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  • 注册时间: 2009-06-03 13:25






分类: C/C++

2009-06-04 12:43:53

#include     //Required for atoi()
' ?  l: ^2 v& q) Q#include "..\winsock.h"  //Winsock header file8 N$ j4 K. v2 D! L. ~  q) U) }
% h+ K5 R, n0 y: N
#define PROG_NAME    "Quick FTP Version 1"
; ]& V' ^  j' H+ ^. J#define HOST_NAME    "NIC.DDN.MIL "     // FTP server host / j: P2 a" y% S, j
#define PASSWORD     "PASS guest\r\n "  // Password for FTP server host : o7 t+ O8 a  H) M: ]! k
#define WINSOCK_VERSION   0x0101     // Program requires Winsock version 1.1
4 Z$ c* c) X% o+ {; X#define DEFAULT_PROTOCOL  0          // No protocol specified, use default 0 Z: F! I" @4 y* F* H( V$ U
#define NO_FLAGS     0               // No special flags specified
4 m5 y; `. {2 A+ d8 `' H' D9 S& ?0 R5 y; ~% I! H9 s3 E
char szCommandBuffer[100];     // Buffer for FTP commands
+ H% [$ V) ?- p2 o: NLPSTR lpszFunctionName;        // Pointer for function names   H7 p4 U: P) |/ T3 B3 E) A5 N

- P  a0 o! k1 bUINT GetReplyCode(LPSTR lpszServerReply) 8 {% K1 w# X$ u5 `# @- W5 L
{ / j1 u# r/ E! x2 |, @
  UINT nCode;                  // Reply code as a number
% B; w( L0 ?6 B" S2 r! P- u6 k  char c;                    // Temporary storage * q8 ?, }6 I+ z% t2 T* J9 m
  // lpszFunctionName =  "GetReplyCode ";
5 {. H3 c5 @4 g  c = *(lpszServerReply+3);           // Save the character 5 Y( ^: I0 Z  b; A7 Q; R. a
  *(lpszServerReply+3) = '\0';         // Terminate the code
- ^+ t0 F7 f* a  D2 B/ o; G4 d+ ?) B/ r2 A3 R1 u) o
  nCode = atoi((const char *)lpszServerReply); // Convert code to number
7 Y- J; J) k9 }( c  *(lpszServerReply+3) = c;           // Restore the character
# d! s' U; U9 L- S6 I  a0 i0 g
( G" ^2 d  @0 c0 q5 V4 c7 C  return(nCode);                // Return the reply code
% I- C& K) V! c/ Q3 s$ H, C} & i) J7 N' x% C3 e- i8 l0 u
$ Q' E$ ?$ w: g) @) `
UINT ReadFTPServerReply(SOCKET hControlChannel) 8 S4 N2 Z* t9 O, ?* a; y- f5 \# ]2 J9 X
{ 6 Q7 J  j+ J0 b; \! E% d/ q
  char sReceiveBuffer[1024]; // Data-storage buffer for FTP server reply
- L  x1 A. o3 P. Y# g5 [) v  int iLength;        // Length of data received from FTP server
: _* A4 c  q) C, [8 }, h   
, ~! x' e; c, k3 k6 y* ]! P7 x  lpszFunctionName =  "ReadFTPServerReply ";
5 j$ X1 P! h* K6 i. q
; ?6 d1 g9 h/ O& ]( A0 Y    if ((iLength = recv(hControlChannel, (LPSTR)sReceiveBuffer,  / g3 \& o8 o% R( t0 k% q2 @8 b
       sizeof(sReceiveBuffer), NO_FLAGS)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
1 B7 y' \* i  [2 i/ i7 d5 t, g    { & g+ e  I! b& F5 [' y
    int iWinsockErr = WSAGetLastError();
2 S) M( w% Q! w    wsprintf(szCommandBuffer,"Error %d from the recv() function!! ",
0 F) c9 H7 s& h! h  }       iWinsockErr);    0 ?* u, ]% i- X" v2 K1 E6 s
    MessageBeep(MB_ICONHAND); 9 A/ d* U# g& M* e- I
    MessageBox(NULL, szCommandBuffer, lpszFunctionName,MB_OK |MB_ICONSTOP); 0 L' @7 H6 n( j# ~- U. P1 b( G  O) H0 m
     // Return 999 to indicate an error has occurred
8 T( J. a" g) ]% @: Q( h    return(999); 5 h4 ~2 E, E4 v
   }    q5 \! {; e' Q& R
      5 o' |$ s& v9 d+ L; d
  sReceiveBuffer[iLength] = '\0'; ) ~9 k: d. I  P9 b6 q. K9 I
- P' L, j5 [; X+ E  MessageBox(NULL, (LPSTR)sReceiveBuffer, lpszFunctionName,MB_OK |MB_ICONINFORMATION); 3 H; w& I# B2 G) K+ F1 a
  // Extract the reply code from the server reply and return as an integer  
& k- Y3 v: s2 c3 \  h  return(GetReplyCode(sReceiveBuffer));    ! B. T: Q+ p5 k* P1 r
9 x0 o3 g5 m3 E# [  
8 @  ?7 u9 ~, R" I0 k5 TUINT SendFTPCommand(SOCKET hControlChannel, LPSTR szCommandBuffer) % i$ g; C7 Q# `0 N0 B  c
  w2 ?: W' b- D  lpszFunctionName =  "SendFTPCommand "; & b  s# R. i- Y4 T( x

1 R. X  O% l/ L! V) P% o: _  // Send the FTP command
# ^/ Z& n9 c, F1 \3 q6 p  if ((send(hControlChannel, (LPSTR)szCommandBuffer,  8 r; y7 m: k0 o% ?
     lstrlen(szCommandBuffer), NO_FLAGS)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
$ z0 R1 p/ Q5 H0 }3 K$ r   {
  k, G# S" m- r: m! _# ~5 F- j. N    int iWinsockErr = WSAGetLastError(); ! y9 b6 T1 D# B% R+ |
    wsprintf(szCommandBuffer,  "Error %d from the send() function!! ",  - m+ R2 ~9 T7 ?7 V
, N; w2 |0 @% F7 @    MessageBeep(MB_ICONHAND);
3 T* B5 w3 V' L0 C9 L8 e    MessageBox(NULL, szCommandBuffer, lpszFunctionName,MB_OK |MB_ICONSTOP); & |+ M& b6 P( o: @
     // Return 999 to indicate an error has occurred
' ^) U9 [, J% A' U" j& h    return(999);
2 V2 F' h! [2 R1 U% a0 i9 u0 D   }  8 M+ @% Z4 `; S0 m) a8 d+ ^
   & @" P; ]8 Z2 H$ E2 o( x* ~
  // Read the server's reply and return the reply code as an integer
# X, i: h- V0 N  return(ReadFTPServerReply(hControlChannel));    7 J6 w$ [; J/ X4 W( k
1 Z. @, A! n1 _6 u" Y+ m  
/ k3 |1 a& v: r6 L) p  W: QUINT AnonymousFTPLogIn(SOCKET hControlSocket)
; z2 x. z! d2 Y! e' }! i{
  c5 f* V+ u0 A  int nReplyCode;         // FTP server reply code
# [& x4 A; E5 T8 d3 c  int iMsg = 0;          // Index subscript for FTP commands 1 j: g9 v% G2 w% n
     % |& f- {: h( H5 _* Q* f
  lpszFunctionName =  "AnonymousFTPLogIn "; ; z! A; s6 u/ r6 D" X  E% L1 n
  char *LoginCommand[]={"USER anonymous\r\n ",PASSWORD,NULL}; 2 E) K6 `: s8 W
9 }$ N/ V% @9 b. \+ O" E    {
+ |7 G7 A0 ?! ^    nReplyCode = SendFTPCommand(hControlSocket,(LPSTR)LoginCommand[iMsg++]);
( i% w4 z: B7 O  U# c$ n( Y    }  
1 W1 h" R, @3 S; Z* @* C- t  while(LoginCommand[iMsg] && nReplyCode s_port; ; A2 V( |6 J9 g0 R) B0 T
4 z( P8 B2 V/ m( k: w( \  n  X; S
  // Define the socket address  
. D# P# l% |! x; z, Q6 S) L( ]8 x: }4 r  sockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;   
$ K3 H2 F! V" c' p8 p5 _: F3 B" f  sockAddr.sin_port = nProtocolPort;
; p' u9 e9 |+ g* Y! J. V( ^2 I  sockAddr.sin_addr = *((LPIN_ADDR)*lpHostEnt- >h_addr_list);
% c! ^% m' K% j$ R9 y* X       9 s6 Q, o& T7 G
  // Connect the socket   R1 B/ ]0 v3 C" V* I# t/ d
  if( nConnect = connect(hControlSocket, (LPSOCKADDR)&sockAddr,  
& F0 m6 q% V9 ^5 V, k; n     sizeof(sockAddr)))
5 V! `, j" P9 F# N- T   { $ P5 d, C1 c, D- H$ Y/ b% \" N
    int iWinsockErr = WSAGetLastError(); # l1 a3 `' n7 b2 H8 R0 T" e
    wsprintf(szCommandBuffer, . K% ^& m/ H  P- N- x# e7 w
        "Error #%d occurred while connecting socket!! ",  
5 Y& C3 j, g- h% F5 m# w# W       iWinsockErr); ; H( J$ w& V3 b0 C0 H6 D6 U
: _' E, i0 s4 Y8 W    MessageBox(NULL, szCommandBuffer, lpszFunctionName,  
5 ?- s, |# y& K$ h# s. v; J       MB_OK |MB_ICONSTOP); ! P. L  l; R5 h  E, k  e2 q& U
# [$ |% A" O" |5 }   }   A' l" K6 ^8 Q& l4 M( [/ A
* C' R, c3 G7 `+ m: Z1 u2 ?* M  if (ReadFTPServerReply(hControlSocket)  >= 400)
: S" I  \9 P/ }( Q: @" v& H   return(INVALID_SOCKET);
7 m. Z# K5 T6 X  else / T# \7 b* @8 s$ n6 ]: K7 N# m' H% w
   return(hControlSocket); * E( {5 p% J. C
} : y7 n; g6 b4 E, z5 Q3 {

( v( i0 |+ C- w) X8 [int PASCAL WinMain(HANDLE hInstance, HANDLE hPrevInstance,  
9 Q' F1 g, S! m' F   LPSTR lpszCmdParam, int nCmdShow)   N, B) |1 @3 z* G& b
{ 9 x4 B* v$ D& A, i! Q
  WSADATA wsaData;       // Winsock implementation details
4 @6 S& W" X, m- N  SOCKET hControlChannel;    // Socket handle for the control channel
# z/ n3 O; x) \" a$ g  UINT nReplyCode;       // FTP reply code 9 T; e7 |: v) _* f$ g
1 }- J8 |6 J1 W. X
  lpszFunctionName =  "WinMain ";
; f/ ~: `7 z% m   
+ v2 R# c5 v% {7 X- x3 D( J  if (WSAStartup(WINSOCK_VERSION, &wsaData))   s) a+ b: y5 A# f7 N0 `- p
   { / p/ K$ d0 C7 i' r* `9 n7 T" H
# k) D. f+ e9 `5 Z    MessageBox(NULL,  "Could not load Windows Sockets DLL. ",  , r: B  e! x& U
       lpszFunctionName, MB_OK |MB_ICONSTOP); , h; ^1 g4 P& a9 X$ d7 C! }( v" W
) T+ D1 _$ @4 q# o# D1 C; I( C7 E   } ( a, k+ k2 b: A  ^  `
       / c( Q- T4 B. h6 f& j$ _* d
  hControlChannel = ConnectFTPControlSocket((LPSTR)HOST_NAME);
  d9 s$ n% r+ j& m  // Note that from a DLL, here we would return  % u+ m/ H0 f' F+ c; ?
  // our control channel handle (if valid) for  
0 X" ^) Q! I+ J0 i1 o  // use by other program modules. 9 J( I5 a) _/ w" `  \

2 i# L9 w. P% b% N6 u  if (hControlChannel != INVALID_SOCKET)
0 q6 v9 s9 k/ s2 y   { % y( }" w6 X$ K7 Z
    // If we have a control channel, then login.
- \* E2 |0 l% `1 s7 \! m* f- R$ J    nReplyCode = AnonymousFTPLogIn(hControlChannel);
6 g) U$ g5 @( O+ f3 c- u7 L% f        
9 T" C( x1 o2 v! O3 }( l    if (nReplyCode == 230) // User logged in; we can proceed. & x' p4 {3 C8 I  j0 E) t
     { 4 P$ ?# ]' C4 v  I! ~
      SendFTPCommand(hControlChannel,  "QUIT\r\n ");
( S4 Z6 N/ ^7 h+ `      closesocket(hControlChannel);
+ e7 o: C7 E# P% Q0 c     } 5 j8 a/ H3 G; o( Y8 i4 p
% O) S' f' a" e   % `; R7 v  `7 t( Y6 a/ ~; o1 A+ O
7 i0 d, t) U1 ?+ ]" S2 J  MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
" j4 O$ p/ L( ?3 c4 f: Q  MessageBox(NULL,  "THE END!! ", PROG_NAME, MB_OK |MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
7 |  B+ T  T/ c5 a: W9 @% O$ c& J6 d8 j  return(NULL);  
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