在目录 /etc/ 下面,有个名为vimrc的文档,这是系统中公共的vim配置文档,对任何用户都有效。而在每个用户的主目录下,都能够自己建立私有的配置文档,命名为:“.vimrc”。例如,/root目录下,通常已存在一个.vimrc文档。
1) 打开vimrc,添加以下语句来使得语法高亮显示:
syntax on
2) 假如此时语法还是没有高亮显示,那么在/etc目录下的profile文档中添加以下语句:
export TERM=xterm-color
set tabstop=4
set softtabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
3)配置自动缩进:即每行的缩进值和上一行相等;使用 noautoindent 取消配置:
set autoindent
4)配置使用 C/C++ 语言的自动缩进方式:
set cindent
set cinoptions={0,1s,t0,n-2,p2s,(03s,=.5s,>1s,=1s,:1s
set nu
if &term=="xterm"
set t_Co=8
set t_Sb=^[[4%dm
set t_Sf=^[[3%dm
set autoindent
set cindent
autoindent 就是自动缩进的意思,当您在输入状态用回车键插入一个新行,或在 normal 状态用 o 或 O
cindent 就不同了,他会按照 C 语言的语法,自动地调整缩进的长度,比如,当您输入了半条语句然后回车时,缩进会自动增加一个 TABSTOP 值,当您键入了一个右花括号时,会自动减少一个TABSTOP 值。
兼容低版本vi,目前我在vim5.8.9, vim6.1,vim6.3, vim6.4,vim7.0, 上测试过。
" _
" __ |
" / | /
" __ |
" by Amix -
" Maintainer: Amir Salihefendic
" Version: 2.0
" Last Change: 12/08/06 13:39:28
" Fixed (win32 compatible) by: redguardtoo
" This vimrc file is tested on platforms like win32,linux, cygwin,mingw
" and vim7.0, vim6.4, vim6.1, vim5.8.9 by redguardtoo
" Tip:
" If you find anything that you can't understand than do this:
" help keyword OR helpgrep keyword
" Example:
" Go into command-line mode and type helpgrep nocompatible, ie.
" :helpgrep nocompatible
" then press c to see the results, or :botright cw
" => General
"Get out of VI's compatible mode..
set nocompatible
function! MySys()
if has("win32")
return "win32"
elseif has("unix")
return "unix"
return "mac"
"Set shell to be bash
if MySys() == "unix" || MySys() == "mac"
set shell=bash
"I have to run win32 python without cygwin
"set shell=E:cygwin insh
"Sets how many lines of history VIM har to remember
set history=400
"Enable filetype plugin
filetype on
if has("eval") && v:version>=600
filetype plugin on
filetype indent on
"Set to auto read when a file is changed from the outside
if exists("&autoread")
set autoread
"Have the mouse enabled all the time:
set mouse=a
"Set mapleader
let mapleader = ","
let g:mapleader = ","
"Fast saving
nmap w :w!
" => Colors and Font
"Enable syntax hl
if MySys()=="unix"
if v:version<600
if filereadable(expand("$VIM/syntax/syntax.vim"))
syntax on
syntax on
syntax on
"I only work in Win2k Chinese version
if has("multi_byte")
set termencoding=chinese
set encoding=utf-8
set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,chinese
"if you use vim in tty,
"'uxterm -cjk' or putty with option 'Treat CJK ambiguous characters as wide' on
if exists("&ambiwidth")
set ambiwidth=double
if has("gui_running")
set guioptions-=m
set guioptions-=T
set guioptions-=l
set guioptions-=L
set guioptions-=r
set guioptions-=R
if MySys()=="win32"
"start gvim maximized
if has("autocmd")
au GUIEnter * simalt ~x
"let psc_style='cool'
"colorscheme ps_color
"colorscheme default
"set background=dark
"colorscheme default
"Some nice mapping to switch syntax (useful if one mixes different languages in one file)
map 1 :set syntax=cheetah
map 2 :set syntax=xhtml
map 3 :set syntax=python
map 4 :set ft=javascript
map $ :syntax sync fromstart
"Highlight current
if has("gui_running")
if exists("&cursorline")
set cursorline
" => Fileformat
"Favorite filetype
set ffs=unix,dos,mac
nmap fd :se ff=dos
nmap fu :se ff=unix
" => VIM userinterface
"Set 7 lines to the curors - when moving vertical..
set so=7
"Turn on WiLd menu
set wildmenu
"Always show current position
set ruler
"The commandbar is 2 high
set cmdheight=2
"Show line number
set nu
"Do not redraw, when running macros.. lazyredraw
set lz
"Change buffer - without saving
set hid
"Set backspace
set backspace=eol,start,indent
"Bbackspace and cursor keys wrap to
set whichwrap+=<,>,h,l
"Ignore case when searching
"set ignorecase
set incsearch
"Set magic on
set magic
"No sound on errors.
set noerrorbells
set novisualbell
set t_vb=
"show matching bracet
set showmatch
"How many tenths of a second to blink
set mat=4
"Highlight search thing
set hlsearch
" => Statusline
"Format the statusline
" Nice statusbar
set laststatus=2
set statusline=
set statusline+=%2*%-3.3n%0*\ " buffer number
set statusline+=%f\ " file name
set statusline+=%h%1*%m%r%w%0* " flag
set statusline+=[
if v:version >= 600
set statusline+=%{strlen(&ft)?&ft:'none'}, " filetype
set statusline+=%{&encoding}, " encoding
set statusline+=%{&fileformat}] " file format
if filereadable(expand("$VIM/vimfiles/plugin/vimbuddy.vim"))
set statusline+=\ %{VimBuddy()} " vim buddy
set statusline+=%= " right align
set statusline+=%2*0x%-8B\ " current char
set statusline+=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %<%P " offset
" special statusbar for special window
if has("autocmd")
au FileType qf
\ if &buftype == "quickfix" |
\ setlocal statusline=%2*%-3.3n%0* |
\ setlocal statusline+=\ \[Compiler\ Messages\] |
\ setlocal statusline+=%=%2*\ %<%P |
\ endif
fun! FixMiniBufExplorerTitle()
if "-MiniBufExplorer-" == bufname("%")
setlocal statusline=%2*%-3.3n%0*
setlocal statusline+=\[Buffers\]
setlocal statusline+=%=%2*\ %<%P
if v:version>=600
au BufWinEnter *
\ let oldwinnr=winnr() |
\ windo call FixMiniBufExplorerTitle() |
\ exec oldwinnr . " wincmd w"
" Nice window title
if has('title') && (has('gui_running') || &title)
set titlestring=
set titlestring+=%f\ " file name
set titlestring+=%h%m%r%w " flag
set titlestring+=\ -\ %{v:progname} " program name
" => Moving around and tab
"Map space to / and c-space to ?
map /
"Smart way to move btw. window
map j
map k
map h
map l
"Actually, the tab does not switch buffers, but my arrow
"Bclose function ca be found in "Buffer related" section
map bd :Bclose
map bd
"Use the arrows to something usefull
map :bn
map :bp
"Tab configuration
map tn :tabnew %
map tc :tabclose
map tm :tabmove
if v:version>=700
set switchbuf=usetab
if exists("&showtabline")
set stal=2
"Moving fast to front, back and 2 sides ;)
imap $a
imap 0i
imap $a
imap 0i
" => General Autocommand
"Switch to current dir
map cd :cd %:p:h
" => Parenthesis/bracket expanding
vnoremap $1 `>a)`
vnoremap $2 `>a]`
vnoremap $3 `>a}`
vnoremap $$ `>a"`
vnoremap $q `>a'`
vnoremap $w `>a"`
imap la
imap ha
"Map auto complete of (, ", ', [
" => General Abbrev
"Comment for C like language
if has("autocmd")
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.js,*.htc,*.c,*.tmpl,*.css ino $c /** **/O
"My information
ia xdate =strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S")
"iab xname Amir Salihefendic
" => Editing mappings etc.
"Remap VIM 0
map 0 ^
"Move a line of text using control
nmap mz:m+`z
nmap mz:m-2`z
vmap :m'>+`mzgv`yo`z
vmap :m'<-2`>my`
if MySys() == "mac"
" => Command-line config
func! Cwd()
let cwd = getcwd()
return "e " . cwd
func! DeleteTillSlash()
let g:cmd = getcmdline()
if MySys() == "unix" || MySys() == "mac"
let g:cmd_edited = substitute(g:cmd, "(.*[/]).*", " ", "")
let g:cmd_edited = substitute(g:cmd, "(.*[\]).*", " ", "")
if g:cmd == g:cmd_edited
if MySys() == "unix" || MySys() == "mac"
let g:cmd_edited = substitute(g:cmd, "(.*[/]).*/", " ", "")
let g:cmd_edited = substitute(g:cmd, "(.*[\]).*[\]", " ", "")
return g:cmd_edited
func! CurrentFileDir(cmd)
return a:cmd . " " . expand("%:p:h") . "/"
"cno $q eDeleteTillSlash()
"cno $c e eCurrentFileDir("e")
"cno $tc eCurrentFileDir("tabnew")
cno $th tabnew ~/
cno $td tabnew ~/Desktop/
"Bash like
" => Buffer realted
"Fast open a buffer by search for a name
"map :sb
"Open a dummy buffer for paste
map q :e ~/buffer
"Restore cursor to file position in previous editing session
set viminfo='10,"100,:20,%,n~/.viminfo
" Buffer - reverse everything ... :)
map ggVGg?
" => Files and backup
"Turn backup off
set nobackup
set nowb
"set noswapfile
" => Folding
"Enable folding, I find it very useful
if exists("&foldenable")
set fen
if exists("&foldlevel")
set fdl=0
" => Text option
" python script
"set expandtab
set shiftwidth=2
set softtabstop=2
set tabstop=2
set backspace=2
set smarttab
set lbr
"set tw=500
" => Indent
"Auto indent
set ai
"Smart indet
set si
"C-style indenting
set cindent
"Wrap line
set wrap
" => Spell checking
map sn ]
map sp [
map sa zg
map s? z=
" => Plugin configuration
" => Yank Ring
map y :YRShow
" => File explorer
"Split vertically
let g:explVertical=1
"Window size
let g:explWinSize=35
let g:explSplitLeft=1
let g:explSplitBelow=1
"Hide some file
let g:explHideFiles='^.,.*.class$,.*.swp$,.*.pyc$,.*.swo$,.DS_Store$'
"Hide the help thing..
let g:explDetailedHelp=0
" => Minibuffer
let g:miniBufExplModSelTarget = 1
let g:miniBufExplorerMoreThanOne = 0
let g:miniBufExplModSelTarget = 0
let g:miniBufExplUseSingleClick = 1
let g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavVim = 1
let g:miniBufExplVSplit = 25
let g:miniBufExplSplitBelow=1
map :WMToggle
let g:bufExplorerSortBy = "name"
" => Tag list (ctags) - not used
"let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = "/sw/bin/ctags-exuberant"
"let Tlist_Sort_Type = "name"
"let Tlist_Show_Menu = 1
"map t :Tlist
map :Tlist
" => LaTeX Suite thing
"set grepprg=grep -r -s -n
let g:Tex_DefaultTargetFormat="pdf"
let g:Tex_ViewRule_pdf='xpdf'
if has("autocmd")
au BufRead *.tex map :w! :silent! call Tex_RunLaTeX()
"Auto complete some things ;)
au BufRead *.tex ino $i indent
au BufRead *.tex ino $* cdot
au BufRead *.tex ino $i item
au BufRead *.tex ino $m []O
" => Filetype generic
" => Todo
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.todo so ~/vim_local/syntax/amido.vim
" => VIM
if has("autocmd") && v:version>600
au BufRead,BufNew *.vim map :w!:source %
" => HTML related
" HTML entities - used by xml edit plugin
let xml_use_xhtml = 1
"let xml_no_auto_nesting = 1
let html_use_css = 0
let html_number_lines = 0
let use_xhtml = 1
" => Ruby & PHP section
" => Python section
""Run the current buffer in python - ie. on leader+space
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.py so ~/vim_local/syntax/python.vim
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.py map :w!:!python %
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.py so ~/vim_local/plugin/python_fold.vim
""Set some bindings up for 'compile' of python
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.py set makeprg=python -c "import py_compile,sys; sys.stderr=sys.stdout; py_compile.compile(r'%')"
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.py set efm=%C %.%#,%A File "%f", line %l%.%#,%Z%[%^ ]%@=%m
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.py nmap :w!:make
""Python iMap
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.py set cindent
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.py ino $r return
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.py ino $s self
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.py ino $c ####kla
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.py ino $i import
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.py ino $p print
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.py ino $d """"""O
""Run in the Python interpreter
"function! Python_Eval_VSplit() range
" let src = tempname()
" let dst = tempname()
" execute ": " . a:firstline . "," . a:lastline . "w " . src
" execute ":!python " . src . " > " . dst
" execute ":pedit! " . dst
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.py vmap :call Python_Eval_VSplit()
" => Cheetah section
" => Java section
" => JavaScript section
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.js so ~/vim_local/syntax/javascript.vim
"function! JavaScriptFold()
" set foldmethod=marker
" set foldmarker={,}
" set foldtext=getline(v:foldstart)
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.js call JavaScriptFold()
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.js imap console.log();hi
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.js imap alert();hi
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.js set nocindent
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.js ino $r return
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.js ino $d //////ka
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.js ino $c /****/ka
if has("eval") && has("autocmd")
"vim 5.8.9 on mingw donot know what is , so I avoid to use function
fun! Abbrev_cpp()
ia cci const_iterator
ia ccl cla
ia cco const
ia cdb bug
ia cde throw
ia cdf /** file/
ia cdg ingroup
ia cdn /** Namespace /
ia cdp param
ia cdt test
ia cdx /**/
ia cit iterator
ia cns Namespace ianamespace
ia cpr protected
ia cpu public
ia cpv private
ia csl std::list
ia csm std::map
ia css std::string
ia csv std::vector
ia cty typedef
ia cun using Namespace ianamespace
ia cvi virtual
ia #i #include
ia #d #define
fun! Abbrev_java()
ia #i import
ia #p System.out.println
ia #m public static void main(String[] args)
fun! Abbrev_python()
ia #i import
ia #p print
ia #m if __name__=="__main":
augroup abbreviation
au FileType cpp,c :call Abbrev_cpp()
au FileType java :call Abbrev_java()
au FileType python :call Abbrev_python()
augroup END
" => MISC
"Remove the Windows ^M
noremap m :%s/r//g
"Paste toggle - when pasting something in, don't indent.
"set pastetoggle=
"Remove indenting on empty line
map :%s/\s*$//g:noh''
"Super paste
ino :set pastemui+mv'uV'v=:set nopaste
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Maintainer: amix the lucky stiff " - amix@amix.dk " " Version: 3.3 - 21/01/10 01:05:46 " " Blog_post: " blog/post/19486#The-ultimate-vim-configuration-vimrc " Syntax_highlighted: " vim/vimrc.html " Raw_version: " vim/vimrc.txt " " How_to_Install: " $ mkdir ~/.vim_runtime " $ svn co svn://orangoo.com/vim ~/.vim_runtime " $ cat ~/.vim_runtime/install.sh " $ sh ~/.vim_runtime/install.sh " can be `mac`, `linux` or `windows` " " How_to_Upgrade: " $ svn update ~/.vim_runtime " " Sections: " -> General " -> VIM user interface " -> Colors and Fonts " -> Files and backups " -> Text, tab and indent related " -> Visual mode related " -> Command mode related " -> Moving around, tabs and buffers " -> Statusline " -> Parenthesis/bracket expanding " -> General Abbrevs " -> Editing mappings " " -> Cope " -> Minibuffer plugin " -> Omni complete functions " -> Python section " -> JavaScript section " " Plugins_Included: " > minibufexpl.vim - " Makes it easy to get an overview of buffers: " info -> :e ~/.vim_runtime/plugin/minibufexpl.vim " " > bufexplorer - " Makes it easy to switch between buffers: " info -> :help bufExplorer " " > yankring.vim - " Emacs's killring, useful when using the clipboard: " info -> :help yankring " " > surround.vim - " Makes it easy to work with surrounding text: " info -> :help surround " " > snipMate.vim - " Snippets for many languages (similar to TextMate's): " info -> :help snipMate " " > fuzzyfinder - " Find files fast (similar to TextMate's feature): " info -> :help fuzzyfinder@en " " Revisions: " > 3.3: Added syntax highlighting for Mako mako.vim " > 3.2: Turned on python_highlight_all for better syntax " highlighting for Python " > 3.1: Added revisions ;) and bufexplorer.vim " """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => General """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Sets how many lines of history VIM has to remember set history=300
" Enable filetype plugin filetype plugin on filetype indent on
" Set to auto read when a file is changed from the outside set autoread
" With a map leader it's possible to do extra key combinations " like w saves the current file let mapleader = "," let g:mapleader = ","
" Fast saving nmap w :w!
" Fast editing of the .vimrc map e :e! ~/.vim_runtime/vimrc
" When vimrc is edited, reload it autocmd! bufwritepost vimrc source ~/.vim_runtime/vimrc
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => VIM user interface """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Set 7 lines to the curors - when moving vertical.. set so=7
set wildmenu "Turn on WiLd menu
set ruler "Always show current position
set cmdheight=2 "The commandbar height
set hid "Change buffer - without saving
" Set backspace config set backspace=eol,start,indent set whichwrap+=<,>,h,l
set ignorecase "Ignore case when searching
set hlsearch "Highlight search things
set incsearch "Make search act like search in modern browsers
set magic "Set magic on, for regular expressions
set showmatch "Show matching bracets when text indicator is over them set mat=2 "How many tenths of a second to blink
" No sound on errors set noerrorbells set novisualbell set t_vb=
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => Colors and Fonts """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" syntax enable "Enable syntax hl
" Set font according to system if MySys() == "mac" set gfn=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono:h13 set shell=/bin/bash elseif MySys() == "windows" set gfn=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono:h10 elseif MySys() == "linux" set gfn=Monospace\ 10 set shell=/bin/bash endif
if has("gui_running") set guioptions-=T set background=dark set t_Co=256 set background=dark colorscheme peaksea
set nu else colorscheme zellner set background=dark set nonu endif
set encoding=utf8 try lang en_US catch endtry
set ffs=unix,dos,mac "Default file types
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => Files and backups """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Turn backup off, since most stuff is in SVN, git anyway... set nobackup set nowb set noswapfile
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => Text, tab and indent related """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" set expandtab set shiftwidth=4 set tabstop=4 set smarttab
set lbr set tw=500
set ai "Auto indent set si "Smart indet set wrap "Wrap lines
map t2 :setlocal shiftwidth=2 map t4 :setlocal shiftwidth=4 map t8 :setlocal shiftwidth=4
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => Visual mode related """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Really useful! " In visual mode when you press * or # to search for the current selection vnoremap * :call VisualSearch('f') vnoremap # :call VisualSearch('b')
" When you press gv you vimgrep after the selected text vnoremap gv :call VisualSearch('gv') map g :vimgrep // **/*.
function! CmdLine(str) exe "menu Foo.Bar :" . a:str emenu Foo.Bar unmenu Foo endfunction
" From an idea by Michael Naumann function! VisualSearch(direction) range let l:saved_reg = @" execute "normal! vgvy"
let l:pattern = escape(@", '\\/.*$^~[]') let l:pattern = substitute(l:pattern, "\n$", "", "")
if a:direction == 'b' execute "normal ?" . l:pattern . "^M" elseif a:direction == 'gv' call CmdLine("vimgrep " . '/'. l:pattern . '/' . ' **/*.') elseif a:direction == 'f' execute "normal /" . l:pattern . "^M" endif
let @/ = l:pattern let @" = l:saved_reg endfunction
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => Command mode related """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Smart mappings on the command line cno $h e ~/ cno $d e ~/Desktop/ cno $j e ./ cno $c e eCurrentFileDir("e")<cr>
" $q is super useful when browsing on the command line cno $q eDeleteTillSlash()
" Bash like keys for the command line cnoremap cnoremap cnoremap
cnoremap cnoremap
" Useful on some European keyboards map ½ $ imap ½ $ vmap ½ $ cmap ½ $
func! Cwd() let cwd = getcwd() return "e " . cwd endfunc
func! DeleteTillSlash() let g:cmd = getcmdline() if MySys() == "linux" || MySys() == "mac" let g:cmd_edited = substitute(g:cmd, "\\(.*\[/\]\\).*", "\\1", "") else let g:cmd_edited = substitute(g:cmd, "\\(.*\[\\\\]\\).*", "\\1", "") endif if g:cmd == g:cmd_edited if MySys() == "linux" || MySys() == "mac" let g:cmd_edited = substitute(g:cmd, "\\(.*\[/\]\\).*/", "\\1", "") else let g:cmd_edited = substitute(g:cmd, "\\(.*\[\\\\\]\\).*\[\\\\\]", "\\1", "") endif endif return g:cmd_edited endfunc
func! CurrentFileDir(cmd) return a:cmd . " " . expand("%:p:h") . "/" endfunc
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => Moving around, tabs and buffers """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Map space to / (search) and c-space to ? (backgwards search) map / map ? map :noh
" Smart way to move btw. windows map j map k map h map l
" Close the current buffer map bd :Bclose
" Close all the buffers map ba :1,300 bd!
" Use the arrows to something usefull map :bn map :bp
" Tab configuration map tn :tabnew % map te :tabedit map tc :tabclose map tm :tabmove
" When pressing cd switch to the directory of the open buffer map cd :cd %:p:h
command! Bclose call BufcloseCloseIt() function! BufcloseCloseIt() let l:currentBufNum = bufnr("%") let l:alternateBufNum = bufnr("#")
if buflisted(l:alternateBufNum) buffer # else bnext endif
if bufnr("%") == l:currentBufNum new endif
if buflisted(l:currentBufNum) execute("bdelete! ".l:currentBufNum) endif endfunction
" Specify the behavior when switching between buffers try set switchbuf=usetab set stal=2 catch endtry
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => Statusline """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Always hide the statusline set laststatus=2
" Format the statusline set statusline=\ %F%m%r%h\ %w\ \ CWD:\ %r%{CurDir()}%h\ \ \ Line:\ %l/%L:%c
function! CurDir() let curdir = substitute(getcwd(), '/Users/amir/', "~/", "g") return curdir endfunction
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => Parenthesis/bracket expanding """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" vnoremap $1 `>a)` vnoremap $2 `>a]` vnoremap $3 `>a}` vnoremap $$ `>a"<esc>`" vnoremap $q `>a'` vnoremap $e `>a"<esc>`"
" Map auto complete of (, ", ', [ inoremap $1 ()i inoremap $2 []i inoremap $3 {}i inoremap $4 {o}O inoremap $q ''i inoremap $e ""i
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => General Abbrevs """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" iab xdate =strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S")<cr>
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => Editing mappings """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "Remap VIM 0 map 0 ^
"Move a line of text using ALT+[jk] or Comamnd+[jk] on mac nmap mz:m+`z nmap mz:m-2`z vmap :m'>+`mzgv`yo`z vmap :m'<-2`>my` if MySys() == "mac" nmap nmap vmap vmap endif
"Delete trailing white space, useful for Python ;) func! DeleteTrailingWS() exe "normal mz" %s/\s\+$//ge exe "normal `z" endfunc autocmd BufWrite *.py :call DeleteTrailingWS()
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => Cope """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Do :help cope if you are unsure what cope is. It's super useful! map cc :botright cope map n :cn map p :cp
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => bufExplorer plugin """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" let g:bufExplorerDefaultHelp=0 let g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath=1
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => Minibuffer plugin """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" let g:miniBufExplModSelTarget = 1 let g:miniBufExplorerMoreThanOne = 2 let g:miniBufExplModSelTarget = 0 let g:miniBufExplUseSingleClick = 1 let g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavVim = 1 let g:miniBufExplVSplit = 25 let g:miniBufExplSplitBelow=1
let g:bufExplorerSortBy = "name"
autocmd BufRead,BufNew :call UMiniBufExplorer
map u :TMiniBufExplorer:TMiniBufExplorer
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => Omni complete functions """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" autocmd FileType css set omnifunc=csscomplete#CompleteCSS
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => Spell checking """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "Pressing ,ss will toggle and untoggle spell checking map ss :setlocal spell!
"Shortcuts using map sn ]s map sp [s map sa zg map s? z=
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => Python section """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" au FileType python set nocindent let python_highlight_all = 1 au FileType python syn keyword pythonDecorator True None False self
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.jinja set syntax=htmljinja au BufNewFile,BufRead *.mako set ft=mako
au FileType python inoremap $r return au FileType python inoremap $i import au FileType python inoremap $p print au FileType python inoremap $f #--- PH ----------------------------------------------FP2xi au FileType python map 1 /class au FileType python map 2 /def au FileType python map C ?class au FileType python map D ?def
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => JavaScript section """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" au FileType javascript call JavaScriptFold() au FileType javascript setl fen au FileType javascript setl nocindent
au FileType javascript imap AJS.log();hi au FileType javascript imap alert();hi
au FileType javascript inoremap $r return au FileType javascript inoremap $f //--- PH ----------------------------------------------FP2xi
function! JavaScriptFold() setl foldmethod=syntax setl foldlevelstart=1 syn region foldBraces start=/{/ end=/}/ transparent fold keepend extend
function! FoldText() return substitute(getline(v:foldstart), '{.*', '{...}', '') endfunction setl foldtext=FoldText() endfunction
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => Fuzzy finder """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" try call fuf#defineLaunchCommand('FufCWD', 'file', 'fnamemodify(getcwd(), ''%:p:h'')') map t :FufCWD **/ catch endtry
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => Vim grep """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" let Grep_Skip_Dirs = 'RCS CVS SCCS .svn generated' set grepprg=/bin/grep\ -nH
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " => MISC """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Remove the Windows ^M - when the encodings gets messed up noremap m mmHmt:%s///ge'tzt'm
"Quickly open a buffer for scripbble map q :e ~/buffer
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