当然,这个问题绝对不是我第一次遇到,网上查了一下,有不少人在问同样的问题,而在开源界也有一个实现此功能的开源软件,它的原理是利用gcc -g编译生成的二进制代码中已经存在打印每个结构体变量的函数,通过某种方法把这些code码直接抠出来使用。
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- #-*-coding:UTF-8 -*-
- import re
- import os
- import sys
- import getopt
- print_symbol = {} #保存打印符号信息
- print_func = {} #保存每一个结构体对应的打印函数
- define_store = [] #保存分解出的所有typedef定义
- struct_store = [] #保存分解出的所有struct结构列表
- #默认写入文件为temp.c
- target_file = './temp.c'
- m = re.compile(r'struct\s*\w[\w_]*?\s*?{.*?}',re.S) #匹配struct(不支持嵌套)
- n = re.compile(r'typedef.*?(?=;)') #匹配typedef定义
- m1 = re.compile(r'/\*.*?\*/',re.S) #匹配/*...*/的注释
- n1 = re.compile(r'//.*(?=\n)') #匹配//..的注释
- m2 = re.compile(r'#if\s*?0.*?#endif',re.S) #匹配#if 0的注释(不支持嵌套)
- #设置打印符号的默认配置
- def set_default_conf():
- #后期可考虑默认打印符号的自动化生成,如生成组合,确定打印类型等
- print_symbol['int'] = '%d'
- print_symbol['unsigned int'] = '%u'
- print_symbol['long'] = '%l'
- print_symbol['unsigned long'] = '%lu'
- print_symbol['short'] = '%d'
- print_symbol['unsigned short'] = '%u'
- print_symbol['char'] = '%c'
- print_symbol['unsigned char'] = '%u'
- print_symbol['float'] = '%f'
- print_symbol['double'] = '%f'
- print_symbol['void *'] = '%p'
- print_symbol['int *'] = '%p'
- print_symbol['char *'] = '%p'
- #处理单个define
- def collect_each_define(define_item):
- define_store.append(define_item)
- #处理单个struct
- def collect_each_struct(struct_item):
- #删除注释应放到最前面,防止解析到已经注释到的结构体
- #删除注释
- #struct_item = m1.sub('',struct_item)
- #struct_item = n1.sub('',struct_item)
- struct_store.append(struct_item)
- #处理数组赋值
- def process_array(head,fp,line):
- #print 'array\t' + line
- #指针数组
- if '*' in line:
- flag_match = re.compile(r'\*+')
- flag = ''.join(flag_match.findall(line))
- style = flag_match.split(line)[0]
- name_value = flag_match.split(line)[-1]
- array_match1 = re.compile(r'\w\w*?(?=\[)')
- array_match2 = re.compile(r'(?<=\[)\d+(?=\])')
- name = array_match1.findall(line.split()[-1].strip())
- value = array_match2.findall(line.split()[-1].strip())
- name = ''.join(name).strip()
- value = ''.join(value).strip()
- style += flag
- #普通数组
- else:
- style = (' '.join(line.split()[:-1])).strip()
- #print style
- #print line.split()[-1].strip()
- array_match1 = re.compile(r'\w\w*?(?=\[)')
- array_match2 = re.compile(r'(?<=\[)\d+(?=\])')
- name = array_match1.findall(line.split()[-1].strip())
- value = array_match2.findall(line.split()[-1].strip())
- name = ''.join(name).strip()
- value = ''.join(value).strip()
- #style为类型,name为变量名,value为数组大小
- if style in print_symbol.keys():
- if '%' in print_symbol[style]:
- fp.write('\n')
- fp.write('''\tfor(i = 0 ; i < %s; i++)\n''' %value)
- fp.write('''\t{\n''')
- fp.write('''\t\tprintf("%s.%s <==> %s\\n",item.%s);\n''' %(head,name,print_symbol[style],name))
- fp.write('''\t}\n''')
- #不在打印符号表内的指针统一按照%p打印
- elif '*' in style:
- fp.write('\n')
- fp.write('''\tfor(i = 0 ; i < %s; i++)\n''' %value)
- fp.write('''\t{\n''')
- fp.write('''\t\tprintf("%s.%s <==> %%p\\n",item.%s);\n''' %(head,name,name))
- #print ('''\t\tprintf("%s.%s <==> %%p\\n",item.%s);\n''' %(head,name,print_symbol[style],name))
- fp.write('''\t}\n''')
- #处理位域赋值
- def process_bit(head,fp,line):
- #print 'bit\t' + line
- bit_match = re.compile(r'\w+:\d+')
- style_match = re.compile(r'\w+')
- bit_list = bit_match.findall(line)
- style = ''.join(style_match.findall(bit_match.sub('',line)))
- if style in print_symbol.keys():
- if '%' in print_symbol[style]:
- for it in bit_list:
- its = str(it)
- fp.write('''\tprintf("%s.%s <==> %s\\n",item.%s);\n''' %(head,its[:its.index(':')],print_symbol[style],its[:its.index(':')]))
- else:
- fp.write('''printf("sizeof(%s.%s) %%d\n",sizeof(%s.%s));\n''' %(head,name,head,name))
- #处理指针赋值
- def process_pointer(head,fp,line):
- #print 'pointer\t' + line
- #数组处理优先级更高,确保在这个地方已经不存在指针数组
- if '*' in line:
- #print line
- flag_match = re.compile(r'\*+')
- flag = ''.join(flag_match.findall(line))
- style = flag_match.split(line)[0]
- name = flag_match.split(line)[-1]
- style += flag
- if style in print_symbol.keys():
- if '%' in print_symbol[style]:
- fp.write('''\tprintf("%s.%s <==> %s\\n",item.%s);\n''' %(head,name,print_symbol[style],name))
- else:
- fp.write('''\tprintf("%s.%s <==>%%p\\n",item.%s);\n''' %(head,name,name))
- #处理标准赋值
- def process_normal(head,fp,line):
- #print 'normal\t' + line
- style = (' '.join(line.split()[:-1])).strip()
- name = line.split()[-1].strip()
- if style in print_symbol.keys():
- #如果已经存在%*的打印格式
- if '%' in print_symbol[style]:
- fp.write('''\tprintf("%s.%s <==> %s\\n",item.%s);\n''' %(head,name,print_symbol[style],name))
- #pass
- #这种情形应该为结构体中包含别的结构体变量
- else:
- #先规避,打印结构体大小,后续可直接嵌套打印函数
- fp.write('''\tprintf("sizeof(%s.%s) %%d\\n",sizeof(%s.%s));\n''' %(head,name,head,name))
- #pass
- #解析struct中每一个定义语句
- def process_line(head,fp,line):
- #判断是否为位域定义(假定位域的定义中包含,)
- if ',' in line:
- process_bit(head,fp,line)
- #判断是否为数组(数组的定义为包含一对中括号[]),对于指针数组优先为数组
- elif '[' in line and ']' in line:
- process_array(head,fp,line)
- #判断指针
- elif '*' in line:
- process_pointer(head,fp,line)
- #正常赋值(还有没有其他情况?)
- else:
- process_normal(head,fp,line)
- #解析define
- def reslove_each_define():
- for item in define_store:
- temp_match = re.compile('typedef')
- item = temp_match.sub('',item)
- #这块解析的好烂啊,复杂点的都解析不出来
- #怎么解析指针类赋值,尤其函数指针???
- temp_list = item.split(' ')
- s = (' '.join(temp_list[:-1])).strip()
- if s in print_symbol.keys():
- print_symbol[temp_list[-1]] = print_symbol[s]
- else:
- #先保存define定义,在生成打印时再查找确认一次
- print_symbol[temp_list[-1]] = s
- #解析struct
- def reslove_each_struct():
- for item in struct_store:
- #获取struct的名字
- name_match = re.compile(r'(?<=struct)\s*\w\w*(?=\s*?{)')
- name = name_match.findall(item)
- name = (''.join(name)).strip()
- #假设{}之间的为正文
- index1 = item.find('{')
- if index1 == -1:
- print 'reslove failed for the error farmat struct'
- return
- index2 = item.find('}')
- if index2 == -1:
- print 'reslove failed for the error farmat struct'
- return
- fp = open(target_file,'a+')
- fp.write('\n')
- fp.write('void print_%s(%s item)\n'%(name,name))
- fp.write('{\n')
- fp.write('\tint i = 0; \n')
- #print ('void print_%s(struct %s item)\n'%(name,name))
- date = item[index1 +1 : index2]
- item_match = re.compile(r'\w.*?(?=;)',re.S)
- for line in item_match.findall(date):
- process_line(name,fp,line)
- fp.write('}\n')
- fp.close()
- #完成对单个文件的解析
- def handle_file(test_file):
- fp = open(test_file,'r')
- context = fp.readlines()
- context = ''.join(context)
- context = m2.sub('',context)
- context = m1.sub('',context)
- context = n1.sub('',context)
- file_define = []
- file_struct = []
- for i in n.findall(context):
- collect_each_define(i)
- for j in m.findall(context):
- collect_each_struct(j)
- '''
- def write_to_file(target):
- pass
- '''
- def print_help_info():
- '''print function help information'''
- print 'Usage: python get_struct.py [-f file -d directory -o target_file -h --help]'
- print '-f 待解析的源文件'
- print '-d 待解析的目录,将解析目录下所有的.c以及.h'
- print '-o 打印函数保留文件,默认保留在当前目录下的temp.c文件中'
- print '-h/--help 打印帮助信息'
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- if(len(sys.argv) <= 1):
- print 'input the error args format'
- try:
- opts,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'f:d:ho:',['help'])
- except getopt.GetoptError,err:
- print str(err)
- sys.exit(-1)
- reslove_file = 0
- reslove_dir = 0
- for k,v in opts:
- if k == '-f':
- reslove_file = v
- print reslove_file
- elif k == '-d':
- reslove_dir = v
- print reslove_dir
- elif k == '-o':
- target_file = v
- print target_file
- elif k in ('-h','--help'):
- print_help_info()
- sys.exit()
- else:
- print 'Error,unhandled option'
- sys.exit(-1)
- set_default_conf()
- if(reslove_file):
- handle_file(reslove_file)
- if(reslove_dir):
- #文件夹支持
- pass
- #print print_symbol
- #解析define以及struct
- reslove_each_define()
- reslove_each_struct()
- #将解析结果写入文件
- #write_to_file(reslove_file)
一共300行左右的代码,花了自己两个晚上看电影的时间,不过如果用C实现,用字符串去解析,那这个工程的复杂性还会增加,由此可见,python在效率(编码 + 调试 + 运行)上还是有一定的优势。
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