今天升级系统,老出现/tmp/alpm_whfxNY/.INSTALL: line 5: echo: write error: Broken pipe,就中断了,结果再升级就出现如下错误:
pacman: error while loading shared libraries: liblzma.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
1. Download xz-utils from
2. Extract tarfile
$ tar xvf xz-4.999.8beta.tar.gz
3. Build
$ cd xz-4.999.8beta
$ ./configure && make
4. Install
$ sudo make install
5. Reconfigure dynamic linker bindings
$ sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib
Now pacman should work again. Install xz-utils using pacman:
$ sudo pacman -S core/xz-utils
Now you can uninstall the manually installed xz-utils by vising its source directory and:
$ sudo make uninstall
Source directory and the downloaded tarfile can now be removed and everything should be in order.
edit: Just to be safe, do another pacman -S core/xz-utils after removing the manually installed packet.
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