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2011-08-09 16:48:00

Chapter 6. Exceptions and File Handling

In this chapter, you will dive into exceptions, file objects, for loops, and the os and sys modules. If you've used exceptions in another programming language, you can skim the first section to get a sense of Python's syntax. Be sure to tune in again for file handling.


6.1. Handling Exceptions

6.1 异常处理

Like many other programming languages, Python has exception handling via try...except blocks.



Python uses try...except to handle exceptions and raise to generate them. Java and C++ use try...catch to handle exceptions, and throw to generate them.



Exceptions are everywhere in Python. Virtually every module in the standard Python library uses them, and Python itself will raise them in a lot of different circumstances. You've already seen them repeatedly throughout this book.


In each of these cases, you were simply playing around in the Python IDE: an error occurred, the exception was printed (depending on your IDE, perhaps in an intentionally jarring shade of red), and that was that. This is called an unhandled exception. When the exception was raised, there was no code to explicitly notice it and deal with it, so it bubbled its way back to the default behavior built in to Python, which is to spit out some debugging information and give up. In the IDE, that's no big deal, but if that happened while your actual Python program was running, the entire program would come to a screeching halt.


An exception doesn't need result in a complete program crash, though. Exceptions, when raised, can be handled. Sometimes an exception is really because you have a bug in your code (like accessing a variable that doesn't exist), but many times, an exception is something you can anticipate. If you're opening a file, it might not exist. If you're connecting to a database, it might be unavailable, or you might not have the correct security credentials to access it. If you know a line of code may raise an exception, you should handle the exception using a try...except block.

对于通过异常崩溃的程序一个异常不必产生结果。异常,当被抛出的时候,可以被捕捉。有时一个异常是确实真实存在的,这是因为在你的代码中存在错误(比如访问不存在的变量),但是更多的情况下,异常是你可以预测的事情。如果你正在打开一个文件,文件或许不存在。如果你在挂接数据库,数据库可能不可用,或许你没有 正确的安全凭据来放完它。如果你知道某行代码可能抛出异常,那你就应该使用try…exception来捕捉该异常

Example 6.1. Opening a Non-Existent File


  1. >>> fsock = open("/notthere", "r")
  2. Traceback (innermost last):
  3.   File "", line 1, in ?
  4. IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/notthere'
  5. >>> try:
  6. ... fsock = open("/notthere")
  7. ... except IOError:
  8. ... print "The file does not exist, exiting gracefully"
  9. ... print "This line will always print"
  10. The file does not exist, exiting gracefully
  11. This line will always print

Using the built-in open function, you can try to open a file for reading (more on open in the next section). But the file doesn't exist, so this raises the IOError exception. Since you haven't provided any explicit check for an IOError exception, Python just prints out some debugging information about what happened and then gives up.


You're trying to open the same non-existent file, but this time you're doing it within a try...except block.


When the open method raises an IOError exception, you're ready for it. The except IOError: line catches the exception and executes your own block of code, which in this case just prints a more pleasant error message.


Once an exception has been handled, processing continues normally on the first line after the try...except block. Note that this line will always print, whether or not an exception occurs. If you really did have a file called notthere in your root directory, the call to open would succeed, the except clause would be ignored, and this line would still be executed.


Exceptions may seem unfriendly (after all, if you don't catch the exception, your entire program will crash), but consider the alternative. Would you rather get back an unusable file object to a non-existent file? You'd need to check its validity somehow anyway, and if you forgot, somewhere down the line, your program would give you strange errors somewhere down the line that you would need to trace back to the source. I'm sure you've experienced this, and you know it's not fun. With exceptions, errors occur immediately, and you can handle them in a standard way at the source of the problem.


6.1.1. Using Exceptions For Other Purposes


There are a lot of other uses for exceptions besides handling actual error conditions. A common use in the standard Python library is to try to import a module, and then check whether it worked. Importing a module that does not exist will raise an ImportError exception. You can use this to define multiple levels of functionality based on which modules are available at run-time, or to support multiple platforms (where platform-specific code is separated into different modules).

除了处理实际的错误情况的异常之外,异常还有其它的用途。在Python标准类库中一个比较常见的用途就是尝试导入一个模块,然后检查模块是否起作用。导入一个不存在的模块将会抛出ImportError 异常,这样你就可以根据那些模块在运行时是否可用,以及是否支持多种平台(平台相关的代码被封装到不同的模块中)来讲模块定义成不同的等级的函数。

You can also define your own exceptions by creating a class that inherits from the built-in Exception class, and then raise your exceptions with the raise command. See the further reading section if you're interested in doing this.


The next example demonstrates how to use an exception to support platform-specific functionality. This code comes from the getpass module, a wrapper module for getting a password from the user. Getting a password is accomplished differently on UNIX, Windows, and Mac OS platforms, but this code encapsulates all of those differences.

下面这个例子演示如何使用异常来实现平台相关的功能。这部分代码节选自getpass模块,它是一个获取用户密码的包装类。在Unixwindowmac Os上面获取密码是完全不同的,这部分代码封装了这种差异。

Example 6.2. Supporting Platform-Specific Functionality

6.2 实现平台相关功能

  # Bind the name getpass to the appropriate function

# 为正确的函数查找名为getpass的函数


  1. try:
  2.       import termios, TERMIOS
  3.   except ImportError:
  4.       try:
  5.           import msvcrt
  6.       except ImportError:
  7.           try:
  8.               from EasyDialogs import AskPassword
  9.           except ImportError:
  10.               getpass = default_getpass
  11.           else:
  12.               getpass = AskPassword
  13.       else:
  14.           getpass = win_getpass
  15.   else:
  16.       getpass = unix_getpass

termios is a UNIX-specific module that provides low-level control over the input terminal. If this module is not available (because it's not on your system, or your system doesn't support it), the import fails and Python raises an ImportError, which you catch


OK, you didn't have termios, so let's try msvcrt, which is a Windows-specific module that provides an API to many useful functions in the Microsoft Visual C++ runtime services. If this import fails, Python will raise an ImportError, which you catch.

恩,你的系统没有或是不支持termios,因此我们尝试msvcrt模块,该模块是一个window平台相关的模块。该模块提供了许多API来给Microsoft Visual C++运行的服务提供服务。如果该导入失败,Python将会抛出异常ImportError,你就可以捕捉它。

If the first two didn't work, you try to import a function from EasyDialogs, which is a Mac OS-specific module that provides functions to pop up dialog boxes of various types. Once again, if this import fails, Python will raise an ImportError, which you catch

如果前两个模块都不起作用,你或许应该尝试从EasyDialogs导入函数,该模块是一个Mac OS平台相关的模块。这个模块提供了函数来弹出不同类型的对话框。同样,如果这次导入失败,Python将会抛出ImportError异常,你就.可以捕捉它。

None of these platform-specific modules is available (which is possible, since Python has been ported to a lot of different platforms), so you need to fall back on a default password input function (which is defined elsewhere in the getpass module). Notice what you're doing here: assigning the function default_getpass to the variable getpass. If you read the official getpass documentation, it tells you that the getpass module defines a getpass function. It does this by binding getpass to the correct function for your platform. Then when you call the getpass function, you're really calling a platform-specific function that this code has set up for you. You don't need to know or care which platform your code is running on -- just call getpass, and it will always do the right thing.


A try...except block can have an else clause, like an if statement. If no exception is raised during the try block, the else clause is executed afterwards. In this case, that means that the from EasyDialogs import AskPassword import worked, so you should bind getpass to the AskPassword function. Each of the other try...except blocks has similar else clauses to bind getpass to the appropriate function when you find an import that works.

如同if语句一样,一个try---except代码块可以有else语句,如果在try代码块中没有异常抛出,在try—except 代码块后的第一个else语句在后面直接执行。在本例中,从AskPassword中导入EasyDialog会直接导入,因此你应该将getpass AskPassword函数进行绑定。其它的每一个try---except代码块在你发现一个导入模块起作用时,也有同样的else语句来绑定getpass到合适的函数。


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