2009-11-12 14:42:32
Set fso = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") '创建系统Shell对象,用以运行程序等等
Set WshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") '如果找到文件“D:\\刀剑Online\\alreadyexist.txt”则
if fso.fileexists("D:\\刀剑Online\\alreadyexist.txt") then '运行“D:\\刀剑Online\\刀剑Online.exe”
WshShell.Run("D:\\刀剑Online\\刀剑Online.exe") else
if fso.fileexists("") then '运行“\\\\gengxin\\update\\dj.exe”
WshShell.Run("") else
WshShell.Run("D:\\刀剑Online\\刀剑Online.exe") '根据条件执行语句结束
end if end if
Dim fso, folderspec, f, f1, fc
folderspec = "f:\\Program Files\\Tencent\\QQ" \'设置你的QQ文件夹 Dim Re Set Re = New RegExp Re.Pattern = "^\\d{4,13}$" Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = fso.GetFolder(folderspec) Set fc = f.SubFolders For Each f1 in fc If Re.Test(f1.name) Then On Error Resume Next f1.Delete(true) On Error GoTo 0 End If Next '隔5分钟运行一次批处理程序
Dim Wsh
Set Wsh = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Do Wsh.Run "d:\\aaa.bat" '你要执行的批处理 WScript.Sleep(300000) Loop 将域用户或租添加到本地组
Set objGroup = GetObject(WinNT://./Administrators) Set objUser = GetObject(WinNT://testnet/Engineers) objGroup.Add(objUser.ADsPath) 修改本地管理员密码
Set objcnlar = GetObject(WinNT://./administrator, user) objcnla.SetPassword P@ssW0rd objcnla.SetInfo 弹出 YES or NO 的对话框,不同的选择执行不同的代码
intAnswer = Msgbox("是否", vbYesNo, Delete Files) If intAnswer = vbYes Then Msgbox You answered yes. Else Msgbox You answered no. End If '弹出 YES or NO 的对话框,不同的选择执行不同的代码
intAnswer = Msgbox ("是否真的要删除文件?", vbYesNo, "提示:") If intAnswer = vbYes Then Msgbox "您选择的是Y" Else Msgbox "您选择的是N" End If 运行CMD命令行命令
set obshell=wscript.createobject(wscript.shell) obshell.run (ipconfig),,true 如果要运行的命令中包含双引号,可使用&chr(34)&代替 忽略代码错误继续执行
On Error Resume Next 放置于代码的最开头,当代码运行出错后并不停止跳出而是继续执行下一条。适当应用会很有效果。 注册表的修改,读取,删除,创建
Set wso = CreateObject(WScript.Shell) '声明
wso.RegWrite %Path% '创建子键 wso.RegWrite %Path%,%Value% '修改默认键值 wso.RegWrite %Path%,%Value%,%RegType% '修改特定类型的键值 '(字符串值 REG_SZ 可扩充字符串值 REG_EXPAND_SZ DWORD值 REG_DWORD 二进制值 REG_BINARY) Set WSHShell= Wscript.CreateObject(Wscript.Shell)
WSHShell.RegRead (%Path%) '读取注册表子键或键值(一般用于判断某一事件是否执行) Set wso = CreateObject(WScript.Shell)
Set wso = CreateObject(Wscript.Shell) wso.RegWrite HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsft\\Windows NT\\#1 wso.RegWrite HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsft\\Windows NT\\#1,0 wso.RegWrite HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsft\\Windows NT\\#1\\#2,0,REG_BINARY wso.RegDelete HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsft\\Windows NT\\#1 Wscript.quit '文件的复制,删除,创建,简单的写入
Set fso = Wscript.CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject) ‘声明 Set f = fso.CreateTextFile(%PATH%) '创建文件,其中f可任意,包含缩略名 f.WriteLine(VBS) '写入文件一行内容,该命令功能太简单,目前看来只能用于TXT文件 f.Close '关闭打开的文件 set c=fso.getfile(%path%) ’拷贝某文件 c.copy(%PATH2%) \'拷贝文件到指定地点 fso.deletefile(%PATH%) \'删除文件 例子:
Set fso = Wscript.CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject) Set f=fso.CreateTextFile("C:\\Sample.txt") f.WriteLine(VBS) f.close set e=fso.getfile(C:\\Sample.txt) e.copy(D:\\Sample.txt) fso.deletefile(C:\\Sample.txt) Wscript.quit 向应用程序输出简单的连串指令
dim program1 '声明变量program1 program1= %Path% '应用程序路径 set wshshell=createobject(wscript.shell) '声明引用函数 set oexec=wshshell.exec(program1) '运行程序 wscript.sleep 2000 '延迟2000毫秒 wshshell.appactivate %WindowsName% '指定要激活的程序窗口标题 wshshell.sendkeys +{%KeyBoardName%} '第一次输出键盘按键指令前要加+ wshshell.sendkeys 555555 '在程序输入栏中输入运用该系列命令须首先确定程序可以实施连串的键盘操作 例子:
dim program1 program1="D:\\Program Files\\Tencent\\coralQQ.exe" set wshshell=CreateObject(wscript.shell) set oexec=wshshell.exec(program1) wscript.sleep 2000 wshshell.appactivate "QQ登录" wshshell.sendkeys +{TAB} wshshell.sendkeys 250481892 wscript.sleep 2000 wshshell.sendkeys {TAB} wshshell.sendkeys **************** wscript.sleep 2000 wshshell.sendkeys {ENTER} Wscript.quit 文件夹的简单操作
Set fso = Wscript.CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject) ‘声明 Set f = fso.CreateFolder(%PATH%) '创建文件夹 Set e = getFolder(%PATH%) '类似于“绑定目标” e.copy(%PATH2%) '复制文件夹 fso.deletefolder(%PATH%) '删除文件夹 例子:
Set fso = Wscript.CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject) Set f = fso.CreateObject("C:\\sample") f.copy("D:\\sample") fso.deletefolder("C:\\sample") '(由上例可以看出,文件夹的操作很多是和文件的操作相通的,因此VBS文件具有很多命令的统一性) 将某一指定文件夹的所有只读文件转为可读文件
Const ReadOnly = 1 ‘设只读属性对应值为1 Set FSO = CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject) \'声明
Set Folder = FSO.GetFolder(%PATH%) ’绑定文件夹 Set colFiles = Folder.Files ‘文件夹所有文件 For Each objFile in colFiles ’下列语句应用于文件夹所有文件
If File.Attributes AND ReadOnly Then '这是关键之处,这里应用了If判断语句,来检测文件属性是否为只读 File.Attributes = File.Attributes XOR ReadOnly '对判断结果为Ture(默认为True)’执行XOR逻辑运算,将其改为可读 End If ‘结束判断 Next 将Word文件另存为文本文件
Const wdFormatText = 2 '设置常数值 '(当该值为8时另存为HTML文档,为11时另存为XML文档) Set objWord = CreateObject(Word.Application) '申明调用函数 Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Open(%Path%) '打开某DOC文件 objDoc.SaveAs %PATH2%, wdFormatText '另存为…… objWord.Quit 例子:
Const wdFormatText = 2 Set objWord = CreateObject(Word.Application) Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Open("d:\\doc1.doc") objDoc.SaveAs "g:\\doc1.txt", wdFormatText objWord.Quit 禁用开始菜单选项
Dim ChangeStartMenu Set ChangeStartMenu=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") RegPath="HKCR\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\" Type_Name="REG_DWORD" Key_Data=1 StartMenu_Run="NoRun" StartMenu_Find="NoFind" StartMenu_Close="NoClose" Sub Change(Argument) ChangeStartMenu.RegWrite RegPath&Argument,Key_Data,Type_Name MsgBox("Success!") End Sub Call Change(StartMenu_Run) '禁用“开始”菜单中的“运行”功能 Call Change(StartMenu_Find) '禁用“开始”菜单中的“查找”功能 Call Change(StartMenu_Close) '禁用“开始”菜单中的“关闭系统”功能 重新启动指定的IIS服务
Set objComputer = GetObject("WinNT://MYCOMPUTER,computer") Set objService = objComputer.GetObject("Service","MYSERVICE") If (objService.Status = ADS_SERVICE_STOPPED) Then objService.Start End If 添加系统自动启动程序
Dim AutoRunProgram
Set AutoRunProgram=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") RegPath="HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run\\" Type_Name="REG_SZ" Key_Name="AutoRun" Key_Data="C:\\Myfile\\autorun.exe" '该自启动程序的全路径文件名 AutoRunProgram.Write RegPath&Key_Name,Key_Data,Type_Name '在启动组中添加自启动程序autorun.exe ======打开迅闪菜单的同时连接虚拟磁盘的VBS====== ======开机VBS调用远程批处理(延时+无黑屏后台运行的效果)====== 实现整理磁盘碎片功能
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim fso, d, dc Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set dc = fso.Drives For Each d in dc If d.DriveType = 2 Then Return = WshShell.Run("defrag " & d & " -f", 1, TRUE) End If Next Set WshShell = Nothing 计划任务定时调用VBS脚本(未知功能)
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next '生成列表的文件类型
Const sListFileType = "wmv,rm,wma" '文件所在的相对路径
Const sShowPath="." '排序类型的常量定义
Const iOrderFieldFileName = 0 Const iOrderFieldFileExt = 1 Const iOrderFieldFileSize = 2 Const iOrderFieldFileType = 3 Const iOrderFieldFileDate = 4 '排序顺逆的常量定义
const iOrderAsc = 0 const iOrderDesc = 1 '生成列表的文件数量
const iShowCount = 20 '显示的日期格式函数
Function Cndate2(date1,intDateStyle) dim strdate,dDate1 strdate=cstr(date1) If Isdate(strdate) Then If Left(cstr(strdate),1)="0" Then dDate1=Cdate("20"+cstr(strdate)) else dDate1=Cdate(strdate) End If Else dDate1=Now() End If Select case intDateStyle Case 1: Cndate2 = Cstr(Year(dDate1))+"-"+Cstr(Month(dDate1))+"-"+Cstr(Day(dDate1)) Case 2: Cndate2 = Cstr(Month(dDate1))+"-"+Cstr(Day(dDate1)) Case 3: Cndate2 = Cstr(Month(dDate1))+"月"+Cstr(Day(dDate1))+"日" Case 4: Cndate2 = Cstr(year(dDate1))+"年"+ Cstr(Month(dDate1))+"月"+Cstr(Day(dDate1))+"日" End Select End Function Function ListFile(strFiletype,intCompare,intOrder,intShowCount) Dim sListFile Dim fso, f, f1, fc, s,ftype,fcount,i,j,k Dim t1,t2,t3,t4,t5 Dim iMonth,iDay sListFile = "" Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = fso.GetFolder(sShowPath) Set fc = f.Files fcount = fc.count redim arrFiles(fcount,5) redim arrFiles2(fcount,5) i=0 '排序 For Each f1 in fc ftype = right(f1.name,len(f1.name)-instrrev(f1.name,".")) arrFiles(i,0) = f1.name arrFiles(i,1) = ftype arrFiles(i,2) = f1.size arrFiles(i,3) = f1.type arrFiles(i,4) = f1.DateLastModified i=i+1 Next For i=0 to fcount-1 for j=i+1 to fcount-1 select Case intCompare Case iOrderFieldFileName,iOrderFieldFileExt,iOrderFieldFileType: If arrFiles(i,intCompare)>arrFiles(j,intCompare) then t1 = arrFiles(i,0) t2 = arrFiles(i,1) t3 = arrFiles(i,2) t4 = arrFiles(i,3) t5 = arrFiles(i,4) arrFiles(i,0) = arrFiles(j,0)
arrFiles(i,1) = arrFiles(j,1) arrFiles(i,2) = arrFiles(j,2) arrFiles(i,3) = arrFiles(j,3) arrFiles(i,4) = arrFiles(j,4) arrFiles(j,0) = t1
arrFiles(j,1) = t2 arrFiles(j,2) = t3 arrFiles(j,3) = t4 arrFiles(j,4) = t5 end if Case iOrderFieldFileSize: If cdbl(arrFiles(i,intCompare))>cdbl(arrFiles(j,intCompare)) then t1 = arrFiles(i,0) t2 = arrFiles(i,1) t3 = arrFiles(i,2) t4 = arrFiles(i,3) t5 = arrFiles(i,4) arrFiles(i,0) = arrFiles(j,0)
arrFiles(i,1) = arrFiles(j,1) arrFiles(i,2) = arrFiles(j,2) arrFiles(i,3) = arrFiles(j,3) arrFiles(i,4) = arrFiles(j,4) arrFiles(j,0) = t1
arrFiles(j,1) = t2 arrFiles(j,2) = t3 arrFiles(j,3) = t4 arrFiles(j,4) = t5 end if Case iOrderFieldFileDate: If Cdate(arrFiles(i,intCompare))>Cdate(arrFiles(j,intCompare)) then t1 = arrFiles(i,0) t2 = arrFiles(i,1) t3 = arrFiles(i,2) t4 = arrFiles(i,3) t5 = arrFiles(i,4) arrFiles(i,0) = arrFiles(j,0)
arrFiles(i,1) = arrFiles(j,1) arrFiles(i,2) = arrFiles(j,2) arrFiles(i,3) = arrFiles(j,3) arrFiles(i,4) = arrFiles(j,4) arrFiles(j,0) = t1
arrFiles(j,1) = t2 arrFiles(j,2) = t3 arrFiles(j,3) = t4 arrFiles(j,4) = t5 end if End Select next next '生成列表 sListFile = sListFile + ("
ListFile = sListFile End Function '生成调用文件的过程
Sub ShowFileListContent() Dim tUpdatetime,sUpdateContent Dim fso,f,f_js,f_js_write
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = fso.GetFolder(sShowPath) Set f_js = fso.GetFile("list.js") '比较调用文件与文件夹的最后修改时间
If f.DateLastModified<>f_js.DateLastModified then sUpdateContent = ListFile(sListFileType,iOrderFieldFileDate,iOrderDesc,iShowCount) Set f_js_write = fso.CreateTextFile("list.js", True) 'JS调用就加上下面这对document.write ' f_js_write.Write ("document.write('") f_js_write.Write (sUpdateContent) ' f_js_write.Write ("')") f_js_write.Close End If End Sub Call ShowFileListContent()
'this.vbs---disable/enable network interface card
'usage: cscript /nologo this.vbs sConnectionName = "LAN" '本地连接 sEnableVerb = "启用(&A)" '启用(&A) sDisableVerb = "禁用(&B)" '禁用(&B) sFolderName = "网络和拨号连接" '网络和拨号连接 Const ssfCONTROLS = 3
set shellApp = createobject("shell.application") set oControlPanel = shellApp.Namespace(ssfCONTROLS) set oNetConnections = nothing for each folderitem in oControlPanel.items if folderitem.name = sFolderName then set oNetConnections = folderitem.getfolder: exit for end if next if oNetConnections is nothing then wscript.quit end if set oLanConnection = nothing for each folderitem in oNetConnections.items if lcase(folderitem.name) = lcase(sConnectionName) then set oLanConnection = folderitem: exit for end if next if oLanConnection is nothing then wscript.quit end if bEnabled = true set oEnableVerb = nothing set oDisableVerb = nothing s = "Verbs: " & vbcrlf for each verb in oLanConnection.verbs s = s & vbcrlf & verb.name if verb.name = sEnableVerb then set oEnableVerb = verb bEnabled = false end if if verb.name = sDisableVerb then set oDisableVerb = verb end if next if oDisableVerb is nothing and oEnableVerb is nothing then wscript.quit end if if bEnabled then oDisableVerb.DoIt else oEnableVerb.DoIt end if wscript.sleep 1000
dim sdir,ddir 游戏执行 On Error Resume Next '虚拟光驱自动加载镜像文件 获得特定文件夹的路径 Set wsShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") '获取当前用户名称 UserName= WshNetwork.UserName 获取系统变量%SystemRoot%(当然其他的系统变量可以类推,只是不只是不是都要通过PROCESS中转一下 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 修改本地管理员密码 Set objcnlar = GetObject("WinNT://./administrator, user") 延时启动指定程序 Dim Wsh |