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分类: 虚拟化

2014-10-15 15:58:20

Enterprise Linux 7.0 中,virtio-blk-data-plane I/O 虚拟化功能是作为技术预览使用。这个功能将 QEMU 扩展至在为 I/O 性能优化的专用线程中执行磁盘 I/O。

?PCI 桥接

之前 QEMU 最多可支持 32 个 PCI 插槽。Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 采用 PCI 桥接技术,可让用户配置 32 个以上的 PCI 设备。注:不支持桥接后的设备热插拔。

?QEMU 沙箱

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 使用内核系统调用过滤加强 KVM 虚拟化安全性,这提高了主机系统与虚拟机之间的独立性。

?支持 QEMU 虚拟 CPU 热添加

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 中的 QEMU 提供虚拟 CPU(vCPU)热添加支持。可在运行的虚拟机中添加虚拟 CPU(vCPUS)以满足与负载关联的负载要求或者保持服务等级协议(SLA)。注:只在使用 pc-i440fx-rhel7.0.0 机器类型的虚拟机中支持 vCPU 热插拔,这是 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 中的默认机器类型。

?多队列 NIC

多队列 virtio_net 提供更好的可延伸性。每个虚拟 CPU 都有独立的传输或者接收队列以及可在不影响其他虚拟 CPU 的情况下使用的独立中断。

?多队列 virtio_scsi

多队列 virtio_net 提供更好的可延伸性。每个虚拟 CPU 都有独立的队列以及可在不影响其他虚拟 CPU 的情况下使用的独立中断。

?实时迁移的页面 Delta 压缩

已通过压缩虚拟机内存页并减小传输的迁移数据大小提高 KVM 实时迁移功能。这个功能可让迁移至集合更迅速。

?KVM 中的 HyperV 启示

已使用多个微软 Hyper-V 功能更新了 KVM,例如:支持内存管理单元(MMU)和虚拟中断控制程序。微软在虚拟机和主机之间提供半虚拟 API,通过在主机中使用这个功能的一部分,并根据微软的说明对其进行控制,微软 Windows 虚拟机就可以提高其性能。

?高带宽 I/O的 EOI 加速

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 在高级可编程中断控制程序(APIC)中使用 Intel 和 AMD 的改进加速中断结束(EOI)处理。对于老的芯片组来说,Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 为 EOI 加速提供了半虚拟化选项。

?KVM 虚拟机的 USB 3.0 支持

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 通过添加 USB 3.0 主机适配器(xHCI)模拟作为技术预览提供改进的 USB 支持。

?Windows 8 和 Windows Server 2012 虚拟机支持

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 支持在 KVM 虚拟机中运行的微软 Windows 8 和 Windows Server 2012 虚拟机。

?QEMU 虚拟机的 I/O 节流

这个功能为 QEMU 虚拟机块设备提供 I/O节流。I/O 节流会延缓 I/O 内存请求的处理。这样会延迟系统但可防止其死机。注:不能节流数据层。


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 更好地整合了膨胀和透明大页面。可移除并压缩膨胀页面使其成为大页面。


可为虚拟机配置一个新设备 virtio-rng,它可让虚拟机使用主机的熵。默认情况下,这个信息来自主机的 /dev/random 文件,但主机中可用的硬件随机号码生成程序(RNG)也可作为来源使用。

?桥接零复制传输(Bridge Zero Copy Transmit)

桥接零复制传输是提高 CPU 处理大量信息的性能特点。这个桥接零复制传输功能提高了虚拟机在使用桥接时的外出流量性能。


支持从 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 主机到 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 主机的实时迁移。

?qemu-kvm 中的丢弃支持

在域的 XML 定义的 元素中添加 discard='unmap' 后,就可以在虚拟机中使用 fstrim 或者 mount -o discard 命令的丢弃支持。例如:

  1. type='file'device='disk'>
  2. name='qemu'type='raw'discard='unmap'/>
  3. file='/var/lib/libvirt/images/vm1.img'>
  4. ...


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 支持 NVIDA 专业系列显示设备(GRID 和 Quadro)的设备分配作为模拟 VGA 的第二图形设备。

?半虚拟 Ticketlock

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 支持半虚拟 ticketlocks(pvticketlocks)以提高在过度使用 CPU 的 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 主机中运行的 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 虚拟机性能。

?处理分配的 PCIe 设备出错

如果在将使用高级出错报告(Advanced Error Reporting,AER)的 PCIe 分配给虚拟机时出错,则受到影响的虚拟机会关机,但不影响其他正在运行的虚拟机或者主机。该设备的主机驱动程序从错误中恢复后就可以让该虚拟机重新运行。

?Q35 芯片组,PCI 快速总线以及 AHCI 总线模拟

Q35 机型需要 KVM 虚拟机中的 PCI 快速总线支持,它是作为技术预览在 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 中提供。包含 AHCI 总线也只能在 Q35 机型中使用,同样也是技术预览。

?基于 VFIO 的 PCI 设备分配

虚拟功能 I/O(VFIO)用户空间驱动程序界面为 KVM 虚拟机提供改进的 PCI 设备分配解决方案。VFIO 提供内核级设备分离强化,提高设备访问的安全性,并与安全引导等功能兼容。VFIO 替换了 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 中使用的 KVM 设备分配机制。

?Intel VT-d 大页面

在 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 的 KVM 虚拟机中使用虚拟功能 I/O(VFIO)设备分配时,使用 2MB 页面作为输入/输出内存管理单位(IOMMU),因此可减少 I/O 操作的转译后备缓存(translation lookaside buffer ,TLB)的消耗。计划在 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 中提供 1GB 页面支持。VT-d 大页面功能支持目前仅限于 Intel 的平台。

?KVM 时钟获取时间性能

在 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 中加强了 vsyscall 机制以支持 KVM 虚拟机更迅速地从用户控件读取时钟。Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 主机中运行的 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 虚拟机可体验到经常读取时间的应用程序的性能提高。

?图像格式的 QCOW2 版本 3

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 添加对图像格式的 QCOW2 版本 3 的支持




已将 KVM 实时迁移功能改进为支持线程处理。


目前 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 支持为新字符设备热插拔新串行端口。

?模拟 AMD Opteron G5

KVM 现在可以模拟 AMD Opteron G5 处理器。

?在 KVM 虚拟机中支持新的 Intel 指令

KVM 虚拟机可以使用 Intel 22nm 处理器支持的新指令。这些包括:

  • 浮点乘加器,
  • 256 位整数向量,
  • 大端移动指令(MOVBE)支持,
  • 或者 HLE/HLE+。

?VPC 和 VHDX 文件格式

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 中的 KVM 包括对微软虚拟 PC(VPC)和微软 Hyper-V 虚拟硬盘(VHDX)文件格式的支持。

?libguestfs 新功能

libguestfs 是一组访问和修改虚拟机磁盘映像的工具。Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 中的libguestfs 包括大量改进,最主要的包括:

  • 使用 SELinux 或者 sVirt 包含的安全虚拟化,保证加强针对恶意和畸形磁盘映像的安全性。
  • 可检查和修改远程磁盘,最开始是使用网络块设备(NBD)。
  • 在某些程序中可进行磁盘热插拔以便获得更好的性能。

?WHQL 认证的 virtio-win 驱动程序

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 包括用于最新微软 Windows 虚拟机,即 Microsoft Window 8, 8.1, 2012 和 2012 R2 的 Windows 硬件质量实验室(WHQL)认证的 virtio-win 驱动程序。


Host and Guest Panic Notification in KVM

A new pvpanic virtual device can be wired into the virtualization stack such that a guest panic can cause libvirt to send a notification event to management applications.
pvpanic 设备可以添加到虚拟机,如果 guest panic 会触发libvirt发送通知给管理程序。
As opposed to the kdump mechanism, pvpanic does not need to reserve memory in the guest kernel. It is not needed to install any dependency packages in the guest. Also, the dumping procedure of pvpanic is host-controlled, therefore the guest only cooperates to a minimal extent.
To configure the panic mechanism, place the following snippet into the Domain XML devices element, by running virsh edit to open and edit the XML file:

After specifying the following snippet, the crashed domain's core will be dumped. If the domain is restarted, it will use the same configuration settings.

Power Management

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 provides a virtual power management capability to suspend and resume a virtual machine. Both ACPI S3 (Suspend-to-RAM) and S4 (Suspend-to-Disk) power states can be advertised to virtual machines using this capability. Enhancements are also made to the kernel to ensure Red Hat Enterprise Linux used as a guest suspends and resumes properly. This functionality is available in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 as a Technology Preview.
通过虚拟电源管理 支持挂起和恢复虚拟机。
?Improved Block I/O Performance Using virtio-blk-data-plane
In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, the virtio-blk-data-plane I/O virtualization functionality is available as a Technology Preview. This functionality extends QEMU to perform disk I/O in a dedicated thread that is optimized for I/O performance.

PCI Bridge

QEMU previously supported only up to 32 PCI slots. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 features PCI Bridge as a Technology Preview. This functionality allows users to configure more than 32 PCI devices. Note that hot plugging of devices behind the bridge is not supported.

QEMU Sandboxing

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 features enhanced KVM virtualization security through the use of kernel system call filtering, which improves isolation between the host system and the guest.
增强虚拟化安全,通过使用kernel 系统调用过滤,增强主机和guest的独立性

QEMU Virtual CPU Hot Add Support

QEMU in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 features virtual CPU (vCPU) hot add support. Virtual CPUs (vCPUs) can be added to a running virtual machine in order to meet either the workload's demands or to maintain the Service Level Agreement (SLA) associated with the workload. Note that vCPU hot plug is only supported on virtual machines using the pc-i440fx-rhel7.0.0 machine type, the default machine type on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.

Multiple Queue NICs

Multiple queue virtio_net provides better scalability; each virtual CPU can have a separate transmit or receive queue and separate interrupts that it can use without influencing other virtual CPUs. Note that this feature is only supported on Linux guests.
virtio_net 支持多队列,每个cpu有分离的收发队列,独立的中断,不影响其他虚拟cpu。只有linux guests可用该特性

Multiple Queue virtio_scsi

Multiple queue virtio_scsi provides better scalability; each virtual CPU can have a separate queue and interrupts that it can use without influencing other virtual CPUs. Note that this feature is only supported on Linux guests.
多队列virtio_scsi,特性同virtio_net。只有linux guests可用该特性

Page Delta Compression for Live Migration

The KVM live migration feature has been improved by compressing the guest memory pages and reducing the size of the transferred migration data. This feature allows the migration to converge faster.
改进 kvm动态迁移,通过压缩guest os的内存页,降低了传输的数据量。该特性允许快速聚合迁移。

HyperV Enlightenment in KVM

KVM has been updated with several Microsoft Hyper-V functions; for example, support for Memory Management Unit (MMU) and Virtual Interrupt Controller. Microsoft provides a para-virtualized API between the guest and the host, and by implementing parts of this functionality on the host, and exposing it according to Microsoft specifications, Microsoft Windows guests can improve their performance. Note that these functions are not enabled by default.
kvm 增加了部分?HyperV 功能,例如,支持mmu 和虚拟终端控制器。微软在host和guest之间提供了并行虚拟API,通过在主机执行部分功能,windows的guests可以提升性能,这些功能过去并不支持。

EOI Acceleration for High Bandwidth I/O

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 utilizes Intel and AMD enhancements to Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (APIC) to accelerate end of interrupt (EOI) processing. For older chipsets, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 provides para-virtualization options for EOI acceleration.

USB 3.0 Support for KVM Guests

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 features improved USB support by adding USB 3.0 host adapter (xHCI) emulation as a Technology Preview.
kvm guests 支持usb3.0

Microsoft Windows and Windows Server Guest Support

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 supports Microsoft Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2012 R2 guests running inside KVM virtual machines.
kvm支持运行Microsoft Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012,Windows Server 2012 R2

I/O Throttling for QEMU Guests

This feature provides I/O throttling, or limits, for QEMU guests' block devices. I/O throttling slows down the processing of disk I/O requests. This slows down one guest disk to reserve I/O bandwidth for other tasks on host. Note that currently it is not possible to throttle virtio-blk-data-plane devices.

Integration of Ballooning and Transparent Huge Pages

Ballooning and transparent huge pages are better integrated in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. Balloon pages can be moved and compacted so they can become huge pages.

Pulling System Entropy from Host

A new device, virtio-rng, can be configured for guests, which will make entropy available to guests from the host. By default, this information is sourced from the host's /dev/random file, but hardware random number generators (RNGs) available on hosts can be used as the source as well.
新设备 virtio-rng 使用硬随机数

Bridge Zero Copy Transmit

Bridge zero-copy transmit is a performance feature to improve CPU processing of large messages. The bridge zero-copy transmit feature improves performance from guest to external traffic when using a bridge. Note that this function is disabled by default.

Live Migration Support

Live migration of a guest from a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 host to a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 host is supported.
支持从Red Hat6.5动态迁移到Red Hat7

Discard Support in qemu-kvm

Discard support, using the fstrim or mount -o discard command, works on a guest after adding discard='unmap' to the element in the domain's XML definition. For example:


NVIDIA GPU Device Assignment

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 supports device assignment of NVIDIA professional series graphics devices (GRID and Quadro) as a secondary graphics device to emulated VGA.
支持将 NVIDIA 显卡(GRID and Quadro)作为 仿真vga的2级显示设备???--不明白是什么意思

Para-Virtualized Ticketlocks

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 supports para-virtualized ticketlocks (pvticketlocks) that improve performance of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 guest virtual machines running over Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 hosts with oversubscribed CPUs.

Error Handling on Assigned PCIe Devices

If a PCIe device with Advanced Error Reporting (AER) encounters an error while assigned to a guest, the affected guest is brought down without impacting any other running guests or the host. The guests can be brought back up after the host driver for the device recovers from the error.

Q35 Chipset, PCI Express Bus and AHCI Bus Emulation

The Q35 machine type, required for PCI express bus support in KVM guest virtual machines, is available as a Technology Preview in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. An AHCI bus is only supported for inclusion with the Q35 machine type and is also available as a Technology Preview Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.

VFIO-based PCI Device Assignment

The Virtual Function I/O (VFIO) user-space driver interface provides KVM guest virtual machines with an improved PCI device assignment solution. VFIO provides kernel-level enforcement of device isolation, improves security of device access and is compatible with features such as secure boot. VFIO replaces the KVM device assignment mechanism used in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.

Intel VT-d Large Pages

When using Virtual Function I/O (VFIO) device assignment with a KVM guest virtual machine on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, 1GB pages are used by the input/output memory management unit (IOMMU), thus reducing translation lookaside buffer (TLB) overhead for I/O operations. 2MB and 1GB page sizes are supported. The VT-d large pages feature is only supported on certain more recent Intel-based platforms.

KVM Clock Get Time Performance

In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 the vsyscall mechanism was enhanced to support fast reads of the clock from the user space for KVM guests. A guest virtual machine running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 host will see improved performance for applications that read the time of day frequently.

QCOW2 Version 3 Image Format

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 adds support for the QCOW2 version 3 Image Format.

Improved Live Migration Statistics

Information about live migration is now available to analyze and tune performance. Improved statistics include: total time, expected downtime, and bandwidth being used.

Live Migration Thread

The KVM live migration feature now uses its own thread. As a result, the guest performance is virtually not impacted by migration.

Hot Plugging of Character Devices and Serial Ports

Hot plugging new serial ports with new character devices is now supported in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.

Emulation of AMD Opteron G5

KVM is now able to emulate AMD Opteron G5 processors.

Support of New Intel Instructions on KVM Guests

KVM guests can use new instructions supported by Intel 22nm processors. These include:
  • Floating-Point Fused Multiply-Add;
  • 256-bit Integer vectors;
  • big-endian move instruction (MOVBE) support;
  • or HLE/HLE+.

VPC and VHDX File Formats

KVM in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 includes support for the Microsoft Virtual PC (VPC) and Microsoft Hyper-V virtual hard disk (VHDX) file formats. Note that these formats are supported in read-only mode only.

New Features in libguestfs

libguestfs is a set of tools for accessing and modifying virtual machine disk images. libguestfs included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 includes a number of improvements, the most notable of which are the following:
  • Secure Virtualization Using SELinux, or sVirt protection, ensures enhanced security against malicious and malformed disk images.
  • Remote disks can be examined and modified, initially over Network Block Device (NBD).
  • Disks can be hot plugged for better performance in certain applications.

WHQL-Certified virtio-win Drivers

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 includes Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL) certified virtio-win drivers for the latest Microsoft Windows guests, namely Microsoft Windows 8, 8.1, 2012 and 2012 R2.

Host and Guest Panic Notification in KVM

A new pvpanic virtual device can be wired into the virtualization stack such that a guest panic can cause libvirt to send a notification event to management applications.
pvpanic 设备可以添加到虚拟机,如果 guest panic 会触发libvirt发送通知给管理程序。
As opposed to the kdump mechanism, pvpanic does not need to reserve memory in the guest kernel. It is not needed to install any dependency packages in the guest. Also, the dumping procedure of pvpanic is host-controlled, therefore the guest only cooperates to a minimal extent.
To configure the panic mechanism, place the following snippet into the Domain XML devices element, by running virsh edit to open and edit the XML file:

After specifying the following snippet, the crashed domain's core will be dumped. If the domain is restarted, it will use the same configuration settings.

Power Management

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 provides a virtual power management capability to suspend and resume a virtual machine. Both ACPI S3 (Suspend-to-RAM) and S4 (Suspend-to-Disk) power states can be advertised to virtual machines using this capability. Enhancements are also made to the kernel to ensure Red Hat Enterprise Linux used as a guest suspends and resumes properly. This functionality is available in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 as a Technology Preview.
通过虚拟电源管理 支持挂起和恢复虚拟机。

RHEL 7性说明


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