create table tmp_report
tmp_domain varchar(20),
report_status int
tmp_domain report_status
a 3
a 2
a 1
b 4
希望update report_status 的值为3所对应 tmp_domain 值相同的 report_status 都改成3,即:
tmp_domain report_status
a 3
a 3
a 3
b 4
update tmp_report a set a.report_status = 3 where a.tmp_domain in
(select b.tmp_domain from tmp_report b where b.report_status =3);
-- ERROR 1093 (HY000): You can't specify target table 'a' for update in FROM clause
update 前先备份tmp_report表
root@localhost db1> update tmp_report a,tmp_report b set a.report_status = 3
-> where a.tmp_domain=b.tmp_domain and b.report_status=3;
Query OK, 2048 rows affected (11.32 sec)
Rows matched: 3072 Changed: 2048 Warnings: 0
-- 慢查询中的记录,扫描的行数大概是笛卡尔积
# Query_time: 11.318816 Lock_time: 0.000205 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 3146752
SET timestamp=1348214131;
update tmp_report a,tmp_report b set a.report_status = 3
where a.tmp_domain=b.tmp_domain and b.report_status=3;
root@localhost db1>delete from tmp_report;
Query OK, 3072 rows affected (0.09 sec)
root@localhost db1>insert into tmp_report select * from tmp_reportbak;
Query OK, 3072 rows affected (0.12 sec)
Records: 3072 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
root@localhost db1> update tmp_report set report_status = 3 where tmp_domain in (select tmp_domain from (select tmp_domain from tmp_report where report_status =3) tmp);
Query OK, 2048 rows affected (0.15 sec)
Rows matched: 3072 Changed: 2048 Warnings: 0
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