$#_ the index of the last element.
@_ the count of the elements.
- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my @fred = qw{ 1 3 5 7 9 };
#my $fred_total = total(@fred);
my $fred_total = total((1..1000));
print "The total of \@fred is $fred_total.\n";
#print "Enter some numbers on separate lines: ";
#my $user_total = total(<STDIN>);
#print "The total of those numbers is $user_total.\n";
my @above = above_average((0..10));
print "the above is @above\n";
sub total{
my $sum;
foreach (@_){
$sum += $_;
sub above_average{
my $average = total(@_)/@_;
my @list;
foreach (@_){
if ($_ > $average){
push @list, $_ ;
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