分类: Python/Ruby
2011-06-12 00:04:16
Triple quotes are also an easy way to define a string with both single and double quotes, like qq/.../ in Perl. 就像在Perl中,三元字符串使用简单字符串和双引号可以很轻松的定义一个字符串,比如 qq/.../ |
Everything between the triple quotes is the function's doc string, which documents what the function does. A doc string, if it exists, must be the first thing defined in a function (that is, the first thing after the colon). You don't technically need to give your function a doc string, but you always should. I know you've heard this in every programming class you've ever taken, but Python gives you an added incentive: the doc string is available at runtime as an attribute of the function.
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Many Python IDEs use the doc string to provide context-sensitive documentation, so that when you type a function name, its doc string appears as a tooltip. This can be incredibly helpful, but it's only as good as the doc strings you write. 许多PythonIDE 通过文档化字符串来提供上下文敏感的文档,这样当你输入一个函数名得时候,函数的文档化字符串就可以作为一个提示出现。这是十分有用的,你自己写的文档化字符处也是同样有用的。 |