Fatal Error. You haven't created a config file yet. (forwarded in 5 sec.)
Welcome to the dotProject Installer! It will setup the database for dotProject and create an appropriate config file. In some cases a manual installation cannot be avoided.
There is an initial Check for (minimal) Requirements appended down below for troubleshooting. At least a database connection must be available and ../includes/config.php must be writable for the webserver!
3、点击【Start Installation】,出现以下配置内容:
Database Settings
Database Server Type Note - currently only MySQL is known to work correctly
Database Host Name
Database Name
Database User Name
Database User Password
Use Persistent Connection?
Drop Existing Database?
If checked, existing Data will be lost!
Database Server Type Note - currently only MySQL is known to work correctly---当前只支持mysql,所以按默认,选mysql;
Database Host Name:使用localhost,不用改;
Database Name:新建库名为dotproject,不用改;
Database User Name&passwd:填入有效的用户名和密码,默认用户名dp_user在mysql是不存在的,可自行建立。或者直接填入root密码留空;
Drop Existing Database?:选中后将会删掉现有的dotproject库(如果有的话),然后重建。
4、点击【install db & write cfg】即可进入自动安装过程:
Creating new Database
Installing database
There were 0 errors in 212 SQL statements
Creating new Permissions objects
Converting admin user permissions to Administrator Role
Searching for add-on modules to add to new permissions
Updating version information
Creating config