iSCSI Parameters
(last updated 2007-11-01)
Registries included below:
- iSCSI authentication methods registry
- iSCSI digests registry
- iSCSI extended key registry
- SRP_GROUP key values
- iSCSI Opcodes
- iSCSI Login/Text Keys
- iSCSI Asynchronous Events
- iSCSI Task Management Function Codes
- iSCSI Login Response Status Codes
- Status-Detail for Status-Class=0x00
- Status-Detail for Status-Class=0x01
- Status-Detail for Status-Class=0x02
- Status-Detail for Status-Class=0x03
- iSCSI Reject Reason Codes
- iSER Opcodes
Registry Name: iSCSI authentication methods
Reference: [RFC3720]
Number Authentication Method Reference
------------- ----------------------------- ---------
0 Reserved
1 CHAP [RFC3720]
2 SRP [RFC3720]
3 KRB5 [RFC3720]
4 SPKM1 [RFC3720]
5 SPKM2 [RFC3720]
6-255 Reserved (Not assigned by IANA)
256 and above (IANA will register)
Registry Name: iSCSI digests
Reference: [RFC3720]
Number Digest Reference
------------- ----------------------------- ---------
0 Reserved
1 CRC32c [RFC3720]
2-255 Reserved (Not assigned by IANA)
256 and above (IANA will register)
Registry Name: iSCSI extended key
Reference: [RFC3720]
Registration Procedures: RFC Publication
Extension Key Name Description Reference
--------------------- --------------------- ---------
X#NodeArchitecture Node architecture details [RFC4850]
Registry Name: SRP_GROUP key values
Reference: [RFC3723]
Registration Procedures: Designated Expert with Specification Required
NOTE: When a MODP group is used with SRP, the generator (g)
value differs from the usual generator of 2. Consult the
appropriate reference for the correct generator to use.
Key Value Group Description Reference
------------- ------------------------ ---------
SRP-768 768 bit SRP group [RFC3723]
SRP-1024 1024 bit SRP group [RFC3723]
SRP-1280 1280 bit SRP group [RFC3723]
SRP-1536 1536 bit SRP group [RFC3723]
SRP-2048 2048 bit SRP group [RFC3723]
MODP-3072 3072 bit MODP group [RFC3723]
MODP-4096 4096 bit MODP group [RFC3723]
MODP-6144 6144 bit MODP group [RFC3723]
MODP-8192 8192 bit MODP group [RFC3723]
Registry Name: iSCSI Opcodes
Registration Procedures:
Standards Action to define the semantics of the opcode;
Expert Review to select the specific opcode(s)
Namespace details: Numerical values that can fit in
one octet with most significant two bits (bits 0 and 1)
already designated by [RFC3720], bit 0 being reserved and
bit 1 for immediate delivery. Bit 2 is designated to identify
the originator of the opcode. Bit 2 = 0 for initiator and
Bit 2 = 1 for target.
Allocation request guidance to requesters:
1) If initiator opcode and target opcode to identify
the request and response of a new type of protocol operation
are requested, assign the same lower five bits (i.e. Bit 3
through Bit 7) for both opcodes, e.g. 0x13 and 0x33.
2) If only the initiator opcode or target opcode is requested
to identify a one-way protocol message (i.e. request without
a response or a "response" without a request), assign an unused
number from the appropriate category (i.e. Bit 2 set to 0 or 1
for initiator category or target category) and add the other
pair member (i.e. same opcode with Bit 2 set to 1 or 0,
respectively) to "no opcode pair is available" list.
3) If there are no other opcodes available in the appropriate
"Reserved to IANA" list to assign on a request for a new
opcode except the reserved opcodes in the "no opcode pair is
available" list, allocate the opcode from the appropriate
category (initiator or target) of "no opcode pair is
available" list.
Opcode Originator Operation Name Reference
--------- ---------- --------------------------------------- ---------
0x00 Initiator NOP-Out [RFC3720]
0x01 Initiator SCSI Command [RFC3720]
0x02 Initiator SCSI Task Management function request [RFC3720]
0x03 Initiator Login Request [RFC3720]
0x04 Initiator Text Request [RFC3720]
0x05 Initiator SCSI Data-Out [RFC3720]
0x06 Initiator Logout Request [RFC3720]
0x10 Initiator SNACK Request [RFC3720]
0x1c-0x1e Initiator Vendor specific codes [RFC3720]
0x20 Target NOP-In [RFC3720]
0x21 Target SCSI Response [RFC3720]
0x22 Target SCSI Task Management function response [RFC3720]
0x23 Target Login Response [RFC3720]
0x24 Target Text Response [RFC3720]
0x25 Target SCSI Data-In [RFC3720]
0x26 Target Logout Response [RFC3720]
0x31 Target Ready To Transfer (R2T) [RFC3720]
0x32 Target Asynchronous Message [RFC3720]
0x3c-0x3e Target Vendor specific codes [RFC3720]
0x3f Target Reject [RFC3720]
Reserved to IANA:
0x07-0x0f, 0x13-0x1b (initiator codes)
0x27-0x2f, 0x33-0x3b (target codes)
No opcode pair is available:
0x11, 0x12, 0x1f (initiator codes)
0x30 (target codes)
Registry Name: iSCSI Login/Text Keys
Registration Procedures: Standards Action
Key Reference
---------------------------------- ---------
AuthMethod [RFC3720]
DataDigest [RFC3720]
DataPDUInOrder [RFC3720]
DataSequenceInOrder [RFC3720]
DefaultTime2Retain [RFC3720]
DefaultTime2Wait [RFC3720]
ErrorRecoveryLevel [RFC3720]
FirstBurstLength [RFC3720]
HeaderDigest [RFC3720]
ImmediateData [RFC3720]
InitialR2T [RFC3720]
InitiatorAlias [RFC3720]
InitiatorName [RFC3720]
InitiatorRecvDataSegmentLength [iSER]
MaxBurstLength [RFC3720]
MaxConnections [RFC3720]
MaxOutstandingR2T [RFC3720]
MaxOutstandingUnexpectedPDUs [iSER]
MaxRecvDataSegmentLength [RFC3720]
RDMAExtensions [iSER]
SendTargets [RFC3720]
SessionType [RFC3720]
TargetAddress [RFC3720]
TargetAlias [RFC3720]
TargetName [RFC3720]
TargetPortalGroupTag [RFC3720]
TargetRecvDataSegmentLength [iSER]
TaskReporting [RFC5048]
Registry Name: iSCSI Asynchronous Events
Registration Procedures: Standards Action
Event Number Description Reference
(one octet)
------------ ------------------------------- ---------
0 SCSI Async Event [RFC3720]
1 Logout Request [RFC3720]
2 Connection drop notification [RFC3720]
3 Session drop notification [RFC3720]
4 Negotiation Request [RFC3720]
5 Task termination [RFC5048]
6-247 Unassigned [RFC5048]
248-254 Vendor-unique [RFC5048]
255 Vendor-unique [RFC3720]
Registry Name: iSCSI Task Management Function Codes
Registration Procedures: Standards Action
TMF Code Description Reference
(7 bits)
-------- ------------------------------- ---------
9-127 Unassigned [RFC5048]
Registry Name: iSCSI Login Response Status Codes
Registration Procedures: Standards Action
Status Class Description Reference
(one octet)
------------ -------------------------------- ---------
0x00 Success [RFC3720]
0x01 Redirection [RFC3720]
0x02 Initiator Error [RFC3720]
0x03 Target Error [RFC3720]
0x04-0x0e Unassigned [RFC5048]
0x0f Vendor-Unique [RFC5048]
0x10-0xff Unassigned [RFC5048]
Sub-registry: Status-Detail for Status-Class=0x00
Registration Procedures: Standards Action
Status Class Status Code Description Reference
(fixed) (one octet)
------------ ----------- ------------------------- ---------
0x00 0x00 Success [RFC3720]
0x00 0x01-0xff Unassigned [RFC5048]
Sub-registry: Status-Detail for Status-Class=0x01
Registration Procedures: Standards Action
Status Class Status Code Description Reference
(fixed) (one octet)
------------ ----------- ------------------------- ---------
0x01 0x01 Temporary move [RFC3720]
0x01 0x02 Permanent move [RFC3720]
0x01 0x03-0xff Unassigned [RFC5048]
Sub-registry: Status-Detail for Status-Class=0x02
Registration Procedures: Standards Action
Status Class Status Code Description Reference
(fixed) (one octet)
------------ ----------- ------------------------------- ---------
0x02 0x00 Miscellaneous [RFC3720]
0x02 0x01 Authentication failure [RFC3720]
0x02 0x02 Authorization failure [RFC3720]
0x02 0x03 Not found [RFC3720]
0x02 0x04 Target removed [RFC3720]
0x02 0x05 Unsupported version [RFC3720]
0x02 0x06 Too many connections [RFC3720]
0x02 0x07 Missing parameter [RFC3720]
0x02 0x08 Can't include in session [RFC3720]
0x02 0x09 Unsupported session type [RFC3720]
0x02 0x0a Non-existent session [RFC3720]
0x02 0x0b Invalid during login [RFC3720]
0x02 0x0c-0xff Unassigned [RFC5048]
Sub-registry: Status-Detail for Status-Class=0x03
Registration Procedures: Standards Action
Status Class Status Code Description Reference
(fixed) (one octet)
------------ ----------- ------------------------------- ---------
0x03 0x00 Target error [RFC3720]
0x03 0x01 Service unavailable [RFC3720]
0x03 0x02 Out of resources [RFC3720]
0x03 0x03-0xff Unassigned [RFC5048]
Registry Name: iSCSI Reject Reason Codes
Registration Procedures: Standards Action
Reason Code Description Reference
(one octet)
----------- ------------------------------- ---------
0x01 Reserved [RFC3720]
0x02 Data digest error [RFC3720]
0x03 SNACK Reject [RFC3720]
0x04 Protocol Error [RFC3720]
0x05 Command not supported [RFC3720]
0x06 Immediate command reject [RFC3720]
0x07 Task in progress [RFC3720]
0x08 Invalid data ack [RFC3720]
0x09 Invalid PDU field [RFC3720]
0x0a Long op reject [RFC3720]
0x0b "Deprecated reason code" [RFC5048]
0x0c Waiting for Logout [RFC3720]
0x0d-0xff Unassigned [RFC5048]
Registry Name: iSER Opcodes
Reference: [RFC5048]
Registration Procedures: Standards Action
Opcode Operation Name Reference
(4 bits)
-------- ------------------------------ ---------
0x1 iSCSI control-type [iSER]
0x2 iSER Hello [iSER]
0x3 iSER HelloReply [iSER]
0x4-0xf Unassigned [RFC5048]
[iSER] Ko, M., Chadalapaka, M., Elzur, U., Shah, H., Thaler,
P., J. Hufferd, "iSCSI Extensions for RDMA", IETF Internet
Draft draft-ietf-ips-iser-04.txt (work in progress), June
[RFC3720] J. Satran, K. Meth, C. Sapuntzakis, M. Chadalapaka, and
E. Zeidner, "iSCSI", RFC 3720, April 2004.
[RFC3723] B. Aboba, J. Tseng, J. Walker, V. Rangan, and F. Travostino,
"Securing Block Storage Protocols over IP", RFC 3723,
April 2004.
[RFC4850] D. Wysochanski, "Declarative Public Extension Key for
iSCSI Node Architecture", RFC 4850, April 2007.
[RFC5048] Mallikarjun Chadalapaka, "iSCSI Corrections and Clarifications",
RFC 5048, October 2007.
(registry created 2003-04-16)
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