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2010-01-11 15:25:51

I have heard the story of such a religion.
Once upon a time, there is a Health and leprosy patients, the disease nearly 40 years, has been lying on the roadside, he said, referring to such people to have the magic of the pool edge. But he lay there nearly 40 years. Still not to the pool half goal.
One day, God met him and asked: "Sir, you have to not hair removal be healing, the lifting of the disease?"
Leprosy patients that said: "Of course! Sinister but good people, they are after nothing but themselves, will not help me."
Hearing God, again, he said: "Would you like to be the treatment?"
"We should, of course, to you! But waiting for me to climb over the past, the water dried up."
God listened to the leprosy patients, then after a little angry, hair removal ask him once: "You should not be healing in the end?"
He said: "To!"
God replied: "Well, you now stand up on their side to come to the pool, do not always find some reason can not be completed for their own defense."
Upon hearing this, and that leprosy patients hair removal are deeply ashamed and immediately stood up and went to the water edge, containing the heart of God with his hands a few water to drink. Twinkling of an eye, his struggle for nearly 40 years of leprosy even better!? Revelation
Everyone has an ideal, the success of everyone. However, if you have not yet reached the ideal, the success of far-fetched, you have asked themselves: I pay for their own ideals and how much effort? I was not always find an excuse for a lot of failure for their own sophistry? In fact, We should not make excuses for failure, we should find a method for success. As long as the efforts to development, the fate will always follow you.hrmovlser
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