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2010-04-20 11:20:16

iscsi initiator配置文件/etc/iscsi.conf
# ============================================================================
# iSCSI Configuration File Sample - see iscsi.conf(5)
# ============================================================================
# All of the configuration parameters described in this file are applied
# globally to all targets, unless they are overridden by a local setting. The
# three types of local categories that can override the global settings are:
#   Target Name (i.e., TargetName)
#   Network (i.e., Subnet or Address)
#   SCSI Routing Instance (i.e., DiscoveryAddress)
# All parameters that are localized to one of the categories above must be
# indented by at least one white space or a tab character. If the parameter is
# not indented, it will be interpreted as a global parameter (see examples for
# each parameter).
# If more that one entry exists for any given parameter (either global or
# local), the last entry has precedence.
# If a parameter setting under the network category conflicts with a different
# setting of the same parameter under the discovery address or target name
# category (for the same target), the network setting will have precedence.
# If a parameter is not specified in the iscsi.conf file, the default setting is
# used. The default values for all parameters can be found in the readme file.
# In the sample settings shown below, the following definitions apply:
#     = any alpha-numeric text string
#   = any numeric text string
= valid IP address of the form a.b.c.d[/e]
#   = valid portal address of the form a.b.c.d[:e]
# ----------------
# Network Category
# ----------------
# To localize parameters to targets on a particular network (i.e., to
# override the global settings), you need to use either the "Subnet" or
# "Address" settings. The format for the "Subnet" setting is a.b.c.d/e. An
# example of these settings would be:
# The format for "Address" is a.b.c.d. An example of these settings would be:
# The following parameters can be specified using the network category:
# 1) Connection Timeout Settings
# 2) Error Handling Timeout Settings
# 3) TCP Settings
# --------------------------
# Discovery Address Category
# --------------------------
# To localize parameters to targets found on a particular discovery address
# (i.e., to override the global settings), you need to use the
# "DiscoveryAddress" setting. The format for the "DiscoveryAddress" setting is
# a.b.c.d, a.b.c.d:e (where e is a TCP port number), or an instance name. An
# example of these settings would be:
#  or
#  or
# The following parameters can be specified using the discovery address
# category:
# 1) Authentication Settings
# 2) ConnectionTimeout Settings
# 3) Continuous Discovery settings
# 4) AsyncEvent Notification Settings
# --------------------
# Target Name Category
# --------------------
# To localize parameters to targets identified by a particular target name
# (i.e., to override the global settings), you need to use the
# "TargetName" setting. The format for the "TargetName" setting is
# either the 'iqn' or 'eui' format. An example of these settings would be:
# The following parameters can be specified using the target name category:
# 1) CRC Settings
# 2) iSCSI Operational Parameter settings
# 3) Connection Timeout Settings
# 4) Session Timeout Settings
# 5) Error Handling Timeout Settings
# 6) TCP Settings
# 7) Enable/Disable targets
# ============================================================================
# ============================================================================
# -----------------------
# -----------------------
# To globally configure a CHAP username and password for initiator
# authentication by the target(s), uncomment the following lines:
# The maximum length for both the password and username is 256 characters.
# An example username and password would be:
# To globally configure a CHAP username and password for target(s)
# authentication by the initiator, uncomment the following lines:
# The maximum length for both the password and username is 256 characters.
# An example username and password would be:
# The global authentication settings can be overridden on a per discovery
# address basis. An example of a unique username and password for all targets
# found at address would be:
#  OutgoingUsername=fred
#  OutgoingPassword=uhyt6h        
#           and/or
#  IncomingUsername=mary
#  IncomingPassword=kdhjkd9l
# ---------------
# ---------------
# To globally enable CRC32C digest checking for the header and/or data part of
# iSCSI PDUs, uncomment one or both of the following lines:
# To globally disable digest checking for the header and/or data part of
# iSCSI PDUs, uncomment one or both of the following lines:
# To globally allow the targets to control the setting of the digest checking,
# with the initiator requesting a preference of enabling the checking, uncomment
# one or both of the following lines:
# To globally allow the targets to control the setting of the digest checking,
# with the initiator requesting a preference of disabling the checking,
# uncomment one or both of the following lines:
# The global digest settings can be overridden on a per target name basis. An
# example of enabling header and data digest checking just for target iqn.1987-
# would be:
#  HeaderDigest=always
#  DataDigest=always
# It should also be noted that if the initiator and the target have incompatible
# settings (e.g., target set for "always" and initiator set for "never"), the
# login will fail.
# ----------------------
# ----------------------
# To globally enable/disable group of targets use the following option.
# TargetNames mentioned after the below entry will be enabled by default.
# TargetNames mentioned after the below entry will be disabled by default.
# To specifically enable/disable a target, use the following entry
# under Targetname.
#  Enabled=yes
# ---------------------------
# ---------------------------
# To globally specify the time to wait for a login PDU to be received from
# the target in response to a login request sent by the initiator before failing
# the connection attempt, uncomment the following line:
# where is in seconds. A setting of "0" will result in commands never
# being timed out.
# IdleTimeout and ActiveTimeout determine when a ping has to be sent to check
# the status of the connection when there is no traffic on the connection from
# the target.
# To globally specify the time to wait on a connection with no tasks active in
# the session, uncomment the following line:
# where is in seconds. A setting of "0" will result in a ping never
# being sent.
# To globally specify the time to wait on a connection with tasks active in the
# session, uncomment the following line:
# where is in seconds. A setting of "0" will result in a ping never
# being sent.
# To globally specify the time to wait for a ping response after a ping has been
# sent to a target before failing the existing connection and initiating a new
# one, uncomment the following line:
# where is in seconds. A setting of "0" will result in the ping command
# never timing out.
# The global connection timeout settings can be overridden on a per target name,
# discovery address or IP address basis. An example of setting the
# "LoginTimeout" value to 12 seconds for just target iqn.1987-
# would be:
#  LoginTimeout=12
# An example of setting the "PingTimeout" value to 8 seconds for just all
# targets found at address would be:
#  PingTimeout=8
# An example of setting the "IdleTimeout" value to 3 seconds for just all
# targets found on subnet would be:
#  IdleTimeout=3
# ------------------------
# ------------------------
# To globally specify the length of time to wait for session re-establishment
# before failing SCSI commands back to the application, uncomment the
# following line:
# where is in seconds. A setting of "0" will result in commands never
# being failed back due to connection failure.
# The global session timeout settings can be overridden on a per target name
# basis. An example of setting the "ConnFailTimeout" value to 5 seconds for
# just target would be:
#  ConnFailTimeout=5
# If a third party multipathing application is being used,
# then the "ConnFailTimeout" should be set to smaller value
# such as 15. This value is just a guideline so the actual value will be
# dependent on the users operating environment.
# -------------------------------
# -------------------------------
# To globally specify the length of time to wait for an abort command to
# complete before declaring the abort command has failed, uncomment the
# following line:
# where is in seconds. A setting of "0" will result in commands never
# being timed out.
# To globally specify the length of time to wait for a reset command to complete
# before declaring that the reset command has failed, uncomment the following
# line:
# where is in seconds. A setting of "0" will result in commands never
# being timed out.
# The global error handling timeout settings can be overridden on a per target
# name or per IP address basis. An example of setting the "AbortTimeout" value
# to 10 seconds for just target would
# be:
#  AbortTimeout=10
# An example of setting the "ResetTimeout" value to 6 seconds for just all
# targets found on portal would be:
#  ResetTimeout=6
# -----------------------------
# -----------------------------
# To globally specify that all discovery sessions be kept open, uncomment the
# following line:
# To globally specify that all discovery sessions be closed once discovery is
# completed, uncomment the following line:
# The global continuous discovery setting can be overridden on a per target
# basis. An example of setting "Continuous" to "no" for just target iqn.1987-
# would be:
#  Continuous=no
# ---------------------------------
# ---------------------------------
# To globally specify that the initiator wants to receive vendor specific async
# events from the target(s), uncomment the following line:
# To globally specify that the initiator does not want to receive vendor
# specific async events from the target(s), uncomment the following line:
# The SendAsyncText key can be specified for a particular Discovery Address.
# The global async event notification setting can be overridden on a per target
# basis. An example of setting "SendAsyncText" to "no" for just target iqn.1987-
# would be:
#  SendAysncText=no
# ------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------
# To globally enable R2T flow control (i.e., the initiator must wait for an R2T
# command before sending any data), uncomment the following line:
# To globally disable R2T flow control (i.e., the initiator has an implied
# initial R2T of "FirstBurstLength" at offset 0), uncomment the following line:
# To globally enable immediate data (i.e., the initiator sends unsolicited data
# with the iSCSI command packet), uncomment the following line:
# To globally disable immediate data (i.e., the initiator does not send
# unsolicited data with the iSCSI command PDU), uncomment the following line:
# To globally specify the maximum number of data bytes the initiator can receive
# in an iSCSI PDU from a target, uncomment the following line:
# where is the number of bytes in the range of 512 to (2^24-1)
# To globally specify the maximum number of unsolicited data bytes the initiator
# can send in an iSCSI PDU to a target, uncomment the following line:
# where is the number of bytes in the range of 512 to (2^24-1)
# To globally specify the maximum SCSI payload that the initiator will negotiate
# with the target for, uncomment the following line:
# where is the number of bytes in the range of 512 to (2^24-1)
# To globally specifiy the maximum number of bytes that can be sent over a TCP
# connection by the initiator before receiving an acknowledgement from the
# target, uncomment the following line:
# where is the number of bytes in the range of 512 to (2^24-1)
# The global iSCSI operational parameter setting can be overridden on a per
# target basis. An example of setting multiple parameters for just target
# would be:
#  InitialR2T=no
#  ImmediateData=no
#  MaxRecvDataSegmentLength=128 * 1024
#  FirstBurstLength=262144
#  MaxBurstLength=(16 * 1024 * 1024) - 1024
#  TCPWindowSize=262144
# The global "TCPWindowSize" setting can also be overridden on a per portal
# basis. An example of setting the "TCPWindowSize" for just subnet
# would be:
#  TCPWindowSize=262144
# ------------
# ------------
# To globally configure the unicast IP address of the SLP service or directory
# agent (i.e., the address at which iSCSI targets can be discovered), uncomment
# the following line:

# where
is single IP address.
# To globally configure the multicast IP address of the SLP service or directory
# agent (i.e., the address at which iSCSI targets can be discovered), uncomment
# the following line:

# where
is one of the following values:
#   "all"
#   "none"
#   a comma delimited list of IP addresses
# An example of valid SLPMulticast settings are:
# To enable CHAP authentication for every target discovered through a given SLP
# directory or service agent, add an "OutgoingUsername" and "OutgoingPassword"
# entry indented below the "SLPUnicast" or "SLPMulticast" entries. An example of
# these configurations would be:
#  OutgoingUsername=alice
#  OutgoingPassword=nty57nbe
#  OutgoingUsername=alice1
#  OutgoingPassword=nty57ocf
# To specify the time interval between the sending of successive SLP queries,
# uncomment the following line:
# where is specified in either seconds (e.g., "30s"), minutes
# (e.g., "3m") or hours (e.g., "5h").
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