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2010-05-06 17:41:17




其实当年,每一本计算机入门教材都吹嘘过,Mac主要用来做图形工作站,这个原因就是里面提到的Postscript之类的,和Apple家显示器 色彩比一般微机要逼真一些。


While Adobe’s Flash products are widely available, this does not mean they are open

其实Safari渲染HTML5 video也是用的Quicktime。这 玩意儿比Flash差几条街了,比RealTime插件还万恶。以前IE经常挂掉就是因为这个插件。但是大家习惯性的批评IE,没人批判IE的插件。这个 跟IE用Windows Media Player插件硬解codec有个屁的差别。WMA和WMV是破鼓万人锤,为啥就没有人来锤锤Quicktime这废品播放器?Safari挂掉,一定 是插件的问题,不用是浏览器自己烂的问题。

Adobe’s Flash products are 100% proprietary. They are only available from Adobe, and Adobe has sole authority as to their future enhancement, pricing, etc. While Adobe’s Flash products are widely available, this does not mean they are open, since they are controlled entirely by Adobe and available only from Adobe. By almost any definition, Flash is a closed system.

纯扯谈了。FlashDevelop,Swift3D,OpenLaszlo,Laszlo Systems,OpenOffice Impress等等都 支持SWF格式的开发。

we strongly believe that all standards pertaining to the web should be open. Rather than use Flash

抱歉,Flash的上下游工具链全是open的,Flash唯一不open的地方就是Adobe官方那个 Flash Player实现。这里面也是有原因的,官方也解 释过,因为Flash里有H.264和nellymose之类的专利技术,跟MPEG-LA之间有协议,源代码不能公开。其实这在业界里是通行规 则。我曾经咨询过Google开源项目总监,问Google家那个Google Talk在Windows下的standalone客户端能不能开源让大家玩玩,因为GTalk这个team其实已经没几个人在里面做事了只是一些老弱病 残在维护系统而已。他说GTalk本身开源没问题,但是问题是里面有个GlobalIPSound的专利模块(在GTalk的右下角系统托盘点About 就可以看到这个版权声明),按照协议规定代码不能公开。

恰好,Web和HTML5里也不是all standards都是open的。H.264就不算open。Apple你真有种了就只支持ogg theora和VP8吧。

相反,Apple是最不open的例子。iPhone SDK,AppStore都是铁证。


Add to this video from Vimeo, Netflix, Facebook, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, ESPN, NPR, Time, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Sports Illustrated, People, National Geographic, and many, many others. iPhone, iPod and iPad users aren’t missing much video.

Adobe他们家不是也搞了个open screen project么。也是联合一大堆小弟。只不过Apple家联合的是内容提供商小弟,Adobe联合的是设备提供商小弟。Google貌似通过Open Handset Alliance加上自身影响,内容和设备商都联合。Apple这个还真装逼装错了地方,因为他联合的都是“注定会遭到失败”的“西方反华媒体”。

There are more games and entertainment titles available for iPhone, iPod and iPad than for any other platform in the world.

这个就吹牛不上税了。乔帮主装逼都那么有艺术感。整篇《Thoughts on Flash》最装逼的就算这句话了。


Symantec recently highlighted Flash for having one of the worst security records in 2009. We also know first hand that Flash is the number one reason Macs crash. We have been working with Adobe to fix these problems, but they have persisted for several years now. We don’t want to reduce the reliability and security of our iPhones, iPods and iPads by adding Flash.

继续吹吧。iPhone和Mac连续好多年被黑客轻松pwnd了。随着用户数量和这个平台profit的增长,Apple家的epic fail只是指日可待的问题。


Flash was designed for PCs using mice, not for touch screens using fingers. For example, many Flash websites rely on “rollovers”, which pop up menus or other elements when the mouse arrow hovers over a specific spot.



我还是非常赞同乔帮主其余对Flash的判断和评价的。他说的很到位很准确。Flash最大的问题,就是performance和battery life问题。这个是硬伤,的而且目前没有办法很好解决。乔帮主没有谈Flash抢AppStore饭碗的问题。


This becomes even worse if the third party is supplying a cross platform development tool.

这一点我就只能说很佩服乔帮主的远见和智慧了。从我的个人感受来看,凡是跨平台的装逼都遭到了失败。从Swing, AWT, GTK, wx, tk等等,无一例外,不是功能欠缺就是界面丑陋。反正一个字:不够native。说实话,高质量的app,舒服的用户体验,UI这种重要的HCI环节,还 是原生的好。



I have an idea. How about you let the iPhone use Flash and let people enable or disable it as they choose? Since it sucks so FUCKING much, people will obviously agree with you and vote with their fingers, and those people who don't can enjoy their phones crashing and burning and having shit battery life and getting fucked up by viruses and all the other maladies you mentioned.



Flash的自身定位其实是一个流媒体矢量图形动画引擎,本身来说没有太大的问题,算一个比较优秀的的技术解决 方案。争来争去,目前各种批评Flash的根源,都是 Flash视频 的问题。而其实视频啊,上传进度条啊麦克风控制啊只是Flash的副 产业而已。但是,谁会想到,多年之后,这些副产业居然被人们大量用在严肃场合,甚至成为Flash 的赢利点?

这个问题是有历史渊源的。我们说2005年之前,也有视频站,甚至98年就有商业化的视频站了,但是都垮了。为什么?因为带宽这个硬件门槛还没到 位。Youtube和一大堆类似在2005年左右开始兴起的时候,假如换你来做视频站,你肯定会考虑采用什么技术来deliver视频?有下面几个成熟选 项:Windows Media Player, RealTime, QuickTime和其他。其实当年这些技术已经用滥了。况且一个视频转录成三种格式,浪费空间,不经济,成本高,维护麻烦。我们再看看其他比较 cutting edge的办法:Flash和自行开发插件。很明显Flash轻松胜出了。原因很简单,Flash每个人都安装了。而且当年的视频都是些几分钟短小视频, 烧CPU就烧吧,总比RealTime, QuickTime这些更卡的更烂的插件好。自行开发插件根本形成不了气候。

但是后来PC工业开始逐渐升级到mobile了,Flash的一些弱点和不足就逐渐暴露和严重了,Flash也终于沦落到WMP, RealTime, QuickTime这些播放器一样的破鼓万人锤的地步了。这个时候Adobe也没有足够重视和改进,Adobe对Flash的升级速度比 Macromedia差远了。微软还疯狂推Silverlight,功能和Flash重叠部分还不少。Flash也就逐渐杯具了。




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