library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity D_CON is port ( MK: in STD_LOGIC; FX :in STD_LOGIC; CON:OUT STD_LOGIC ); end D_CON; architecture sc_arc of D_CON is begin process(FX) begin if FX'event and FX='1'then CON<=MK; end if; end process; end sc_arc;
library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity test_time is port ( clk_i: in STD_LOGIC; clk_25MHz_o : out STD_LOGIC; clk_10MHz_o : out STD_LOGIC; CLK_5Mhz_o: out STD_LOGIC; clk_1MHz_o : out STD_LOGIC; clk_200KHz_o : out STD_LOGIC; clk_1KHz_o : out STD_LOGIC; clk_500Hz_o : out STD_LOGIC; clk_100Hz_o : out STD_LOGIC; clk_10Hz_o : out STD_LOGIC; clk_2Hz_o : out STD_LOGIC; clk_1Hz_o : out STD_LOGIC; clk_2s_o : out STD_LOGIC ); end test_time;
architecture test_time_arch of test_time is signal clk_25MHz,clk_5MHz: STD_LOGIC; signal clk_10MHz : STD_LOGIC; signal clk_1MHz : STD_LOGIC; signal clk_200KHz : STD_LOGIC; signal clk_1KHz : STD_LOGIC; signal clk_500Hz : STD_LOGIC; signal clk_100Hz : STD_LOGIC; signal clk_10Hz : STD_LOGIC; signal clk_2Hz : STD_LOGIC; signal clk_1Hz : STD_LOGIC; signal clk_2s : STD_LOGIC; begin clk_25MHz_o <= clk_25MHz; clk_5MHz_o <= clk_5MHz; clk_10MHz_o <= clk_10MHz; clk_1MHz_o <= clk_1MHz; clk_200KHz_o <= clk_200KHz; clk_1KHz_o <= clk_1KHz; clk_500Hz_o <= clk_500Hz; clk_100Hz_o <= clk_100Hz; clk_2Hz_o <= clk_2Hz; clk_1Hz_o <= clk_1Hz; clk_2s_o <= clk_2s; process( clk_i ) variable t : integer range 0 to 5; begin if ( clk_i 'event and clk_i = '1' ) then if ( t = 1 ) then t := 0; clk_25MHz <= '1'; else t := t + 1; clk_25MHz<='0'; end if; end if; end process;
process( clk_i ) variable t : integer range 0 to 5; begin if ( clk_i 'event and clk_i = '1' ) then if ( t = 4 ) then t := 0; clk_10MHz <= '1'; else t := t + 1; clk_10MHz<='0'; end if; end if; end process;
process( clk_i ) variable t : integer range 0 to 5; begin if ( clk_i 'event and clk_i = '1' ) then if ( t = 9 ) then t := 0; clk_5MHz <= '1'; else t := t + 1; clk_5MHz<='0'; end if; end if; end process;
process( clk_i ) variable t : integer range 0 to 24; begin if ( clk_i 'event and clk_i = '1' ) then if ( t = 24 ) then t := 0; clk_1MHz <= not clk_1MHz; else t := t + 1; end if; end if; end process;
process( clk_1MHz ) variable t : integer range 0 to 499; begin if ( clk_1MHz 'event and clk_1MHz = '1' ) then if ( t = 499 ) then t := 0; clk_1KHz <= not clk_1KHz; else t := t + 1; end if; end if; end process;
process( clk_1MHz ) variable t : integer range 0 to 4; begin if ( clk_1MHz 'event and clk_1MHz = '1' ) then if ( t <3 ) then clk_200KHz <= '0'; else clk_200KHz <= '1'; end if; if ( t = 4 ) then t :=0; else t := t + 1; end if; end if; end process;
process( clk_1KHz ) variable t : integer range 0 to 4; begin if ( clk_1KHz 'event and clk_1KHz = '1' ) then if ( t = 4 ) then t := 0; clk_100Hz <= not clk_100Hz; else t := t + 1; end if; end if; end process;
process( clk_1KHz ) variable t : integer range 0 to 1; begin if ( clk_1KHz 'event and clk_1KHz = '1' ) then if ( t = 1 ) then clk_500Hz <= not clk_500Hz; end if; t := t + 1; end if; end process;
process( clk_100Hz ) variable t : integer range 0 to 4; begin if ( clk_100Hz 'event and clk_100Hz = '1' ) then if ( t = 4 ) then clk_10Hz <= not clk_10Hz; t := 0; else t := t + 1; end if; end if; end process;
process( clk_100Hz ) variable t : integer range 0 to 24; begin if ( clk_100Hz 'event and clk_100Hz = '1' ) then if ( t = 24 ) then clk_2Hz <= not clk_2Hz; t := 0; else t := t + 1; end if; end if; end process; process( clk_2Hz ) variable t : integer range 0 to 1; begin if ( clk_2Hz 'event and clk_2Hz = '1' ) then if ( t = 1 ) then clk_1Hz <= not clk_1Hz; t := 0; else t := t + 1; end if; end if; end process; process( clk_1Hz ) variable t : integer range 0 to 1; begin if ( clk_1Hz 'event and clk_1Hz = '1' ) then if ( t = 1 ) then clk_2s <= not clk_2s; t := 0; else t := t + 1; end if; end if; end process; end test_time_arch;
library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
entity lc_test is port ( clr,fs,door: in STD_LOGIC; freq:out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) ); end lc_test;
architecture corn_arc of lc_test is signal t2: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal fs_test:INTEGER range 0 to 100000000; begin process(fs,clr)-- N1 variable t :std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); begin if(clr='0') then t:=(OTHERS=>'0'); elsif(fs'event and fs='1') then if(door='1') then t:=t+1; --else -- t:=(OTHERS=>'0'); end if; end if; freq<=t; end process; end corn_arc;
library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity suo_frq is port ( en: in STD_LOGIC; data_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); data_o:out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) ); end suo_frq;
architecture sc_arc of suo_frq is begin process(en) begin if en'event and en='1'then data_o<=data_i; end if; end process; end sc_arc;
FLAG_DOWN_OUT是输出管脚,连接到CPU的外部中断管脚,一旦测好一次数据,模块自己产生一个下降沿,使CPU产生外部中断,让CPU从NX_OUT以及NS_OUT这两根32位数据总线把数据读走。这里的CPU既可以是硬核,也可以是软核(例如NIOS II)。最后由CPU计算出频率:
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my等精度测频模块.rar |
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