$ACID_VERSION = "0.9.6b23";
/* Path to the DB abstraction library
* (Note: DO NOT include a trailing backslash after the directory)
* e.g. $foo = "/tmp" [OK]
* $foo = "/tmp/" [OK]
* $foo = "c:\tmp" [OK]
* $foo = "c:\tmp\" [WRONG]
$DBlib_path = "/www/htdocs/adodb";
/* The type of underlying alert database
* MySQL : "mysql"
* PostgresSQL : "postgres"
* MS SQL Server : "mssql"
$DBtype = "mysql";
/* Alert DB connection parameters
* - $alert_dbname : MySQL database name of Snort alert DB
* - $alert_host : host on which the DB is stored
* - $alert_port : port on which to access the DB
* - $alert_user : login to the database with this user
* - $alert_password : password of the DB user
* This information can be gleaned from the Snort database
* output plugin configuration.
$alert_dbname = "snort";
$alert_host = "localhost";
$alert_port = "";
$alert_user = "root";
$alert_password = "baoqunmin";
/* Archive DB connection parameters */
$archive_dbname = "snort";
$archive_host = "localhost";
$archive_port = "";
$archive_user = "root";
$archive_password = "baoqunmin";
/* Type of DB connection to use
* 1 : use a persistant connection (pconnect)
* 2 : use a normal connection (connect)
$db_connect_method = 1;
/* Use referential integrity
* 1 : use
* 0 : ignore (not installed)
* Note: Only PostgreSQL and MS-SQL Server databases support
* referential integrity. Use the associated
* create_acid_tbls_?_extra.sql script to add this
* functionality to the database.
* Referential integrity will greatly improve the
* speed of record deletion, but also slow record
* insertion.
$use_referential_integrity = 0;
/* Path to the graphing library
* (Note: DO NOT include a trailing backslash after the directory)
$ChartLib_path = "/www/htdocs/src";
/* File format of charts ('png', 'jpeg', 'gif') */
$chart_file_format = "png";
/* Chart default colors - (red, green, blue)
* - $chart_bg_color_default : background color of chart
* - $chart_lgrid_color_default : gridline color of chart
* - $chart_bar_color_default : bar/line color of chart
$chart_bg_color_default = array(255,255,255);
$chart_lgrid_color_default = array(205,205,205);
$chart_bar_color_default = array(190, 5, 5);
/* Maximum number of rows per criteria element */
$MAX_ROWS = 10;
/* Number of rows to display for any query results */
$show_rows = 50;
/* Number of items to return during a snapshot
* Last _X_ # of alerts/unique alerts/ports/IP
$last_num_alerts = 15;
$last_num_ualerts = 15;
$last_num_uports = 15;
$last_num_uaddr = 15;
/* Number of items to return during a snapshot
* Most Frequent unique alerts/IPs/ports
$freq_num_alerts = 5;
$freq_num_uaddr = 15;
$freq_num_uports = 15;
/* Number of scroll buttons to use when displaying query results */
$max_scroll_buttons = 12;
/* Debug mode - how much debugging information should be shown
* Timing mode - display timing information
* SQL trace mode - log SQL statements
* 0 : no extra information
* 1 : debugging information
* 2 : extended debugging information
* HTML no cache - whether a no-cache directive should be sent
* to the browser (should be = 1 for IE)
* SQL trace file - file to log SQL traces
$debug_mode = 0;
$debug_time_mode = 1;
$html_no_cache = 1;
$sql_trace_mode = 0;
$sql_trace_file = "";
/* Auto-Screen refresh
* - Refresh_Stat_Page - Should certain statistics pages refresh?
* - Stat_Page_Refresh_Time - refresh interval (in seconds)
$refresh_stat_page = 1;
$stat_page_refresh_time = 180;
/* Display First/Previous/Last timestamps for alerts or
* just First/Last on the Unique Alert listing.
* 1: yes
* 0: no
$show_previous_alert = 0;
/* Sets maximum execution time (in seconds) of any particular page.
* Note: this overrides the PHP configuration file variable
* max_execution_time. Thus script can run for a total of
* ($max_script_runtime + max_execution_time) seconds
$max_script_runtime = 180;
/* How should the IP address criteria be entered in the Search screen?
* 1 : each octet is a separate field
* 2 : entire address is as a single field
$ip_address_input = 2;
/* Should a combo box with possible signatures be displayed on the
* search form. (Requires Javascript)
* 0 : disabled
* 1 : show only non pre-processor signatures (e.g., ignore portscans)
* 2 : show all signatures
$use_sig_list = 0;
/* Resolve IP to FQDN (on certain queries?)
* 1 : yes
* 0 : no
$resolve_IP = 1;
/* Should summary stats be calculated on every Query Results page
* (Enabling this option will slow page loading time)
$show_summary_stats = 0;
/* DNS cache lifetime (in minutes) */
$dns_cache_lifetime = 20160;
/* Whois information cache lifetime (in minutes) */
$whois_cache_lifetime = 40320;
/* Snort spp_portscan log file */
$portscan_file = "";
/* Event cache Auto-update
* Should the event cache be verified and updated on every
* page log? Otherwise, the cache will have to be explicitly
* updated from the 'cache and status' page.
* Note: enabling this option could substantially slow down
* the page loading time when there are many uncached alerts.
* However, this is only a one-time penalty.
* 1 : yes
* 0 : no
$event_cache_auto_update = 1;
/* Maintain a history of the visited pages so that the "Back"
* button can be used.
* Note: Enabling this option will cause the PHP-session to
* grow substantially after many pages have been viewed causing
* a slow down in page loading time. Periodically return to the
* main page to clear the history.
* 1 : yes
* 0 : no
$maintain_history = 1;
/* Level of detail to display on the main page.
* Note: The presence of summary statistics will slow page loading time
* 1 : show both the links and summary statistics
* 0 : show only the links and a count of the number of alerts
$main_page_detail = 1;
* External URLs
/* Whois query */
$external_whois_link = "=";
//$external_whois_link = "="
/* DNS query */
$external_dns_link = "=";
/* SamSpade "all" query */
$external_all_link = "=";
/* TCP/UDP port database */
$external_port_link = "=";
//$external_port_link = "=";
/* Signature references */
$external_sig_link = array("bugtraq" => array("
http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/", ""),
"snort" => array("=", ""),
"cve" => array("=", ""),
"arachnids" => array("", ""),
"mcafee" => array("_", ".htm"),
"icat" => array("=", ""));
/* Email Alert action
* - action_email_from : email address to use in the FROM field of the mail message
* - action_email_subject : subject to use for the mail message
* - action_email_msg : additional text to include in the body of the mail message
* - action_email_mode : specifies how the alert information should be enclosed
* 0 : alerts should be in the body of the message
* 1 : alerts should be enclosed in an attachment
$action_email_from = "ACID Alert
$action_email_subject = "ACID Incident Report";
$action_email_msg = "";
$action_email_mode = 0;
/* Custom (user) PHP session handlers
* - use_user_session : sets whether user PHP session can be used (configured
* with the session.save_handler variable in php.ini)
* 0 : no
* 1 : yes (assuming that 'user_session_path' and 'user_session_function'
* are configured correctly)
* - user_session_path : file to include that implements the custom PHP session
* handler
* - user_session_function : function to invoke in the custom session
* implementation that will register the session handler
* functions
$use_user_session = 0;
$user_session_path = "";
$user_session_function = "";
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