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分类: 嵌入式

2012-02-13 15:29:58

最近看T30传真流程,里面出现了很多类似 CSI DIS DCS 等等的符号,可是这些符号是怎么表示的就没有人说。查了一下资料,原来使用的是HDLC帧格式,但是只知道HDLC还不行,还用到了PostScript这个东东。至于他是怎么表示的,推荐看 PostScript Language File Transmission (PSFT) Specification 这个pdf,里面有说明。下面就是我的笔记。

PostScript是一种编程语言,最适用于列印图像和文字(无论是在纸,胶片或非物质的CRT都可)。用现今的行话讲,它是页面描述语言。  -- 摘自 百度百科

该文档首先举了两个例子 NSF 和 NSS,首先是帧头部分


The FF is the standard HDLC address field, the C0 is a non-final control field, 04 encodes NSF,
B5 encodes the United States, and 00 44  encodes Adobe Systems Incorporated. This company identifier code was assigned by the chairman of EIA/TIA working group TR-29, who is authorized to assign such identifier codes to United States companies.

FF 是HDLC头部,C0表示未结束 控制部分,04 表示 NSF ,B5表示 美国, 00 44 是 adobe公司标示
Note :This document uses the uniform big-endian sequence. Data octets are generally carried to and from telecommunications channels through UARTs, which historically use little-endian sequence within an octet. If you use a standard UART, you may need to assemble and disassemble octets backwards from the way they are shown in this document, or use an octet-reversal table.

这里需要注意的是,该文档统一使用大端序列(学嵌入式的应该都知道),设备间通过 UART进行数据传输,早期的UART使用小端,如果你使用的是标准的UART,就要进行数据转换。

上面是NSS头部,C8表示结束 为控制部分,C4是NSS。


Adobe subframe types are intended to be an expanding set with time, much
as the Facsimile Control Fields of T.30 have been. At this point Adobe has
defined a small set. If an older implementation receives a newer Adobe
subframe type that it does not understand, it uses the subframe length octet to
skip over that ignored subframe. Adobe reserves the right to define all
subframe types in the range [0x00..0xC0]; subframe types outside that range
will not be used in Adobe products, and may be used by Adobe and others on
an uncontrolled experimental basis.


Adobe 子帧类型会随着时间扩展。所以Adobe 定义了一个小的集合。如果旧的设备接收到了新的传真类型,他不能识别,该设备就利用长度字段跳过子帧。Adobe 保留定义所有类型的权利。

The random chance of connecting to a PostScript fax product will be low
until PostScript fax products infiltrate the growing installed base of standard
fax machines. As a result, the Adobe NSF frame will likely be ignored by a
calling standard fax machine. To minimize the duration of the negotiating
protocol, the callee restricts itself to transmitting an NSF frame with no
subframes, until the callee hears an Adobe NSS frame. This process
necessitates an additional NSS/ NSF cycle if the caller wants to attempt
transmission of PostScript language files.

PostScript 传真产品未成为标准传真机设备的growing installed(这句话一直不知道啥意思)前,连接到PostScript 传真产品的几率是很小的。所以 ,NSF 帧几乎被忽略。为最小化传真协议的协商过程,…… 后面的都没什么用。


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