Caught Cluster ExceptionPRKC-1044 : Failed to check remote command execution setup for node localHost using shells /usr/bin/ssh and /usr/bin/rsh
localhost: Connection refused
[PRKC-1044 : Failed to check remote command execution setup for node localHost using shells /usr/bin/ssh and /usr/bin/rsh
localhost: Connection refused]
[PRKC-1044 : Failed to check remote command execution setup for node localHost using shells /usr/bin/ssh and /usr/bin/rsh
localhost: Connection refused
[PRKC-1044 : Failed to check remote command execution setup for node localHost using shells /usr/bin/ssh and /usr/bin/rsh
localhost: Connection refused]]
1. cd $HOME
2. mkdir ~/.ssh
3. chmod 700 ~/.ssh
4. /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t rsa
5. /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t dsa
On Node 1:
1. cd $HOME/.ssh
2. cat >> authorized_keys
3. cat >> authorized_keys
4. Copy the authorized_keys file to the node
5. scp authorized_keys rac2:/opt/oracle/.ssh
On Node 2:
1. cd $HOME/.ssh
2. cat >> authorized_keys
3. cat >> authorized_keys
4. scp authorized_keys rac1:/opt/oracle/.ssh
Then I ran following commands:
On Node 1:
$ exec /usr/bin/ssh-agent $SHELL
$ /usr/bin/ssh-add
On Node 2:
$ exec /usr/bin/ssh-agent $SHELL
$ /usr/bin/ssh-add
you are missing local node,localhost infomation,
enter the public node name,the private node name and the virtual hostname for all nodes in the cluster,including local node
mount.ocfs2: Invalid argument while mounting:1.把内核和ocfs2都升级到最新版本(2.6.9-34)﹐用到的包有:
2.在两个节点的vmx中除了加入disk.locking = "false"之外﹐还增加了下面几项﹕
diskLib.dataCacheMaxSize = "0"
diskLib.dataCacheMaxReadAheadSize = "0"
diskLib.DataCacheMinReadAheadSize = "0"
diskLib.dataCachePageSize = "4096"
diskLib.maxUnsyncedWrites = "0"
SELinux disable 掉 100% success
3.安装oracle clusterware时,添加接点后出现the specified nodes are not clusterable的提示
解决:在安装的这个会话中执行ssh rac1 date,ssh rac2 date,ssh rac1-priv date ,ssh rac2 date即可,主要是让在该会话中ssh时SSH的验证不用输入"yes",即在ssh时,不用密码提示,也不用"yes"提示.
4.安装oracle database mount diskgroups的时候:
could not mount the diskgroup on remote node rac2 using connection
service rac2:1521:+ASM2.Ensure that the listener is running on this
node and the ASM instance is registered to the listener.received the
following error:
ora-15110:no diskgroups mounted
这个时候一个一个的mount(即:mount DG1,再mount ),不要moun all,这样会出上面的错误。
5.Expecting the CRS daemons to be up within 600 seconds.
Giving up: Oracle CSS stack appears NOT to be running.
Oracle CSS service would not start as installed
Automatic Storage Management(ASM) cannot be used until Oracle CSS service is