linux 下Qt 3安装qwt插件 版本qwt-4.2.0.tar.bz2 解压之后按其中的INSTALL文件安装 #Builds for Qt 3.x need qmake, that is official part of Qt 3.x. qmake make The designer plugin is available for Qt > 3.x only. You can build and install it with(这个东西编出来在qwt-4.2.0/designer/plugins/designer里生成
cd designer qmake make make install(这个命令把libqwtplugin.so这个插件库安装在QTDIR/plugins/designer/里,等designer运行的时候就会自动加载qwt了)
If you like to build the examples: cd examples qmake make
If you like to run the examples, don't forget to install the qwt libraries or set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the lib directory of your local build.
qwt doesn't distribute binary unix packages. qwt.spec is a template spec file for building rpm packages. Read the comments at the beginning of how to use it.