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  • 博文数量: 64
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  • 博客等级: 民兵
  • 技术积分: 335
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  • 注册时间: 2010-03-26 17:23




2012-04-11 17:05:10

原文地址:RPGLE中的二维数组 作者:pantierui

     D ARRAY           S             20    DIM(4)
     D ARRPOINTER      S               *   INZ(%ADDR(ARRAY))
     D ARROPTROW       DS                  DIM(4) QUALIFIED  BASED(ARRPOINTER)
     D  ARROPTCOL                     4    DIM(5)
     D            S             10    VARYING
     D            S              2  0 INZ
     D            S              2  0 INZ
        FOR TO 4 BY 1;
          FOR TO 5 BY 1;
     C                   SETON                                        LR
     C                   RETURN
Op-Code   Purpose
ACQ       Acquire device
BEGSR     Begin Subroutine 
CALLP     Call Prototyped Procedure or Program 
CHAIN     Retrieve Record by key 
CLEAR     Clear 
CLOSE     Close File 
COMMIT    Commit Database changes 
DEALLOC   Release Dynamically Allocated Storage 
DELETE    Delete Record 
DOU       Do Until 
DOW       Do While 
DSPLY     Display message 
DUMP      Dump Program 
ELSE      Else 
ELSEIF    Else If 
ENDyy     End a Structured Group (where yy = DO, FOR, IF, MON, SL, or SR)
EVAL      Evaluate expression 
EVALR     Evaluate expression and right adjust result
EXCEPT    Perform Exception Output 
EXFMT     Write/Then Read Format from display 
EXSR      Execute Subroutine 
FEOD      Force End of Data 
FOR       For 
FORCE     Force specified file to be read on next Cycle 
IF        If 
IN        Retrieve a Data Area 
ITER      Iterate 
LEAVE     Leave a Do/For Group 
LEAVESR   Leave a Subroutine 
MONITOR   Begin a Monitor Group 
NEXT      Next 
ON-ERROR  Specify errors to handle within MONITOR group 
OPEN      Open File for Processing 
OTHER     Start of default processing for SELECT group 
OUT       Write Data Area 
POST      Post 
READ      Read a record 
READC     Read next changed record 
READE     Read next record with equal Key 
READP     Read prior record 
READPE    Read prior record with equal Key 
REL       Release 
RESET     Reset 
RETURN    Return to Caller 
ROLBK     Roll Back uncommitted database changes 
SELECT    Begin a Select Group 
SETGT     Position database to record with key greater than specified key 
SETLL     Position database to record with key not greater than specified key 
SORTA     Sort an Array 
TEST      Test Date/Time/Timestamp 
UNLOCK    Unlock a Data Area or Release a Record 
UPDATE    Modify Existing Record 
WHEN      Condition test within SELECT group
WRITE     Write New Record 
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