periodic_Inquiry_Mode 0x0004 Command to exit the periodic Inquiry mode
5 Create_Connection 0x0005 Command to create an ACL connection to the device specified by the BD_ADDR in the parameters.
6 Disconnect 0x0006 Command to terminate the existing connection to a device
7 Add_SCO_Connection 0x0007 Create an SCO connection defined by the connection handle parameters.
8 Accept_Connection_Request 0x0009 Command to accept a new connection request
9 Reject_Connection_Request 0x000A Command to reject a new connection request
10 Link_Key_Request_Reply 0x000B Reply command to a link key request event sent from controller to the host
11 Link_Key_Request_Negative_Reply 0x000C Reply command to a link key request event from the controller to the host if there is no link key associated with the connection.
12 PIN_Code_Request_Reply 0x000D Reply command to a PIN code request event sent from a controller to the host.
13 PIN_Code_Request_Negative_Reply 0x000E Reply command to a PIN code request event sent from the controller to the host if there is no PIN associated with the connection.
14 Change_Connection_Packet_Type 0x000F Command to change the type of packets to be sent for an existing connection.
15 Authentication_Requested 0x0011 Command to establish authentication between two devices specified by the connection handle.
16 Set_Connection_Encryption 0x0013 Command to enable or disable the link level encryption.
17 Change_Connection_Link_Key 0x0015 Command to force the change of a link key to a new one between two connected devices.
18 Master_Link_Key 0x0017 Command to force two devices to use the master's link key temporarily. 
19 Remote_Name_Request 0x0019 Command to determine the user friendly name of the connected device. 
20 Read_Remote_Supported_Features 0x001B Command to determine the features supported by the connected device.
21 Read_Remote_Version_Information 0x001D Command to determine the version information of the connected device.
22 Read_Clock_Offset 0x001F Command to read the clock offset of the remote device.
HCI Policy Command (OGF=0x02)
1 Hold_Mode 0x0001 Command to place the current or remote device into the Hold mode state.
2 Sniff_Mode 0x0003 Command to place the current or remote device into the Sniff mode state.
3 Exit_Sniff_Mode 0x0004 Command to exit the current or remote device from the Sniff mode state.
4 Park_Mode 0x0005 Command to place the current or remote device into the Park mode state.
5 Exit_Park_Mode 0x0006 Command to exit the current or remote device from the Park mode state.
6 QoS_Setup 0x0007 Command to setup the Quality of Service parameters of the device.
7 Role_Discovery 0x0009 Command to determine the role of the device for a particular connection.
8 Switch_Role 0x000B Command to allow the device to switch roles for a particular connection. 
9 Read_Link_Policy_Settings 0x000C Command to determine the link policy that the LM can use to establish connections.
10 Write_Link_Policy_Settings 0x000D Command to set the link policy that the LM can use for a particular connection.
Host Controller and Baseband Commands (OGF=0x03)
1 Set_Event_Mask 0x0001 Command to set which events are generated by the HCI for the host.
2 Reset 0x0003 Command to reset the host controller, link manager and the radio module.
3 Set_Event_Filter 0x0005 Command used by host to set the different types of event filters that the host needs to receive.
4 Flush 0x0008 Command used to flush all pending data packets for transmission for a particular connection handle.
5 Read_PIN_Type 0x0009 Command used by host to determine if the link manager assumes that the host requires a variable PIN type or fixed PIN code. PIN is used during pairing.
6 Write_PIN_Type 0x000A Command used by host to write to the host controller on the PIN type supported by the host.
7 Create_New_Unit_Key 0x000B Command used to create a new unit key.
8 Read_Stored_Link_Key 0x000D Command to read the link key stored in the host controller.
9 Write_Stored_Link_Key 0x0011 Command to write the link key to the host controller.
10 Delete_Stored_Link_Key 0x0012 Command to delete a stored link key in the host controller.
11 Change_Local_Name 0x0013 Command to modify the user friendly name of the device.
12 Read_Local_Name 0x0014 Command to read the user friendly name of the device.
13 Read_Connection_Accept_Timeout 0x0015 Command to determine the timeout session before the host denies and rejects a new connection request.
14 Write_Connection_Accept_Timeout 0x0016 Command to set the timeout session before a device can deny or reject a connection request.
15 Read_Page_Timeout 0x0017 Command to read the timeout value where a device will wait for a connection acceptance before sending a connection failure is returned.
16 Write_Page_Timeout 0x0018 Command to write the timeout value where a device will wait for a connection acceptance before sending a connection failure is returned.
17 Read_Scan_Enable 0x0019 Command to read the status of the Scan_Enable configuration.
18 Write_Scan_Enable 0x001A Command to set the status of the Scan_Enable configuration.
19 Read_Page_Scan_Activity 0x001B Command to read the value of the Page_Scan_Interval and Page_Scan_Window configurations.
20 Write_Page_Scan_Activity 0x001C Command to write the value of the Page_Scan_Interval and Page_Scan_Window configurations.
21 Read_Inquiry_Scan_Activity 0x001D Command to read the value of the Inquiry_Scan_Interval and Inquiry_Scan_Window configurations.
22 Write_Inquiry_Scan_Activity 0x001E Command to set the value of the Inquiry_Scan_Interval and Inquiry_Scan_Window configurations.
23 Read_Authentication_Enable 0x001F Command to read the Authentication_Enable parameter.
24 Write_Authentication_Enable 0x0020 Command to set the Authentication_Enable parameter.
25 Read_Encryption_Mode 0x0021 Command to read the Encryption_Mode parameter.
26 Write_Encryption_Mode 0x0022 Command to write the Encryption_Mode parameter.
27 Read_Class_Of_Device 0x0023 Command to read the Class_Of_Device parameter.
28 Write_Class_Of_Device 0x0024 Command to set the Class_Of_Device parameter.
29 Read_Voice_Setting 0x0025 Command to read the Voice_Setting parameter. Used for voice connections. 
30 Write_Voice_Setting 0x0026 Command to set the Voice_Setting parameter. Used for voice connections. 
31 Read_Automatic_Flush_Timeout 0x0027 Command to read the Flush_Timeout parameter. Used for ACL connections only.
32 Write_Automatic_Flush_Timeout 0x0028 Command to set the Flush_Timeout parameter. Used for ACL connections only.
33 Read_Num_Broadcast_Retransmissions 0x0029 Command to read the number of time a broadcast message is retransmitted.
34 Write_Num_Broadcast_Retransmissions 0x002A Command to set the number of time a broadcast message is retransmitted. 
35 Read_Hold_Mode_Activity 0x002B Command to set the Hold_Mode activity to instruct the device to perform an activity during hold mode.
36 Write_Hold_Mode_Activity 0x002C Command to set the Hold_Mode_Activity parameter.
37 Read_Transmit_Power_Level 0x002D Command to read the power level required for transmission for a connection handle.
38 Read_SCO_Flow_Control_Enable 0x002E Command to check the current status of the flow control for the SCO connection.
39 Write_SCO_Flow_Control_Enable 0x002F Command to set the status of the flow control for a connection handle. 
40 Set_Host_Controller_To_Host_Flow_Control 0x0031 Command to set the flow control from the host controller to host in on or off state.
41 Host_Buffer_Size 0x0033 Command set by host to inform the host controller of the buffer size of the host for ACL and SCO connections.
42 Host_Number_Of_Completed_Packets 0x0035 Command set from host to host controller when it is ready to receive more data packets.
43 Read_Link_Supervision_Timeout 0x0036 Command to read the timeout for monitoring link losses.
44 Write_Link_Supervision_Timeout 0x0037 Command to set the timeout for monitoring link losses.
45 Read_Number_Of_Supported_IAC 0x0038 Command to read the number of IACs that the device can listen on during Inquiry access.
46 Read_Current_IAC_LAP 0x0039 Command to read the LAP for the current IAC.
47 Write_Current_IAC_LAP 0x003A Command to set the LAP for the current IAC.
48 Read_Page_Scan_Period_Mode 0x003B Command to read the timeout session of a page scan.
49 Write_Page_Scan_Period_Mode 0x003C Command to set the timeout session of a page scan.
50 Read_Page_Scan_Mode 0x003D Command to read the default Page scan mode.
51 Write_Page_Scan_Mode 0x003E Command to set the default page scan mode.
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上一篇:Ubuntu 12.04下搭建Web服务器

