- Make sure sun-jdk is installed;
- Make sure GNU make 3.81 is installed
1) Read ``./build/core/find-jdk-tools-jar.sh’’, this script is too simple, it can’t detect java correctly for distro like Gentoo (even sun-jdk is installed), we need do something like:
$ export ANDROID_JAVA_HOME=/opt/sun-jdk-
2) More Recent GCC (IE: 4.6+) may already have –D_FORTIFY_SOURCE, we need comment out the below lines:
In file ./build/core/combo/HOST_linux-x86.mk
3) Many distro use up-to-date GCC, IE: 4.6.3, GCC 4.6.3 output more warnings than previous version, many Android.mk for HOSTCC have an option ``-Werror’’, if you still get compile error, please locate the right Android.mk, and remove ``-Werror’’ from CFLAGS.
4) We need choose arm-eabi-gcc from Android release, otherwise you may get error like ``SMC’’ not supported. Please add prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin to $PATH environment variable.
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