#Include once "windows.bi"
Function StringToUTF16(sString As String) As String
Dim As Long i, AL = Len(sString)
Dim As String wide, oututf, h1, h2
wide = Space(AL*2)
Dim As Ubyte Ptr pSrc = StrPtr(wide)
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, StrPtr(sString), -1, Cast(LPWSTR,Strptr(wide)), AL)
For i = 0 To Len(sString) * 2 Step 2
h1 = Hex(pSrc[i+1])
If Len(h1) < 2 Then h1 = "0" & h1
h2 = Hex(pSrc[i])
If Len(h2) < 2 Then h2 = "0" & h2
If h1 & h2 = "0000" Then Exit For
oututf &= h2 & h1
Return oututf
End Function
Function UTF16ToString(sString As String) As String
Dim As Long i, p = 0, AL = Len(sString)
Dim As String wide, s2, h1, h2
wide = Space(AL)
s2 = Space(AL)
Dim As Ubyte Ptr pSrc = StrPtr(wide)
For i = 0 To Len(sString) Step 4
h1 = Mid(sString, i+3, 2)
If Mid(h1, 1, 1) = "0" Then h1 = Mid(h1, 2, 1)
h2 = Mid(sString, i+1, 2)
If Mid(h2, 1, 1) = "0" Then h2 = Mid(h2, 2, 1)
pSrc[p+1] = Val("&h" & h1)
pSrc[p] = Val("&h" & h2)
p += 2
Return s2
End Function
Dim As String uString,sString = "seesee越光宝盒"
uString = StringToUTF16(sString) '转换字符串sString为UTF16编码值