2012-03-31 16:53:16
1. Download the Driver software.
2. Build Environment Setup.
This package requires the presence of certain other packages that provide the right build environment to enable building a KMP binary rpm form the source rpm.
So Please ensure the following below are installed.
I installed this package by yum:
(Tips: yum repo good configuration)
#yum install –y redhat-rpm-config
install –y kernel-devel-
install –y kernel-
#yum install –y rpm-*
#yum install –y gcc
3. Install the source package.
#mkdir –p /usr/src/packages/SOURCE
–ivh hp-be2net-
4. check for the existence of a current version of the be2net package
#rpm –qa | grep be2net
if exist , use –e options remove it
5. check for the old version of be2net.ko into the kernel and remove it
#lsmod | grep be2net
if exist , use #modprobe –r be2net remove it .
6. Install the new binary RPM package.
#rpm –ivh –nodeps /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/x86_64/kmod-hp-be2net(tab).rpm
7. verify the driver version.
#modinfo be2net
8. install be2net modprobe
#modeprobe be2net
9. the configuration you ip address and other setting . ensure that
#cat /etc/modules.conf
alias ethx be2net
alias ethx+1 be2net
10. #lsmod | grep be2net
Tips: This HBA adapter support the new feature SingleRoot IO virtulization(SR-IOV)
you can set up the parameter about it . read #modinfo be2net